English Area - English Only - English Area- Only ... +++

But I dun really understand wat an exchange pro means ! R u going to the States and then another American stundent will come to VN ?
Well , a friend of mine , he was in an ex- pro last year . He tell things like they ( the families ) they would host u for free , they provided u with good food and considered u a real part of them . And they let u go to school with their children whom u can call sis or bro ...so on .
All in all , he wished he could go there again !!!
But why dont u think about the UK ? , although the host service is so " ặc ặc " . If u just want to learn E , u can go to some centers like CCES ( in Cambridge , now it is EC ) ...They will let u take part in outside activities ( BBQ , swimming... ) - I think that u guys all know the pro . Actually , the thing that improve ur E most is ur communication in the daily life , not the lessons .
Hey guys , I dun want to see u off too early !!! Yesterday , Cu annouced that he and Tung a2 are going to the UK , MN skipped school for tests , MP a2 doesnt miss any edu info .......... It seems that everyone 's gonna crazy of it !!!
But u r all advancing up , I wish u good luck !+++
To BN , Happy birthday !!! Have u done sthg for it ??? I wonder if this is ur 1st oversi: birthday , so special +++++++++
Mr Tri , r u Ngoc 's bro ? ( if jes ,tell me why it could happen ) .
Phong móm , u r soooo mature so plz tell me sume experiment !!! Which part of the city do u live ( du i live in hostel ? ) ? How ' bout the difficulties , the TV shows and the girls ? We all hope and believe in u cuz u r soooooo mature ( honestly) .
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
well I dont really know about this but it's kinda program in which allows u to live in America for 1 year but as I heard smwhere We can go by this program in only one year then We have to get back to Vn < although it has a very low fee < including the living cost and tuition fee....>
OMG really trang?????? ặc ặc ---> ;;)
I'm considering carefully about going to Britain next year or not coz I've just got 75% scholarship for CTC in 2 year A levels , so give me advice plssss :D
But I dun really understand wat an exchange pro means ! R u going to the States and then another American stundent will come to VN ?
Only u come to their country. Its culture exchange pro
Well , a friend of mine , he was in an ex- pro last year . He tell things like they ( the families ) they would host u for free , they provided u with good food and considered u a real part of them . And they let u go to school with their children whom u can call sis or bro ...so on .
He was very lucky that had a good host family
But why dont u think about the UK ?
Too expensive:(
Hey guys , I dun want to see u off too early
Just because of our education that we have to go, nobody wants to go for studying too early:(
Mr Tri , r u Ngoc 's bro ? ( if jes ,tell me why it could happen )
We haven't seen each other:D
Well , the boy I told u above was in the US last year ! But now , although he wants to go there , his parents are afraid of the politics there & dont let him go .
Will u stay in a hostel , Cu ? ( soooo expensive )
OMG = oh my god , isnt it ? I cant guess all the abbreviations above , tell me !
I dun know much 'bout scholarship , only short course +++
Cu , i saw that u were interested in AEC , sooo can u continue to help us +++ ( I 'll tell u later ) .

Mr Trĩ , will u join in the AEC ?
For cu : let me tell u !
Firstly , u think that : where am i now ? Is this Bri or a slump in Vn ?
Secondly , ur host mother welcomes u with a sleeping and short dress & her sleepy face with rumpled hair . Then she smiles to u , her teeth are sooooooo yellow ---
Ur room is approx. 5 m2 .
Then u think , ok , she 's nice !
12 noon is time to have a lunch , but they told u : we... have... lunch...at ...2 ...pm... ( They 've juzt woken up ) . Ur dinner includes rice , vinega , a tiny piece of frozen fish .
That 's not enough , every morning , u want to have peronal hugiene ( or sthg soo urgent ). Just wait , cuz ur host friends is making up in WC ...
The cost of hostels is crazy >>> An advice for u , bring mat and sleep outdoors , honestly !!!
Well , the boy I told u above was in the US last year ! But now , although he wants to go there , his parents are afraid of the politics there & dont let him go .
Its only dangerous in the big cities, other areas r still very safe and peaceful
Canada is good too, do u have any information about it?
Mr Trĩ , will u join in the AEC ?
Maybe no, I don't have much time.
Do all of you know where can I get a SAT course?
SO sorry ladies and guys:D.
It was holiday and my school library was closed, so I didn't have any computer to use.
Hmm, to bro Tùng: I have visited VS and met some Vietnamese gals there, 2 in 03-06 A1 and a girl named Hằng from A1 04-07, is that enough?(But haven't seen BN ỏ Nhật Linh)
As, Bro Tùng said, I stay in a Boarding House for boys and learn in a school for boys, but don't worry, 2 more years, and I'll learn with Girls.
My school is not so far from the centre.
I now don't have any difficulties yet.The first day I felt homesick, really, but then, I decided I have to work hard, so I wouldn't have time to be home sick, and it seems to be useful, till now.
I have 5 room mates and all of them are Indonesians.They are ok, and some are talented.I am trying to be like them.
ah, may be I can tell you some thing about my normal day: I wake up at 7 o'clock, try to finish my personal hygiene as fast as possible, then go down stair, take my breakfast-> after that-> go to Library, then go to class at 9.At 12, go and have lunch, then go back to class at 1.Finish class at 4, I go back to my boarding house, take dirty clothes to the laundry room, clean my room( clean floor, throw the rubbish...) It takes time.At 6h30, I go down stair, wait for dinner.You have to sit with the boarders in your Hall.After dinner, I go back and do my home work till 11h30, that's my normal day.
Some remarkable point: In Singapore, they are very strict, you have to be punctual, to be tidy, to be neat.....
And when you have to live on your own, you have to face up with many problems, you are on your own, there is no one but yourself, You have to deal with your money(you have money in your pocket, you like something very much, how can you save?-My way: Put all my money into my wardrobe, then lock it :D), to talk with someone you don't know...etc.But for me, it's ok, till now.
To Bro Dũng: I think exchange programme is good, cause you have nothing to lose, you can skip 1 year.When you go there, you can find aother scholarship, or if you can't, you can just go back and continue your study.
er, some words for you guys:
Don't let the chance go and wait for a better one
If you really want it, you will have it.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
What the hell is going on in here? I don't have that much time to read all the crap things in here so, whatever!!!!!!
I've just got a 50% scholarship in CTC too(like Minh ku, but he has a 75%scholarship) but I don't know that I should go or not. Some advices?
All you guys here, pls tell me who is that "Minh Trang"? Y is she so famous, I can hear her name everywhere!!! Is that her in her avatar? Well then, if that so, she's cute..
:)), many peole say she is the most beautiful girl of 10A1, why don't you ask her yourself?(me-no idea)
Ar, about the scholarship: congratulations on your scholarship, if money is not your problem, why don't you go?
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
To Chảy:u shouldn't,cuz i dun want u to
Minh Trang?She's quite cute, quite pretty, quite fat,but serious about almost everything and not so sexy, very obedient(according to me)
Certaintly she learns very well(perhaps except for physical education)
Umm,mod's fishing, isn't she?
Nguyễn Minh Trang đã viết:
For cu : let me tell u !
Firstly , u think that : where am i now ? Is this Bri or a slump in Vn ?
Secondly , ur host mother welcomes u with a sleeping and short dress & her sleepy face with rumpled hair . Then she smiles to u , her teeth are sooooooo yellow ---
Ur room is approx. 5 m2 .
Then u think , ok , she 's nice !
12 noon is time to have a lunch , but they told u : we... have... lunch...at ...2 ...pm... ( They 've juzt woken up ) . Ur dinner includes rice , vinega , a tiny piece of frozen fish .
That 's not enough , every morning , u want to have peronal hugiene ( or sthg soo urgent ). Just wait , cuz ur host friends is making up in WC ...
The cost of hostels is crazy >>> An advice for u , bring mat and sleep outdoors , honestly !!!
OMG If everything is exactly what u said ---> is it any slightest difference than in a god damn prison ??????????
< no exactly the house that Harry potter has to live in :D :D though the host mom does have white teeth :)) >
Anyway , Of course I will have to check which host family I'll be living with , and hopefully it'll be a good one :D
a small question : which part of England did u go to ? < dont tell me that u went to kinda god damn small dirty part of England :)) >

But here is what I get from the officer in CTC :
The College's host families are carefully chosen; a full-time Welfare Officer and an Accommodation Officer ensure that everything runs smoothly for both family and student. Each student has his or her own study bedroom and is cared for as one of the family. The process of matching students with families ensures that all possible needs can be covered.

Many families are within walking distance of the College, and none is further than a short bus or train ride away. The host family provides the background support which is essential in ensuring that CTC students can devote all of their energies and attention to their academic studies.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
To Bro Dũng: I think exchange programme is good, cause you have nothing to lose, you can skip 1 year.When you go there, you can find aother scholarship, or if you can't, you can just go back and continue your study.
I don't think when I come back I can continue my study. It's too waste of time and money. There's only way that u must get a scholarship
To Tung : " crap things " ? Dont say so if u want some advice from us , right !!! ( otherwise we will cut your tongue ) .
Thank everyone for prasing me ! To Tung , especially thank you , that is me in my avar . But i have to tell u guys that in the avar I look cute just because I had "made up " my cheek with the color in Windows Paint ;) .
Good for u , Phong " móm " . Ar , how 'bout ur hair ? Has it lengthened ?
Ku , I stayed in Cam . That was a great time in my life . But 90 % of wat i told u is true . I just want to tell u a small piece of the outlook . I know that u know the overseas study better than me , so u should tell uz ur experiment , not me , hehehe .
Ku iz sure 'bout everything , let 's support him !!!
Đặng Tuấn Linh đã viết:
To Chảy:u shouldn't,cuz i dun want u to
Minh Trang?She's quite cute, quite pretty, quite fat,but serious about almost everything and not so sexy, very obedient(according to me)
Certaintly she learns very well(perhaps except for physical education)
Umm,mod's fishing, isn't she?

I don't think she's fat, it's a well-proportioned body.
& I didn't fish, I extoled Minh Trang - a cool girl!
To Hiêu:: The King of 9 boys!!!! OK?
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