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Hey, I've read that one too. As a computer fan like me, it's just like an adventure game that takes place in Sicily mountains with gangsters coming around shooting. Don't misunderstand me. There's just more shooting in it than in the Godfather. How about the Last Don?
The mirror stands in the shadow
Covered in the dust of time
Is it the dust that covers its face
Or it's the mirror that conceals itself?

I look into the mirror
All I see is a vague shape
Of what I do not know
Or is it me that is a stranger?

The sun light hits the shadow
Directly into the dark mirror
But how can the light be reflected
When the mirror conceals itself in dust?

The lost part of my soul......
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Hey Phong, I'm reading Omerta. It's very cool with so many incidents, but the thing I hate about it most is that it concerns many tender ones.
:), yes, it's cool. You should watch the last part of the Godfather, Godfather III, at least to have a complete view of one of the best series in the history. Sonny's son becomes the Don.
Now, I just realize that we have quite a few things in common, Godfather and Wingchun, how good they are.... I really would like to practice Wingchun with you someday, if you allow me to have that honour :). You know Bảo Khanh in 11 Sinh, right? She is much better than me in it, may be you would like to talk about it to her someday....
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
one thing to correct you Phong, she's in 11 Sinh, not 11 Sing...:))
Btw, what's Wingchun?
Hey buddy, how are you doing? Don't, don't go away, I'm referring to YOU. Yes, the one who is reading this line. How are you doing? How's you exam? Is it hard? May be you are not satisfied with it, right? But my friend, don't let your life control you, you are the master who controls it. A little failure would not drag you right? Everyone has to touch the ground with his hands, her hands, till he can stand on your own foot.So, it's good to be back a child again.Have you ever realized how magnificient the sky is. How magical the stars are. How gentle the wind is.There are just too many good things in this life, and isn't it foolish of you to keep thinking about the left side of your life?
I mean, keep thinking about it.It's good to think about it, but then, let it go, for life goes on. I wonder why you even have time to whine about a thing which you can't change, to cry over the time that will not come back.
My friends, you are strong, may you fail, stand up and go on.You have perfect foot to stand on your own, you have beautiful eyes to see the wonders of this world, you have a strong will to go on.So go on, don't give up, don't let the world hold you, because you are the one who is the master of yourself.
Your dreams are yours to weave, your ways are yours to go.So, go.
I want to wish you luck, but my words are just not enough to say.May you stop everything for a while and reflect.Best wishes from me.

Don’t lose your way
With each passing day
You’ve come so far
Don’t throw it away
Live believing
Dreams are for weaving
Wonders are waiting to start
Live your story
Faith, hope & glory
Hold to the truth in your heart

If we hold on together
I know our dreams will never die
Dreams see us through to forever
Where clouds roll by
For you and i

Souls in the wind
Must learn how to bend
Seek out a star
Hold on to the end
Valley, mountain
There is a fountain
Washes our tears all away
Words are swaying
Somebody is praying
Please let us come home to stay

If we hold on together
I know our dreams will never die
Dreams see us through to forever
Where clouds roll by
For you and i

When we are out there in the dark
We’ll dream about the sun
In the dark we’ll feel the light
Warm our hearts, everyone

If we hold on together
I know our dreams will never die
Dreams see us through to forever
As high as souls can fly
The clouds roll by
For you and i
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Did you read your writing (especially that line) before posting it, my sensei-sama? Seems like that YOU refers to you yourself.

Anyway, whoever that YOU is, wish you good luck, hope and strength to go on.

If that YOU is my sensei-sama, then wish your hell ended soon.
My dear, I am reasonable enough not to refer to myself B-).At least not now. I know some of my friends who may need this piece of lousy writing, and I wrote it. Well, to me there is no heaven and hell, cause even in hell, I still have something to change it to heaven ;).So don't worry about me. What a student ^___^.
By saying hell, I don't really mean that it is an obvious terrible, horrible place or so. To me there's also no heaven and no hell (of course I'm your gakusei), coz on what grounds can we call one place our hell, and how terrible is too terrible? Are there any criteria? Heaven and hell are just two unreal concepts, we just don't have any specific definitions.

If and Seems are all I wrote.

Actually, I meant your exams :D. Besides, I was trying to spam another post, that's all :p.

Aren't you happy when I worry about my sensei-sama? (What a teacher to be called sama ;)!)

After all, it's sweet to be called 'my dear' :)).

I already know how optimistic you are. Good work! Maybe I should say, wish you success in creating another heaven :)!
Trần Thế Phong đã viết:
My dear, I am reasonable enough not to refer to myself B-).At least not now. I know some of my friends who may need this piece of lousy writing, and I wrote it. Well, to me there is no heaven and hell, cause even in hell, I still have something to change it to heaven ;).So don't worry about me. What a student ^___^.
definitely need it :) thanks :)
Suddenly realize that I have become old ,hmm....
(Well, may be the ladies of my time don't want to hear this )
why old, dear? it's the feeling I've always had ^^ when looking at younger people, no, even ones at my age.
I am reasonable enough not to refer to myself .At least not now.
Yeah, at least not then, now, I know it's lame, but I come back to have a look at it, and I begin to appreciate my lousy writing back then.
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