English Area - English Only - English Area- Only ... +++

After a busy week with so many things to do, at last I can have time to...surf web :D.
Man, it seems that everyone is busy, may be there are people ending something and people starting something, so no one is in here (so lonely-like my signature :D), or no one likes me :(( to be in here.
I am surprised that A (1 and 2) members in here do nothing with this box.I thought that you guys would be the most enthusiastic one about this topic.Please, post something in here man, at least don't let this box waste away, however, I don't mean fishing :D.
Since I have looked around this forum, I think that this box (below) may be interesting to see.
Those are the essays by our expert seniors, who got into Harvard, Concoll, Bates...(why all US), and I think they are extremely priceless.It may not interest you guys now, but I bet the next two years, you will see it with all your thirst.
Have a good day, good week, good month, and good semester.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Haven't visited this web site for such a long time.It is nearly Chinese New Year.Wish you guys health and good luck.How is it going at school?I miss you guys a lot.When I come back to Viet nam,I will surely come to school and visit everybody.Hope that you guys haven't forgotten me.
I am having a lot of assignments at the moment and I only have a 2-day holiday to celebrate Tet:((
Look at my avatar .That is one of the most famous basketball player in Australia.He plays really cool.I had the chance to take this photo when i went to National Indoor Stadium to watch his match
Luke Martin rocks
Long time no see, Linh. You still look the same :p. We miss you a lot, and others, too. Will you come back to Vietnam this Tet holiday?
No ! She doesn't ! She looks... Nhat Linh, u've lost weight!!!!! ^ ^ But how come can u still look bigger than a proffessional basketball player????

Ok sorry sorry. Enough joking around. How r u guys? R any of u girls coming home this Tet? The weather is gettin really Tet these days, u know, all cold and soft rain. The teachers' working spirits are getting down too and so we get to fool around in class. Just 2 more days to go......

Let's fish this E topic up again, everyone!
NL:Haven't seen the ASEAN scholars you guys for a long time.Any one come back?
to HZ:
Just 2 more days to go......
I like that sentence very very much.Just a few more days and I can see my beloved motherland again. :(( (moving).
Any one wanna argue(If you don't want is ok :), I just want to have more talking, chatting and.... :D)
Yesterday, I argue with my friendS that "Execution should NOT be abolished"
You know, execution is the highest punishment.Some criminals should be executed for their sins, and with the execution, people will not repeat that sin, or at least, it is a mirror for them to see what would happen to them if they do it.
(my first point)
Any one dare to oppose?
I disgree. Put it in another way, exucution too is murder. No one has the right to kill others, or decide the lives of human beings like that. Too inhuman and cruel. You’re talking about sins, of course every crime should be punished but life imprisonment will do enough. They cant do any more harm in jail. Two wrongs doesn’t make a right, u know. I think that everyone has a fair second chance to repent and change.

btw, Fong, whats ur problem these days? U don’t answer!
There are 2 points I want to rebattle:
No one has the right to kill others
First, to some murderers, do they have the right to kill the others?Do they have the right to decide other people's lives?This world is not a kintergarden, there are people kill and people die, if a person does civilian crime, would he only deserve the jail, after murdering millions of people?

They can't do any more harm in jail
Are you sure? There are prisoners breaking jails, they get out and what do they do?Do you expect them to be innocent citizens?Moreover, there is another case, sometimes, those prisoners' punishment are lowered , and they can get out of jail.What would they do? No one knows, but I bet that there are case in which they repeat their sins again.
Two wrongs doesn’t make a right
I would not say whether execution is a wrong thing, but I'm sure that it can prevent some cases which none of us want those to happen again.
I think that everyone has a fair second chance to repent and change.
I agree that some people can change, but not all of them, or at least half of them.
Besides, compare that some people can change with some people cannot change, what would you choose? You let the criminals live with a slight hope that they would change and risk the whole society as well as your country? I don't think so.
Let me tell you: this world is not perfect:
-Firstly, sometimes, you have to sacrify a small thing for a great thing.
-Secondly,this world sometimes can change into a cruel and inhuman world, you have to kill to survive, that's natural.Sometimes, to justify someone, you have to use "jungle law" (I forgot how to call it, but you would understand anyway).
With some people, after killing people, you put him into the jail, that's over?So your jail must have been very large to keep so many people, since they would not die anyway, regardless of what they did.
Fong, whats ur problem these days? U don’t answer!
Answer what?
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
yoyo You guys seem to have a lot fo fun with debates.Cool!!!
A few days ago I came across some books about crime like Juvenile deliquency or assassinate and ...Capital punishment.
This is a very interesting topic.In my opinion I think there should be capital punishment.
My reason is very simple:Just place yourself in the place of the victim or of the victim's relative like his or her parents.And you will understand why the criminal must be killed.Justice must done.Life should be fair to all people .The bad guys must pay.That's a rule in life that I think can never change and should never be changed
to Dung:
really???Do you think I lost weight????????Hurray haha!!!:))
You also looks cute in the photo.How is everything going with you and "De trau"
To Phong:
So sad I can not come back to Vietnam for the Tet holiday.i have only 2 days off and also MOE doesn't allow me to.
By the way are you selected for the A star young researcher programme?
But how come can u still look bigger than a proffessional basketball player????

What the...........?????A aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I will surely kill you.
I look bigger just because I stood on the stage and he didn't
Understand???????huhu so sad:((
To Nhat Linh: What a pity that I was...not. :D.Never mind, I also did not intend to use so much time for unnecessary things , so how about you?
I have 1 week for Tet (which I have play truont for about 2 days :D)
Hmm, this box seems like to be a cemetary , "the silence of the lamb".
Hey how are you guys doing at home? I haven't met any for a long time.
What the...I don't know what to say, just wonder if you guys are too busy with the coming exams.:(
First, I want to congratulate A1 on the coming back of your teacher mrs Hanh (mine also, 4 years ago), second, is there anything wrong with you? espeacially A1 and A2, I thought this place is a nice place to practice English?
Damn it,God sucks.
everything is alright mate , by the way when will ya get back to vietnam ???
The Duy has just bought a new cellphone 6260 :D ... and that's the most special thing I think lol ... and exams are coming really soon ... gotta prepare for it :(
Sometime, I do my thinking when I'm going into the toilet,releasing and relaxing, that's when your mind goes to blooming. I'm sure you also do, aren’t I right? Please do not mind the lame joke, but I just read an article, saying that if your beginnings start with : "hello for coming back", you'll pick your mouse in your very hand and throw it straightly at the screen, and for I'm such a good guy,I'll save you from doing it :)).
Man, for reviving the phoenix from the ashes, I have to sacrifice my own post , how cruel the forum is.
Well, I wonder for how long this topic has fallen down (well, according to my poor and lousy memory, it has been more than half a year ).
Now, on behalf of screen, hard disk and CPU, I state that this topic is resurrected.
I want to recommend some books which I think they're use fool, yups, useful.
Lately, I've come through the 4 books by Dan Brown (If you read them before, you would recall the "Da Vinci Code", "Angels and Demons", "Digital Fortress" and "Deception Point"), The next one is "The Girl who plays Go" by Shan Sa and lastly, "Memoirs of a Geisha" by Arthur Golden.
If you're interested in Dan Brown, I suggest that you read the first two " Da Vinci Code" and "Angels and Demon" for they're the best of the four.I myself prefer AnD than DVC, but the famous one is the DVC ( I think for it is about a taboo topic).The other two are just not so good if you read the first two, but if you are keen on Dan Brown, I would say "Go a head".
Then the next one is "the girl who plays Go", though a translated one, it's still worths reading, the writing are innocent, soft as silk, though not a happy ending it has.
The last one is "Memoir of a geisha", it's quite different, though the story isn't as fast as Dan Brown's, it is as rich in knowledge as DVC, and I would say it has more personal feelings and a good range of vocab as well as an amazing descriptive style.It's a blockbuster man.
There is one more, which I promise you can not find a better one in philosophy, but I doubt you would read it for whether you're not interested in Philosphy or you're not deep and old enough to read. Read it, and you will not regret, it is "Sophie's world" by ....I forgot.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Nearly 1 lunar year, to be exact. I've always wondered where this topic drifted to, but u can't keep it up unless u think of st more interesting for people to do apart from chit chat. Practising E doesn't seem that appealing anymore. I still like the debating thing, though :).

Your post was so jumbled that it took me a while just to understand what u were actually saying. At first I even thought it was an essay, cuz I've read an application one that started just like that, except the guy did his thinking in the shower :) BTW, are u coming back this Tet? We got new business.

And oh, Da Vinci thrills me more :x
Hi everybody.I am a newcomer and I want to ask all of you esp 11A1 and who was taught by Mrs.Hanh:how to write an essay about:"school life is the best time in human life"?Thanks
Well, what to say, what to say :)D). I have a vague recollection that in our box exists this kind of thread, and Phong has put it in appearance again. You really have retrieval information skills ;).
Just skimmed through your capble of causing eyeshore to readers :)D)message, but one thing I am in complete agreement with you. Do you know what ? Toilet is the best room to relax and release . Only toilet can guarantee our privacy, rite ? :D. Anyway Geishe is too hot - there will have a movie about it in the near future !

@Zee : Not Phong's fault . A thread can't exist if its founder doesn't pay any attention to it ! Put that in your pipe and smoke it. You are also damn forgetful ? Do you remember promising to lend me one thing ? :(
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
:)), sorry for causing an unbearable pain for your eyes, I just think that it's really a pity to leave such an amazing topic in the ashes of time. I think that more and more students are going along this trend of reading books (excluding guys who are monsters, read them long time ago), and it would be my honour to help you and share some of my lame experiences.Then would you mind helping me?
To Zee: Well, if you want a debate, well, I', gonna state one:
Do you think that war is ever justified?
I leave the stand for you to choose.
Feel free to join, this is a free for all battle.
PS: Kind of busy that I don't have time to perfect my choices of words, please forgive me for demonstrating such a poor post.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Helping what , huh ? Definitely if it is within my reach ! ;). But to tell the truth, I have never touched these books you said. The reason is unbelievably simple : I don't have any of them. So before bein' able to help you , I definitely need to know the content of these books :)).
well, can say, The Girl Who PlayED Go was awesome, amazing! I'm so in love with the book :x not only the contain of it was so great but also the style was so impressive! I love the voice of Shansa, smoky and dewy, soft and melodic, also strong and drastic, mysterious and charming...

however, Dan Brown's book Da Vinci Code was a big disappointment. how much I looking forward to reading the book! then all I found was nothing, nothing and nothing! words of the book went in and out my mind like pouring water in a funnel. non-sense at all! no, I really don't like it!
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