English Area - English Only - English Area- Only ... +++

haha too late Phong
we have already lost in the debate.
My teacher said that we should have focused and developed the point that:"Art itself has no real value.The value is in the eye of the viewer.Thus one may not be able to sell the art when you need the money.Art is a luxury and we can not eat it when we are hungry right?"
Well she gave us some suggestion but unfortunately we are not that good at debating and logical thinking .
Therefore we lost.
Anyway we will try harder next time(I wonder if there will be next time as the end of the bridging course is coming!!!!!!)
I don't want this course to end.Aaaaaaaaaa.I have had a lot of fun and accumulated a great amount of knowledge,both general knowledge and english...
how about you?Do you have a bridging course?
You are in ACS right?
I think in the next term you will probably meet many students from VH ,the ones from Thailand (the students in VH told me so)
Opps, sorry.Hmm, I have had some debates so far, and we won all.Hmm, with a topic like that, you shouldn't encounter but develope your strong point, right?
I am also having a bridge course, but it ends on 30/12, d*mn it.My friend also told me that, but in my opinion, only the Chinese can match VN, right?After all, just try our best.Hey, do you have the OEP (oversea education programme)?Man, too s*ck, I have to come back too where I visited 5 months ago.Never mind, change the topic.
Hmm, may be share experience in debate? How about that?
Mine: -With the topic which is easy for you to say, it's ok, but the one is hard, I just develope my strong point and no encounter (no time, no point, easier to be encountered again)
-Always prepare your evidence and proof well
-Always prepare for what you would say, and listen to your opponents carefully
-Make your opponents scared or laugh with your face, so that they can't talk clearly.
-Think what your opponent would say, and prepare to fight back
(to be continued....)
well i think debating is not about preparing things , you know.
You said "...think of what your opponent would say and prepare to fight back" ,I don't think this can help you much in a debate.I and my friends used to do like this .But the result is not successful at all .To the points that we hadn't thought about we were completely taken aback and then became too confused to think of a proper rebuttal.And tata... we started to talk far way from the main point and the other team easily defeated us!!!!!!!!
And about making your opponents scared or laugh with your face, so that they can't talk clearly,unfortunately,our opponent after laughing or showing their anger could still talk very clearly and even more ,how can i say,more eloquently.
haha strange isn't it?
I think the most important thing about debating is logical thinking.And that's all.With excellent logical thinking.you will surely win in every debate.That's my opinion
And yes i agree that we must lidten to the opponent clearly .I have had an experience about this.Once i was so busy arguing with my team mates about the rebattal that i forgot to listen carefully to the other team.well you know just listen to some of their speeches and then i misunderstood their points and.........
I am thinking of how i will survive in MGS ( like Mad Girls' School :)) ) ...I don't want to thinking of the coming soon ending of bridging course( not bridge course ..Phong:p ) My bridging course will end on 17DEC..I will move to Nanyang Girls' boarding school on 23DEc( opposite Chinese High )..
to Linh : we wil be neighbours soon ..take me to Sushi shop . okie ?..I and Sam have eaten Sushi In Parkway Parade ..delicious!!!!!!!!!!I love sushi :x
Hmm, we tried to pretend that we were our opponents, and then, 90% of what they said was exactly what we had foreseen, well, so encouter was not too hard.
And about the face, we had made our opponents laugh too much that he not only wasted his time but also forgot what to say, then, after 1 or 2 sentences, he said: "that's all I want to say" :)).
You know, in my opinion, preparation is 60% of victory, we won our debate because we had good evidence(hours in the library, with hundreds of newspaper) and everything was under our control, even when we were at the disadvantaged point.
we started to talk far way from the main point and the other team easily defeated us!!!!!
That's why I said
just develope my strong point
stick to the topic, and you are likely to win.
To Hằng: Ha ha,"my apology" or " I beg for your forgiveness"
Anyway, I am likely to have some problems with the comprehension, though my compositions are fine.D$mn it, have to try harder.
Ah, last Friday, we went to the Zoo to do a report, and we saw Nanynang and Cresent( Don't remember the exactly name) girls, but I couldn't see any of our people girls.
May be I was too busy to do the report.
And anyone have any plan for the Christmas?
well, our people in VH will sleep and play all day right after the ending of Bridging course.ONLY ONE WEEK left..HUUUUURAAAAAA.....:))
Maybe we will go to Water Park or to Escape Theme Park ( ..haven't been decided yet )....dunno ....not sure ..what about ASCI ?
hehehehe...be calm ..don't be jealous ....You , guys should study more ....30/12 ...oh ...so long for you ....BUT We have 3 months .....you only have 2 months ..we are on the Heaven , you are in the Hell :))...
Of course. Because they came there before you, I think, 1 month, right? When you finish your bridging course, you'll surely become just like them.

Oh, Nhat Linh, long time no see. We all miss you so much, especially the boys. It seems all you guys are doing fine.
Hmm, I'd rather have 1 months, no holidays, just to stay in VN a bit longer
Personal question: Is that to stay with ... a bit longer?

Just kidding. You know.

How was your first week? I heard that the first week is always the hardest. Did you have any problems? And besides, can you share some tips about learning in Singapore with us?
become just like us ?? no ..different absolutely ..HE must have worked harder than us , right?..Phong ..How have you improved your English ? I am scared now ...I am worried about my english ..too bad ....
NO problem ..we got on well with everything too fast ..hahahha..I dunno about Phong but ..I didn't feel homesick or miss anyone too much ..ah ..actually only my best friends..so strange ?
You must be KIDDING. How can your English worse than us when you're staying in Sing? Besides, you can be sure that your English is always better than me. Hic, yesterday test... terrible!
No ........, I mean , My english is worse than P"s ...he works so hard while I dont ...hichich ...Post test is terrible ..but i have forgotten it already :)..well...dinner time..BB
Oh man, you don't need to be so....I don't work so hard as you guys
I hear that the Post test will be very difficult , I may past the Compositions with B3 or B4, but I'm afraid of comprehension, strange.
You must be KIDDING. How can your English worse than us when you're staying in Sing? Besides, you can be sure that your English is always better than me. Hic, yesterday test... terrible!
You can bet that our grammar are no longer so good as yours, the only thing we may be better are the compositions, which are useless in VN.
I only had problem on the first night, but now, may be ok.The only thing I miss is my city (and all the people in that city :p)
you know..the post test was not as difficult as the usual test we take ...'O' level is over our ability ...We took one and found it too difficult ..hic hic ..If your compostion is B3 or B4 , you are so excellent !...No one here is given a A1 or A2 for it , you know?
hey Hằng, is it difficult to learn in Sin? i really wanna know tho im not interested in that country. u got any intention of coming to somewhere else?
you know..the post test was not as difficult as the usual test we take ...'O' level is over our ability ...We took one and found it too difficult ..hic hic ..If your compostion is B3 or B4 , you are so excellent !...No one here is given a A1 or A2 for it , you know?
Here too, but we are male, so we have more problems about language than you girls.
God blesses your talent
I have just been given my post test , B3 compre(terrible ) but I dont mind ..I dont feel sad 'cause it wont affect the school I am posted to .
@ Nga : I dont remember your face :) sorry ..i only studied in A1 in 7 days ..I cant remember all the faces and the names...I am absent minded always .Well...in my opinion , studying in secondary school and journior college in S is the most difficult and also the best in the world( not university). My brother said it is easier to study in sec and JC in UK , you know..You want more reasons? ..come here and experience it yourself..and bellieve it ..trying is believing.I dont know if i will go to another country after 4 years ..It is up to my academic standard , my attitude and certainly my finance :)..I still prefer Singapore :)..What about P ? do you think so ? what is your plan after 4 years? ..I think if your brother studies here, so do you ...:)
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