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Man's a nice place , I can't image how this case can happen !
I heard that you want to go to America , then why do you intend to go to UK ? :)
Vũ Nguyễn Hà My đã viết:
Well , ur post was really long 8-} Anyway :

you dont know , he had had everything in Vietnam, he was super rich , he got a beautiful girlfriend here , he got lot of good friends surrounding him .
He speaks English even better than a native speaker ! He got his work here , he got his beautiful life here ! but then , he got 75% to that GODDAMN schoool! :)) :))
sooo funny huh? :))

First of all , this's the case of ur friend , rite ? But not all the people who came there 'd be like him . Then what school is that because nowadays many people're deceived . But I feel sorry for him . 0:)

well , I had to mention that , in the 1st 2 weeks , he was fine , people looked up to him coz he speaks soooooooo wellll, and his ability is cooool!
but right after the day he said that he was from VIETNAM

And u mean all the Vietnamese who came there have to hide their nationality ? 2 cousins and my sister're there and they all get along well with the people . That's how I know about it . They're not like u thought at all

DO YOU KNOW what they asked him when he went for the interview for the visas ???? :))
"how much do your parents earn a month :)) :)) "
and just a few more questions :)) :))
they didnt ask why he wants to choose BRitain or smth :)) :))
so laughable :)) :))

I think they have to ask this because it's nessesary , you'll know soon .

So what's the point ofgoing to "great" britain ??? :)) :))
HE has lost himself :))

Yup ! So what's the point of going there for him ? He's rich , he's intelligent , he had a pretty gf and many friends . Then why don't he come back ? Why ? :-s

Well , I didnt deny my possibility to go to Britain next year :)) , did I ???
but the FACTis the FACT !
well, I'm a straight person!
If I like something , I'll say it out loud , if I dont , I'll do the same :)) :))
well, BUt did I ever say I LOVE BRITISH education????
did I EVER say so ????? :)) :))
my dear :))
I DIDNT say that I like to go to Britain :)) :))
that's not TRUE at ALL :))

I never said u like it boy :) I just asked u was it or not , that's all !
Er...If u like smth , don't say it out loud 'cause everybody can hear it all :-s It'll be soooooo ashamed :"> But if u do this , can I be there to hear ? ;;)

Sorry I don't know what you guys ve been discussing but I can actually back my sister up on these points.
I've been living in England for nearly 5 years now, have never hidden where I was from, never was, never been and never will be looked down for whether I'm rich or not, English or Vietnamese etc.
Maybe somebody's friend was an exceptional. Maybe the story was distorted or something. If there were that kind of people you should get away from them anyway!
Another possibility could be because in Manchester there's a major Vietnamese gang, going round mugging people and stuff. maybe that's why some people might "dislike" your friend cuz he's Vietnamese. :-/
okie , sister , I know it , but I can be sure that my friend , he's reliable !
well , needa mention that he was the monitor of a1 class in CVA school , ... < this is just for u to know that he's not bad ... >
One thing , what kinda school have u been studying in ??
international school or public school ?
u guys, i have a question:)D)
Do ya know anything 'bout australia(Perth-for example) and taylors college
bytheway , what's VOA news ????
aaaaaaaaaaaa ,voice of ams right ??
anyway , what's voice of ams
Nguyễn Trang Thư đã viết:
Hey, can u show me how to hear VOA news!???
Click "English Learning" then choose a topic. On the right, click "download MP3". They r a little bit slow and easy
Or the news http://www.voanews.com/english/. On the left u can find what u want
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Do ya know anything 'bout australia(Perth-for example) and taylors college

Some of the good universities in Aus.: Swinburn Inst. of Tech., RMIT, Monash Uni., CIT, Canberra Catholic Uni, Uni of Canberra, Sydney Uni., Uni of NSW, Uni of Queensland, Australian National Uni. (best)... :D

Haven't heard about Taylors College but the education system in Australia is different to US and UK so: Primary: 1-6, High school: 6-10, College: 11-12 --> College = High (US) = Cấp 3 (VN) >< College US. :D
Well , guys . It is 2 weeks since the last time I waz here ( soooooooooo long , rite ? )
Thank u guyz for all the ' studying abroad ' info u have been giving us . They help me to have a new look and new thoughts of my future way .
All in all , I see that u guys allmost aim at Sing , the US and the UK because of their good points . Hope that u can choose the best place for u to go and pass all the difficulties to win the best results .
Now lets move on to another topic . Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha , I 'm going to be crazy , u guys seem to be sooooo interested in Gay and Les . Well , I think this is a serious matter . We should respect them , certainly .
On the other hand , I don't think that homosexuality should be allowed . Men and women are born to be couples to preserve our race .Homosexuality has no meaning in any work of life .
Gay and les , they should be given medical treatment , I think !!!
1 ques :
Wat daz PD exactly mean and present for ?
Will be right back !!!
To Cu : how r u , A2 , doing ? The next AEC meeting is going on Wed , make a great one , guys !!!!
To all : who is the winner in thoses ' keo co ' matches ? My class was defeated by 11a2 , which class has so many ' anh beo khoe ' . Uhm ....
Homosexual is not a disease or illness so there's no point having medical treatment for it. :D
it seems to me that you guys are now really interested in the homosexual topic.I suggest we should try another topic.Anyone has an idea
well you guys know what tomorrow we will have another debate.We are the proposing team again and the topic is:"art is useless"
Quite tough i think.Till now i haven't found out any point to support this idea
it's really dreadful.How can I deal with it?
And we can not lose in the debate against the Chinese.
Ha ha, you are dead. With that topic, you can only win if your opponents are very %^%*()& .But against the Chinese, so, I'll think about it, and post later, have to go now, the librarian is shouting.
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