English Area - English Only - English Area- Only ... +++

Because first, we can't afford such a lot of money, second, we don't go to Singapore to learn only English, third we can experience one of the best education system in the world.
i don't think so. for better edu, you have topay more, that's the point
wat you find out there, people speak english as their first lang but ...wat you learn there then, you are only in the last year before being sixthh-form, all you try to do is
IMPROVE your English
I saw that Hoang was wrong but he didn't say that studying in Sing's bad at all .
Please hold back ur angers , please !
And ... can I have my own opinion ? To VNL : You said the people who study in UK cannot speak E as well as the Chinese in Sing . I agree that in S , they speak E but not all of the country , but they're good :) Anyway , In UK , they all speak E .
U can say both of them 're as well as one another but u can't say
" are you sure you can speak English better than the Chinese here in Singapore!!
I can give the answer straight away!!!!!
That meant U didn't know anything at all like u said to Hoang .
All the people can have their own opinions , u have , too . But don't ever tell people to withdraw theirs . Hoang was wrong but that's how he 's , u do understand , don't u ? Please cheer up !
for i am a student studying in singapore , let see how we benefit from the singapore education
wat you meant the word benefit
that's writting Eng with Vnese idea :))
i have been to Sing
people there really disturbed when they tried to speak the lang called "action lang" :)) lol

if you care a bit about bio, u will know that Chinese has a short tunk :)) and they find difficulty to pronoun Eng and German,... :)) lol

anyway,calm down :)) lol
which one is better, an English accent or .... I...cannnn't sppeaak eng so welll!! :))
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Hi u guys
First time I join here :D
Feel so lazy to type,anyway,just a few words

Does anyone have time to report the last AEC???? It was soooooooo excitin',wasn't it? I want to talk 'bout it again and again ( to boast,exactly :)) )

Hm,going abroad?I'm not goin' anywhere til the first year of university .Australia is my favourite,well,it seems that everyone wants to go to the UK or USA,rite?

To Minh Trang and some others (dunno them): Kerry is better than Bush? Nope in these days...,though I still like Kerry better. Wat can Kerry do?I doubt if he could stop war ,terrorism or make things better.Bush started it,so he's used to the situation.Just imagine Kerry changes everythin',then must come a mess...

Well,none of our business,let's talk 'bout sth fun.
Oh,Minh Trang,u're so popular!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Don't pretend u dun hear others keep sayin' how pretty u're ( TQ n HA buzz my ears every minute :D)

I luv our class so much :x :x :x happier than everrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :)) :)) :)) :)) :))

Hè,cảm ơn mày cho tao mượn nick nha’ Le hung!
Hey! Thùy, u seem to have breaked the law when u typed the last sentence!
How ashamed I am! pls. tell me how to type English in this website?
Oh,Minh Trang,u're so popular!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Don't pretend u dun hear others keep sayin' how pretty u're ( TQ n HA buzz my ears every minute )
Thùy, remember she is my grandmom. And do u think I take after her?
Kerry is better than Bush? Nope in these days...,though I still like Kerry better. Wat can Kerry do?I doubt if he could stop war ,terrorism or make things better.Bush started it,so he's used to the situation.Just imagine Kerry changes everythin',then must come a mess...
ja, bush protects cash, he protects the capitalism :D
well done bush
Well well, opinions? What do U guys mean by opinions? I can say, my "opinion" is: Hoang, u should save the idiocy for yourself!!!!!
By the way, for Hoang who left this country to a place where "your expertise could be properly used," how does it feel to spend more than 30000-40000$ a year? Sooner or later, you are going to learn your lesson, you are nothing but worms.
You are wasting ur parents' money, don't u see? What's the point of studying in UK if you can learn nothing more than shit-talk from someone else? Is that what Uk teach you? We can consider you as one of Uk's edu's productions, right? Hahaha, what a shame!!!
Phong and VNL, they're in Sing, not to learn shit-talk from someone else, right? Besides, they both have scholarships, right? But, what about u?
By laughing at them, you felt into two categories of people. First, you are one big fat idiot who exhibits your own stupidity to the world. Second, you are intelligent, by which I refer to high IQ score and better common senses; but unfortunately, overestimate that "intelligence" of yours or underestimate your surroundings and somehow draw conclusions like an idiot, by which I refer to poor EQ score and a whole lot of things inside you that can't be measured.
Sorry, to disappoint you...
Well well, opinions? What do U guys mean by opinions? I can say, my "opinion" is: Hoang, u should save the idiocy for yourself!!!!!
By the way, for Hoang who left this country to a place where "your expertise could be properly used," how does it feel to spend more than 30000-40000$ a year? Sooner or later, you are going to learn your lesson, you are nothing but worms.
You are wasting ur parents' money, don't u see? What's the point of studying in UK if you can learn nothing more than shit-talk from someone else? Is that what Uk teach you? We can consider you as one of Uk's edu's productions, right? Hahaha, what a shame!!!
Phong and VNL, they're in Sing, not to learn shit-talk from someone else, right? Besides, they both have scholarships, right? But, what about u?
By laughing at them, you felt into two categories of people. First, you are one big fat idiot who exhibits your own stupidity to the world. Second, you are intelligent, by which I refer to high IQ score and better common senses; but unfortunately, overestimate that "intelligence" of yours or underestimate your surroundings and somehow draw conclusions like an idiot, by which I refer to poor EQ score and a whole lot of things inside you that can't be measured.
Sorry, to disappoint you...
That's is my friend-Tùng Chảy :D.
Because first, we can't afford such a lot of money, second, we don't go to Singapore to learn only English, third we can experience one of the best education system in the world.

i don't think so. for better edu, you have topay more, that's the point
wat you find out there, people speak english as their first lang but ...wat you learn there then, you are only in the last year before being sixthh-form, all you try to do is
IMPROVE your English
Do you understand what you are saying?
I think you just go to England to learn English ,right?
And you think your fee is more expensive than our scholarships?We don't have to pay but it doesn't mean that ours are cheaper than yours.
Our purpose to learn abroad not only to learn English but many things , after all, English is JUST A TOOL TO COMMUNICATE with other people.
omg, what's the hell r u guys doing?plz do not talk that way:(
anyway:p: I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!My class football team has just won!!!!!!!!lol
But, how iz u GPA at school? iz it gud or bad?wit me, it's terrible.urw, i really hate to say this, but mayb i will have to leave our beloved skul for an urban skul:((
Do you understand what you are saying?
I think you just go to England to learn English ,right?
And you think your fee is more expensive than our scholarships?We don't have to pay but it doesn't mean that ours are cheaper than yours.
Our purpose to learn abroad not only to learn English but many things , after all, English is JUST A TOOL TO COMMUNICATE with other people.

hey, don't talk about scholarship
'cause dun you know why they give you that?
not because you are distinction or smth :)) lol
that's kinda of business :)) do business studies and u will know that :-/
chinese guys are so gut but why they don't have any scholarship :-/
think about that and find out you are only a ....deep-shit :)) sorry ,mate, but that's true

I did not mean that you only need to to improve your english but i meant you should focus and i did not mean Singapore is deep shit but its certificates are not considered as valueable as in other countries such as Uk, US, Australia,...
and anyway u will move to other when you apply to study in uni
i am sure !!!!
hehe , I did write a long long long post but my computer sucked again ... but there's only one thing I want you to know : Britain is not that goood ... when u come back to vn I'll talk to you :)
they arent as good as they advertise :))... I did write lots ò things in my post but I lost it :( ...
so hope to see ya in VN
cheers .
So What is your experience about studying in UK , PQA ?
" they arent as good as they advertise ... "
I Heard from someone that next year u'll go to UK ,( buckingham and blah blah ...), is that true ? Then what was that attitude ? I can't imagine what will u flatter 'bout UK when u go to ur interview . And if u tell them ur true thoughts :
" but there's only one thing I want you to know : Britain is not that goood ... when u come back to vn I'll talk to you "
Well , ... , so sad for you , boy ! :(
If you guys have somethin' wrong with UK , why don't u ask the people who have been studying there for a long time ? ( I mean not Hoang , sorry my girl ;) ) Like some people who study in S ( P , VNL ... ) , of course they know more 'bout the country where they study than us , am I right ? :)
hey, don't talk about scholarship
'cause dun you know why they give you that?
not because you are distinction or smth lol
that's kinda of business do business studies and u will know that
chinese guys are so gut but why they don't have any scholarship
think about that and find out you are only a ....deep-shit sorry ,mate, but that's true
Man, I know nothing is free, but at least I am not too bad so I got the scholarship.
How do you know the Chinese don't get the scholarship? Man, you know nothing about Singapore.In my boarding house, they are the most.
And remember this, I don't criticize the UK edu, but don't underestimate Sing edu and be so proud, such a kid.
Well, you know what, Hoang? What you are saying is that scholarships aren't good, right? Then, what's good in your "opinions"? Nothing is free, I admit it. But have you ever wondered why they gave Phong and others scholarships? It's a 100% scholarship, so, there's no kinda like "money" benefit, right? Then why did they gave them? Because, they believe in what people they'll be. Later, when they're successful, the college(or whatever, I dun know :D ) can say: "The most famous businessman in the world-Phong, studied in our college for the IB". As you know, they'll take it as one of the proofs for their edu. Man, it's business, what you call benefit.
But you, I wonder if any colleges give you scholarships. I will surely be a wasted of money.
To My:
um My, you know what the first thing I realized when I came to Singaprore is that all Singaporeans can speak English whether they are Malaysian or Chinese Indonesian...Even a cleaner can speak English.
I haven't seen any person who can't speak English
And by the way if I said
" are you sure you can speak English better than the Chinese here in Singapore!!
I can give the answer straight away!!!!!
I was not comparing the Chinese and the British
the person I mentioned is Hoang!
I agree that everybody can say their opinion , but not in a way that can insult the others
May be he didn't feel what he said was insulting.But I felt so and i am sure many other people felt so when they read what he wrote
His withdrawing all the things he said is surely the only way that can cheer up me if that is what you want to know
To Hoang:
I think you should take 'what you said or will say' more serious
Just three lines and you have made a lot of people angry.
To Hoang:
It seems to me that you look down on the Chinese
um just to let you know:the Chinese team is always the leading team in IMO or in nearly every other olympiad
and here in Singapore i'm studying with a boy who won the first prize in maths at the national level
when he looked at the S papers one of the most difficult exams in singapore he think the maths exercises there are so easy
You can say he is just one of the over-one-billion population of China
But you should admit that the Chinese students are really admirable
My friend who is studying in the Imperial College of London also said that Chinese students are really talented
Man, I know nothing is free, but at least I am not too bad so I got the scholarship.
How do you know the Chinese don't get the scholarship? Man, you know nothing about Singapore.In my boarding house, they are the most.
And remember this, I don't criticize the UK edu, but don't underestimate Sing edu and be so proud, such a kid.

i did not, i only argue about Sing accent, they pronoun English so bad
try to read the topic throught properly before replying

the person I mentioned is Hoang
wat u meant anyway, british accent is formal and so much more difficult than any one can expect, especially in other county the accent changes and smth u cannot understand, but in Singapore, English is only official lang, u can not find anything different between two places. so now listen, firstly I know that MBA in Sing is as valueable as in the Uk or US, i did not want and never ever want to argue about the education, just the lang, ok? clear?. secondly, don't try to hide smth everyone knows.
have u been to Scotland or Wales?
they made me really confused but i found out that was fun. 'cause that's wat is called lang. I found out a lot of interesting thing when i compared Vnese with English.
that's wat i want to argue

to anyone: dun use strong words, that makes our more competitive
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Vũ Nguyễn Hà My đã viết:
So What is your experience about studying in UK , PQA ?
" they arent as good as they advertise ... "
I Heard from someone that next year u'll go to UK ,( buckingham and blah blah ...), is that true ? Then what was that attitude ? I can't imagine what will u flatter 'bout UK when u go to ur interview . And if u tell them ur true thoughts :
" but there's only one thing I want you to know : Britain is not that goood ... when u come back to vn I'll talk to you "
Well , ... , so sad for you , boy ! :(
If you guys have somethin' wrong with UK , why don't u ask the people who have been studying there for a long time ? ( I mean not Hoang , sorry my girl ;) ) Like some people who study in S ( P , VNL ... ) , of course they know more 'bout the country where they study than us , am I right ? :)

well , everything i said was based on the fact that my friends < not including Hoang > are putting up with !

I dont know for sure if in other schools < i mean not my friends' school > how people behave to one another but the fact is in some school that my friends are studying , they are discriminated and abused because they are " vietnamese " though they can speak English sooooooooooooooooo cooooooooool and they are cooooooooool tooo! but WHY THE HELL PEOPLE THERE DONT KNOW THAT ???????????

They still abuse him < one of my friends studying in Mancat or hopwood in manchester >

you dont know , he had had everything in Vietnam, he was super rich , he got a beautiful girlfriend here , he got lot of good friends surrounding him .
He speaks English even better than a native speaker ! He got his work here , he got his beautiful life here ! but then , he got 75% to that GODDAMN schoool! :)) :))
sooo funny huh? :))

he got 75% to that school!
and he decided to leave everything behind his back even his girlffriend !!!!
AND DO YOU KNOW what he got when he went there ?????
SO coooooooooooooool huh? :)) :))

the only thing that he got is being discriminated and abused no matter how cool he is , no matter how hard he tried :))
and do YOU know what the HOST family there said to him when he asked them for help ?????

" well, I think you should STAND that , they just joke , no needa care :)) "
but he explained again and again to ithe host family , but they didnt help him at all just repeating that sentence :))
so what í the point of going to "COOOL" britain :)) :))

well , I had to mention that , in the 1st 2 weeks , he was fine , people looked up to him coz he speaks soooooooo wellll, and his ability is cooool!
but right after the day he said that he was from VIETNAM

do YOU know that thigns changed into a negative way ????? :)) :))
esp. those stupid BRITISH there :)) :)) ! they dont even look at him when he passes by :)) :)) they even badmouthed behind his back :)) :))
so are YOU happy now :)) :))

do you want some more reasons for my saying " british is not that good ...blahblahblah....????? "
^:)^ ^:)^
I think that 's not enough

DO YOU KNOW what they asked him when he went for the interview for the visas ???? :))
"how much do your parents earn a month :)) :)) "
and just a few more questions :)) :))
they didnt ask why he wants to choose BRitain or smth :)) :))
so laughable :)) :))

So what's the point ofgoing to "great" britain ??? :)) :))
HE has lost himself :))

Well , I didnt deny my possibility to go to Britain next year :)) , did I ???
but the FACTis the FACT !
well, I'm a straight person!
If I like something , I'll say it out loud , if I dont , I'll do the same :)) :))
well, BUt did I ever say I LOVE BRITISH education????
did I EVER say so ????? :)) :))
my dear :))
I DIDNT say that I like to go to Britain :)) :))
that's not TRUE at ALL :))

It's a long post , isnt it ? time to go to bed now :D
cheers ,
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