English Area - English Only - English Area- Only ... +++

Oh man, do you know that all the Chinese Boys here failed their post test.You guys are brilliant.
Hmm, I don't think I will stay in Singapore after 4 years,I want to experience another system education, may be in the US or UK.NUS and NTU are not even among the top 50 colleges and universities in the world, you know.Whatever it takes, I want to widen my view upon the world.Hmmm, a long road a head.Ah, and about my brother, he is finishing his last year in here.So, no one will be here in the next 3 years.:).
Hey, do you guys have plan for Christmas?
Doesn't your brother have to work for the government here for the next 3 years?..I was told that all of those who study in university have to work for the government at least 3 years(certainly they will pay for us)( only for Asean scholars) :)
Is your brother our batch -one senior ?:)
Do you have Christmas holiday ? I thought your bridging course lasts until 30 DEc.Do you still have time to enjoy Christmas ?..
About the post test , we are NOT brilliant (dónt use over-promoting words like that ) :p
We all Have to Pass ..everyone has a certificate you know ?Post test here is not an important thing .:)
Tomorrow is our last full dress rehearsal before our real concert on Friday 17DEC .All the Vietnamses girls here will wear " Ao Dai " and sing some songs ( including Vietnamese , Cantonese and English :D ) We have prepared so much for it ! you guys , do you want to come and see on Friday , at 10.30 to 12 am @ Lecture concert 26 ( Ngee Ann polytechnic)..you can go by bus 156 ...check it later
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Work for Singapore Government doesn't mean he must work in Singapore.:) (And that's also 1 of the point I don't want to study in Singapore after 4 years.
Oh man, there is a concert like that? D*mn that bridging course, we will have a test on that s*cking day.Can we see the preparation?We all want to see you guys, Vietnamese girls in "Ao Dai".
Our post test is on 22, so we can ejnoy our Chirstmas.How about you?
wow there is a lot of interesting information
to hang:
of course i will take you to the sushi shop
delicious:) I love sushi
And i think the sushi there is quite cheap in comparison with sushi in the other restaurants
well let's take an example ah 6 pieces of sushi only$1.2 or$1.4 something
quite cheap huh????????
i'm sure you will love it.
when will linh and giang move to our boarding school?
i'm really eager to see them .Is that on 23rd this month?
I have known which hall and which room they will stay
right in front of my room!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And some other Vietnamese seniors are in the other cluster on the same floor
i'm so happy.surely there will be a lot of fun
And it seems to me that you don't like the bridging course
why?????????I love it really much
Although i have to work quite hard(once stayed up for the whole night),i still love it very much
our teacher is wonderful;She is really intelligent and thoughtful.And caring too
She gave us a lot of word games
very very interesting
for example like Wacky wordies.I wonder why you don't like this bridging course
oh when will the concert be held?
we,NJC ,don't have to perform ?Right?
huh i hope so.We will have a small concert at the end of our bridging course
well just for fun.....To entertain our teachers i can say.
hope your concert will be successful
well about christmas
what to do??????????i haven't thought about it.May be orchard road?????????
no i have already had enough with it
aaaaaaaaahhh i have just bought my laptop.Fujitsu:)
i'm so happy:)
i stick to it all the time after school
tomorrow is a new project the last project
This time we have to be on-the-spot reporters.Quite tough!!!!!!!!
but i'll try anyway
to nga
yeah i miss you guys too
Apart from the vietnamese here,I can only talk to the chinese.:((
But what do you mean by"especially the boy"?????????
em hem i don't think so
So how is 10A1 lately?
everybody is studying hard right?You guys are taking the 1st semester exam right?
Hope you guys will be OKIE
And when is the selection test for the english national contest?
I think that it will be very tough.
go go you guys can manage it right?
I miss your comics:((
the glass mask
how does the story end??????????
I love comics though i don't read a lot of them
well .today is the full dress rehearsal day ..ALL of us seemed to be much more beautiful. It is great ! of course ..So funny! ...Indonesian , Phillippines , Thai , Vietnamese, Laosian , Cambodian , Hongkong ...have prepared alot ..what a pity that you guys cannot come on Friday ..But the good news is that they will record our concert into a CD and may burn it for all of us later ..You guys can see it soon .So dont worry .
Well, all I can say is good luck to u guys.Looikng forward to the CD :D.
And, pleaseee, NJC, VS and all, do you guys have plan for Christmas?
We haven't planned anything yet. But all of us, who are staying in VH, think that all the VNese scholars should go somewhere to spend XMas together. Ò course, if u don't want, it's still ok!
Well you guys know what our concert today is incredible.We tried our best to perform.And the result is fantastic.We just sang some songs.The Chinese ,they have violin and dance.Well but the vietnamese performance was still very impressive.We sang Firefly and Mong uoc ki niem xua and the national anthem.And what else?
umh I sang two Chinese songs with two Chinese girls ,Well to express the friendship between Vietnam and China ,RIGHT?
Well plans for Christmas,SLEEPING yeah
and going shopping
Yesterday we went to Paragon Plaza to buy a present for our teacher
Perfume and Body lotion.Kenzo I think
Our teacher is really surprised but she is really happy
She said she felt so bad because we had to buy such an expensive present for her
Oh I love my teacher.She is.......how can i say...so cute!!!!!!!!!
umh I don't want this course to end
ay when will Giang and Linh move to the Chinese High Boarding school
i'll show them a lot of thing
It's quite nice here.But I am afraid when they come here they have to make a lot of effort to clean their room
A bit dirty as the seniors they have just moved out
Err? VH and NJC performed together?
Will you go back to VN Linh?Kiên, Ngọc will go right?
We haven't planned anything yet. But all of us, who are staying in VH, think that all the VNese scholars should go somewhere to spend XMas together. Ò course, if u don't want, it's still ok!
Man, you don't have to take all verbal precautions :)).How about all Vietnamese this year go to somewhere (except for those who will go back to VN)?
I won't go back to Viet Nam this Christmas
as the MOE doesn't allow us to
Go somewhere
Singapore is quite small.Don't tell me it is Orchard Road
let's see how about Sentosa
umh no no
well do you have any ideas
Ah tell giang and linh that they may not stay in the same hall with us
there was a change
Hey guys, why don't you write your compositions and paragraphs here.If we can't learn anything good, at least we won't make the same mistakes.I think all of us get benefits, right?Let's be the judges.You write, someone will learn from it, and please, correct it if you find mistakes.
Ok, I'll go first
Topic: Write some paragraphs , describe when you are camping in the top of a mountain, and suddenly, there comes a wind.

From the top of the mountain, in front of my eyes was the the imposingness of silvery crookies, which were like huge monsters, resting in hibernation.Above, in the cyan sky, milky clouds were drifting along, blocking the bright light of the shining sun.My eyes were covered with lustre, which was mirrored from the crystal ice of the frozen lake, far under where I was standing.Everything, in the white of the snow and the blue of the sky, seemed to be tranquil and immense.This was a perfect campsite, where I could enjoy my life with the greatness of nature and feeling of peace.

Suddenly, my bags, my equipment were shaking violently, they trembled with flowing snow.The stable tent I had made was then flapping like a flag, held by a big nail.With a surge of jitters running in my stomach, I felt colder and colder.The God of winter was breathing his icy sigh, blowing away my cap, touching my face with his bitterly cold fingers.Far away, I could hear a moaning, or we could even call it a hellish howl.It was not like that of a wolf, or a lion, but an impossible creature, a scary creature, a DEMON.From nowhere and from everywhere, that wind came, as fast as lightning, thrashing everything in its way.It was streching out its horible claws everywhere, bringing death to anything, even the smallest and slightest life.With its incredible power, my tent was blown away, like a small rag.I felt naked in the crazy wind, the cruel strength of mother nature.Kneeing, I tried to hold on anything, but my fingers were exhausted and numbed with cold.My eyes could only see the white, the white of the snow, the deadly colour of white, which was endeavouring to take away my life....
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Rugby's been back
But she didn't come to class
Just wanna hang out with old friends
Bad girl
anyway, we USED to be classmate
Ok, if u don't want to, u don't have to, but at least let us know that u've been back
Nothing else to say
u know? I used to look forward to u but then I felt disappointed
The exams have been over
Whatever, Happy new year to all of you
To Nhat Linh: i miss you fat guy
Tuấn Linh is right, where were you, B.Ngọc?? We have been looking forward to seeing you but you didn't even let us know that you were back!!
You just went with Đăng, only him. Why didn't you invite us, baby?? I, TLinh and many were disappointed of you...
When will you come back again?? And how about the others??
Oh, this sucking Vietnamese typing is stupid to type English X(
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Hello !!! Happy new year to all you guys +++
Thank you for promoting and developing our box +++
To guys from Singapore , I 've been to Sentosa bifor . Actually , I have to say that it didn't impress me much . I saw only things for sightseeing which made me a bit bored .
But I think , I may not know Sentosa clearly , there were still many other parts so that I believe that u will have unforgetable ' New Year ' moments with all Vietnamese friends there ! Love , +++
Phong , that's a good idea .
Well , I see that Phong wrote them with ur own style .You like a bit dread in ur paragraphs , but they are the factors that make liveliness . They impress me and make me fell excited although I don't really understand some structures .
Phong , why did u use (, ) in these circumtances :
This was a perfect campsite , where ...
I think " a perfect campsite " , it wasnt defined yet . Should the comma go there ?
Suddenly , my bags , my equipment were ...
I dont know if those bags and the equipment are different things . If yes , (,) should be replaced with 'and'. If not , there should be another (,) coming after ' equipment '.
Guys, let's tell Phong ur opinions which help him a lot ( although they r rite or wrong )!
And if u have any problems 'bout learning E , just say , and all guys here will discuss them . We will have useful lessons , hehehe +++
Ok , let s move on Ams activities . The final stupid exams 've passed . To me , they r too hard and too long .
Good luck to u and ur second term !!!!!!!!!!!!1
Do u know if we have any parties to celebrate NY , woooow ! I am too excited .Hope that they will be rồ-man-tíc and quite crazy ++++++++++
The 4th AEC meeting is coming soon . It is held by 11a1 !!!
Hot and sad news : We 'd like to share our sorrow of hearing the news from SEA and SA . I may not know exactly how terrible it was , but 150 000 is the number of death people which we cant never forget . Hope that Malaysia , Singapore , Indo, Srilanka... soon overcome the consequences .
Thanks M.Trang :D.
I think it is ok to put the (,) at the"perfect campsite" cause I want to emphasize the campsite, not only to make it more clearly.
And about the equipment, hm, I have to consider it again, cause I have never heard:
A,B, were.....Thank you very much for your opinions.:D.I think sometimes you can change the structures a bit to make your own style so that the effect it brings can be better.(as long as the grammar is acceptable :D).
To the news, Indonesia is the country which suffers the most with more than 85000 victims.Japan is the one which donates the most.As I read the newspaper 2 days ago, the whole ASEAN area doesn't have any system to warn about this kind of disaster, while the US has a lot of them, covered her sea route.
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