English Area - English Only - English Area- Only ... +++

Trần Thế Phong đã viết:
somebody pllleeaasssee tell me how the AEC meeting was ?
fine but not so good. everybody seem not to care much bout that :) but dun worry, we're trying to make the 2nd better.

hey all, better not to talk bout politics. [-x that sounds s*** :))
Well, have smt to tell Viet Nga:don't think that this is English area so u won't be afraid of mods!:D:D:D
btw, oh, it seemed a terrible day. I have a 15min test, and, so bad, i didn't learn by heart, so the mark will probably below 4.:(:)(:)(( What can I do now???
anyway, can u vote for my latest topic? It's " Đánh giá, cảm nhận về box" or smt like that, I don't remember the exact name:D. I just want to get to know u guys well, and find out smt to do with it.Thanks
Have fun, guys
Minh Trang, i really still dont understand the purpose of this topic very much. Maybe we should have some topics to dicuss for everyone to discuss up here, in E.
Phong: really sory to you coz there are no pictures or detail reports for you on AEC 1, but i promise that there will be in the 2nd ( ok, 50%, dont trust me). By the way, where are MY presents, too?
Talking about Bush, I really like Thị Ngoc's sentence: Buck Fush!!! How the hell đi he get re-elected?????
ugh, I really hate typing English up here!!
About the 1st meeting , I like it .
Firstly , All the mems were issued a sheet of paper where u could see the missing lyric of " My happy ending " . We listened 2 it 'n' we filled in the blanks .
The group game " Crazy arguement " ( I m not sure 'bout that name ) . Each group was divided into 2 teams which had different topics . We had 2 prove that ur thing was more important than the other one .
Eg , ' hat ' & ' underwear '- my teams pointed out the importance of hat , & we won ...
There was another game , everything seemed to be a good begining . I hoped sooo !!!

Well , we 've talked much 'bout AEC . I intended to open this box 4 just u guys : >\.
The group game " Crazy arguement " ( I m not sure 'bout that name ) . Each group was divided into 2 teams which had different topics . We had 2 prove that ur thing was more important than the other one .
Eg , ' hat ' & ' underwear '- my teams pointed out the importance of hat , & we won ...
There was another game , everything seemed to be a good begining . I hoped sooo !!!
That was the "crazy discussion" :).
How about the catergories? ( I usually call it "who am I")And how were the surveys?
Phong: really sory to you coz there are no pictures or detail reports for you on AEC 1, but i promise that there will be in the 2nd ( ok, 50%, dont trust me). By the way, where are MY presents, too?
Thanks before hand,er,about presents, what presents? Uoo, I'm too poor to buy anything, man, my allowance is just enough for lunches.
Phong ! where's my present ??? give me it & I will tell u about the AEC meeting !!!
ặc ặc (Vietnamese word :D), er, how about a candy, little baby?
Have you read the 2 posts below yours :D.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Phong , how about ur studies ? Have u met any A1 girls there ? Need to hear from u !
Have u guys watched the football match ( 4 girls ) today ? It made me thrilled >>>!!!
I wanabe a football STARRRRRRRRRR ( must be a star ) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Moreover , Can u guys make a short ' prồ fai ' of urself to let us know u better ?! Coz I had known u all in an other box . Just say smth u feel really self-assured of . I want to have more info from u .
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
U first, the football star:D
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
:))..The kid (Phong) stayed in an all boys school with an all boys boarding school, what can u expect?:p
to Phong : I'm not a kid - hehhe
to QAnh : why did u tell Phong about AEC meeting ??? oh ! he knew it & my PSIII somewhere !!!???
btw, Phong, where's my present? U promised that you would give it to me!!!
btw(again:p),can u guys give me some hot boys' profiles? I want to make a new poll, but I still haven't got any info
Phong seems to be the hot topic here! :D
Minh Trang wanted to be a FOOTBALL star right after she saw the match between 11 Maths and 11 Chinese! :D lol, wat the hell the world will be! :))

Sorry but the thread" Đánh giá & cảm nhận về box..." is just kinda waste of time. All who said that the box was wondeful is liar. :-& that's only my own opinion!

Phong-------->hot old man(oops,i said it again).U promised to buy the ugly kid The Duy a PSIII?And ur allowance's just enough for lunches?What the hell's that?Are you kidding me?
MT wanna know smt about u,despite u swore you would be a crazy monk,blah blah..
To squib:hot boys' profile?Here it is(the hottest and the oldest):
The Phong Tran
Tel: 8571483
Fax: N/A
Add: i forgot
Residence: SG
character: nuttin' to say, everybody's known
Remainings: i forgot,too
I swear that i'm not fishin'
To QA: may be with u, that topic is kinda wasting time, but with sbd, it's not:)
I just want to know what you r thinking of our box. It makes me feel a little bit easier to b the moderator. Are you satisfied?
To LINh: not only TP, I know there are still some more hot boys
Hey everybody who insn't an AEC member! Hurry up and register because time's running! This meeting will be absolutely COOL!!!!

Actually I wanted to know everyone's opinion about overseas studying. I don't know ì it's just me that's old fashioned, or is EVERYBODY racing for scholarships? Well, I'm exagerating, but look : Fong + 5 A1 gals are now are in Singapore, Cu just announced that he and 4 other classmates are flying to UK next year, and Tuan Linh too is totally obsessed in finding one, he skips school for them... We're in the 10th grade. 3 years more to go. Does everybod think it ít's really good and esential to go that early? Why and what for?
I decide to go next year but in exchange program. Of course, a scholarship is better (I'm trying to find one) but if I couldn't find one I think this program is the best. It's a bridge leads to American Uni and I don't have to pay much money for it. Besides, I can also learn many things, improve myself, adapt to the new life... It's very risky but interesting also.
I think going early can save more time and money, u can have a good basis to adapt well
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Many reasons for going study overseas early: easier to get scholarship or visa, easier to learn the language when you are still young, easier to adapt to the new life and culture etc...
Happy birthday to Bích Ngọc:D Be always happy, gal:)
I also wanna say Happy birthday to Bích Ngọc.Today's Phong's birthday too so happy birthday to Phong as well.Be always happy,both of u!
To Bích Ngọc:sorry for havin' called you Rugby,I promise to move on :))
To Hạnh Dung:what do u think u'r doing?"essential",not "esential".And the answer to ur question is:"yes",however,it's none of ur buiness.Do u think u'r wasting ur time?
Hm, this is the first time I visit this topic, and my first feeling is you always abbreviate unnecessarily !!!! Sometimes too difficult to understand !!
I think going now is a bit early for us when we are in 10th grade. Only mature students like Phong hủi can go without worrying. We are too young to live without parents near us, understand Tuấn Linh ???
My parents want me to go in an exchange program (like Mr.Trĩ :D) to America, I have no ideas now. Who have interesting ideas of studying abroad, type here, OK ??
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