What da hell are you talking about then?

Yeah, rite, if you can have IELTs score over 6.5 and no band is lower than 6, you should submit this to your application form. If not, so forget about this lor and take time to do it again in the UK
Recommendation is not that important as what you expected, since the UK colleges for A-level only care about your GPA (grade point average). Some colleges, if your GPA is higher than 8.5 or about 9.0, will give you a 'special offer' for the tuition fee.
What i have said about the age of studying, I mean you dont need to worry about how old you are to enroll the A-level or foundation courses. However, If you are too old sth like 22-23, you will have less chance to get in top famous Universities like Oxbridge. Since their policies are limited age, I mean they restrict students who are too old to enroll the course.
And last but not least, eventhough HN-Ams has a very good tuition quality (i mean teaching quality) in Hanoi, there are many other schools also good. So dont be too 'dependent' on the name of your school. Since only a few UK colleges know about this.
The most important thing to get in a good College for A-level is your GPA. Otherwise, I aslo cannot forget to say that some colleges required you to prove your family's finance that can afford your tuition fee, whether or not you have received a financial hardship.