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Chapter 5: The Talk And Why There Is Always A Plan
A/N: Hey there kiddies!! This time, I'm really gonna keep it short. I thank you all for those wonderful reviews and the attention that you have given this story. I hope ur all still around n reading because now we're gonna have some fun. Hopefully, that is. I hope this chapter is enjoyable. Rin! To the Fluff-mobile!!!
Rin was still dreaming as she lay on the bed with her back turned towards a certain demon lord who was also sound asleep. It had been too early in the morning when she first felt the pain in her neck and brought herself out of peaceful slumber. Don't you just hate when that happens? But the pain had died down eventually and going back to sleep seemed the only natural thing to do. Anyways, it's not like one can really argue about it if the lord gives you a silent command before closing his own eyes once again.
But all this thinking about marriage had been plaguing her mind and the newfound closeness with lord Fluffy-at-heart was certainly not helping. Her dreams twisted and turned with her confuzzled emotions until she was brought back to the image of herself, half a decade ago, to when she was about 12 years of age.
She saw the very day that Sesshoumaru and the Green Mosquito had taken it upon themselves to teach her the ways of life, more specifically, the nature of man and woman. Ah yes, the mind boggles. Her shock in learning what she was to be educated in that day was so great that she couldn't help herself. She decided to conceal the fact that she already knew almost everything there was to know about the so-called "birds and the bees." In fact, the one thing that she didn't know was why on earth it was given such a misleading title when it had nothing whatsoever to do with birds -or- bees.
But that is all beside the point. The point here is that Rin had known for a long time. She had learned much from her mother before losing her. Fortunately, neither Sesshoumaru nor Jaken knew this... and she really admired her lord for having the courage to attempt to explain such a concept himself. Thus begins our dream/flashback, (A/N: do not fear the white light a' glowing yonder).
Oi...these things make me nauseous...FLASHBACK*******************
"Alright you little brat, are you ready for the important talk Sesshoumaru- sama has prepared to give you?"
"Sure I am you ugly little-"
"Sorry Sesshoumaru-sama. You wish to speak to me about something?"
"Yes. Sit." Rin sat down, trying not to burst into hysterics while Sesshoumaru slowly paced around in front of her, looking as calm and arrogant as ever, completely confirming the fact that he was one nervous youkai. Good God what a turn on... Sorry, that was author interjection, not a 12-year-old Rin comment.
He hardly bothered to bat an eyelash before beginning.
"This is a serious matter Rin, pay close attention."
"Of course Sesshoumaru-sama." *He really doesn't know what he's getting himself into...hehehe...*
"In your human opinion," he said trying not to sound too sarcastic, "where do babies come from?"
*Oh boy! What a way to plunge in! Well, you asked for it Fluffy-sama.* Rin blushed over and over again. This was going to be better than she had first anticipated. Hehehe... *I wonder if I could get away with it...Hmmm...He won't be pleased if I trick him...But then again, he's hardly ever pleased with anything.* There was only one way to test the waters of his patience and by golly, she took it.
"Oh Sesshoumaru-sama that's an easy one! Everyone knows that babies are delivered by white crow demons! They wrap the babies up in furs and carry them in their beaks to the mothers and fathers that are waiting for them."
"Idiot humans," humphed Jaken before he was squashed by Sesshoumaru's foot. And there he lay, twitching and caked to the ground, for the better part of this vital conversation.
The lord's dissatisfied expression never changed and he resisted the urge to twitch himself. *I shall have to start from the very beginning.*
"Rin, tell this Sesshoumaru, what is the difference between a male and a female?"
"Well Sesshoumaru-sama, females have longer hair and I suppose they get stung by something because they grow these funny bumps on their chests. Males, on the other hand, have shorter hair. They also get stung but it's different because they get funny bumps on their-"
"ENOUGH," he said. The word came out loud and hurried and he clearly was not amused. *Time for Plan B.* He looked away from her trying to keep his facial color at a normal level.
"Listen carefully. As males and females grow older, their bodies, thoughts and emotions mature. They do not get stung. They do not get bumps." He tried to choose his words carefully.
"Then what's wrong with me!?" she asked sadly as she, to Sesshoumaru's horror, looked down pointedly at her chest.
Deep down inside, a very hysterical Rin was laughing herself to tears. *The older they get, the more gullible they become... how sad...hahaha...*
"Nothing is wrong, you are growing!" he stated angrily, indicating that that was the end to that question. He was angry. How typical.
Rin now thought back to his original question and decided that she really wanted to hear Sesshoumaru version of where babies came from. Author sighs. What people will do for a little entertainment?
"Say, where -do- babies come from Sesshoumaru-sama?" She asked looking one- hundred-percent innocent and a little teary-eyed at the same time.
"From mistakes made by imbeciles who have nothing better to do than produce miniature versions of their imbecile selves." His voice demanded no further inquiry on the subject.
Seeing that they had hit a rather solid dead end, the lord decided upon a different approach.
"Rin, do you know what the baby will be if one parent is a youkai and the other a human?"
"Hmmm...Oh, I know- your brother Inuyasha!" His eyes squinted even more, and Rin urgently corrected herself. "I mean...a... mistake! Yes, we get more mistakes."
Sesshoumaru smiled coolly. "Exactly. Well done."
*You've got some nerve! Humph. I'm glad I learned all this before he had a chance to brainwash me with this rubbish. I should be the one giving you 'the talk'..." She decided that her next question would be something he had very well earned.
"But Sesshoumaru-sama, if your brother is only half a demon, then what are you? Are you half demon too?" Jaken gasped and cringed on the floor, waiting to be blown away or disintegrated. This human was suicidal.
*Score one in the Rin vs. Baka match ladies and gentlemen.*
Sesshoumaru pulled himself together and ignored the completely idiotic suggestion that -he- the Lord of the Western Lands could -ever- be considered a disgusting hanyou. *She is a human, she knows no better,* he told himself over and over again while he regained his composure. Onto the next topic.
"Rin, there comes a time in every human's life when he or she must marry, or so I have heard..." he carried on, making it painfully obvious that the mating habits of humans were of no concern to him.
"But Sesshoumaru-sama you're not married!"
*TWITCH* Through clenched teeth and fangs: "I-am-no-human."
"But you look like one most of the time!" She continued and now he was really getting angry. Damn this was fun. But she didn't want him to go berserk just yet so she decided to cool things down a little.
"Except you are much more handsome than any human could ever be Sesshoumaru- sama." She smiled and for the first time, unleashed the power that is puppy- dog-eyes on the unsuspecting youkai. His expression remained solemn but the faint pink of blush was evident. *She thinks I am handsome, eh? Well...No harm in speakig the truth.*
"So why haven't you married yet?" She questioned now with genuine curiosity.
"Demons do not marry, they mate. Marrying is a human concept which I will discuss for the sole purpose of your education."
"Well then why haven't you mated yet?"
The personal question stunned him for a minute. What difference did it make to her? And how to answer this difficult question?
"There is no need."
"Well I never want to get married."
*Is that so...* he thought now a bit relieved although he did not know why. One questioning eyebrow rose. "Why is that?"
She smiled innocently. "There's no need!" Her expression changed to one of reflection. "But what if later on I do want to marry and I want to marry a youkai, Sesshoumaru-sama?"
He rolled his eyes upwards, annoyed that she had apparently missed the previous half of the conversation and slightly angry at the thought of her wanting to marry at all. Why wouldn't she want to stay with him to the end of her days? Whoa. Where had that thought come from!
"There is no 'what if' as that demon will most likely not wish to marry you."
"Eh?" *Baka-sama, are you trying to tell me something?*
"Let us continue. Now, when a male wishes to mate, he goes about this by ignoring the female's objections, as they are merely a game and simply claims the female as his. It is at this point that no other male can touch her, if he values his pathetic life. Am I making myself clear?"
*Well this is certainly interesting. You insult my intellect, you really do.* "Ok Sesshoumaru-sama. But what happens if that female really doesn't love the male and doesn't want to be claimed?"
"If she has been claimed already then she will have a long time to learn to like it."
"And if she has not been claimed?"
"In that unlikely event, she will do everything in her power to distance herself from the male and once she realizes that it is a useless attempt, she will quit her foolishness and learn her place."
*That makes absolutely no sense.... You really need to get out more.*
"Oh. I understand. But this is what youkai do."
He put on a wordless "so?" expression.
"I need to know what humans do."
"The exact same thing in a much more simplified manner so that their minute brains are not overwhelmed."
"But Sesshoumaru-sama not all human males get the females they want."
"And that is due to their lack of strength and authority in dealing with their females."
"Oh...well what about love?"
"What about it."
"Wouldn't it make things easier if the male and female loved each other?"
"You needn't concern yourself with that."
"Sesshoumaru-sama? How does the female know if the male loves her?"
"If she is not a complete simpleton then she will know."
*You have no idea what you're talking about do you...* "I'm confused...What if a human wanted to marry you Sesshoumaru-sama? What would you do?" She asked (for future reference) in all innocence, wondering what his response would be.
"I would consider pitying that human."
*Hmmm...I'll remember to throw that in your face someday you overgrown child.*
He turned away, looking bored. This conversation was going nowhere in a hurry.
"Sesshoumaru-sama, have you ever fallen in love?"
"No." What was with all these lovey-dovey questions?
"Well now I understand then." She said simply, turning the conversation back around to him. "Mama always used to tell me that it is very important to share your life with the one you love. If you've never fallen in love then that's why you've never marr- er, mated." *And the odds are that you never will, you baka.* She stated proudly. *En garde! you meanie...*
Now this was curious...How could a girl who supposedly couldn't differentiate between men and women speak so intricately about the concept of love, which she should know nothing about.
"What would you know of love."
*Probably more than you, you furry -BEEP-* Rin brightened up and went to scrape Jaken off the floor. She then took the green pancake along with her as she embraced her lord tightly.
"Sesshoumaru-sama, even though me and Jaken despise each other on the surface, deep down inside, somewhere... unreachable... I'm sure we -like- one other... at least a little bit. Nevertheless, Jaken loves you very much because you are his master. I love you because you saved Rin and you look out for her. And you love us because we're your family. Right?" With puppy- dog-eyes in full gear she looked up to the lord as a child looks upon his/her hero. And all things aside, that's just what he was to them, their hero, their Sesshoumaru-sama.
His expression changed only slightly but Rin could hear his heartbeat getting faster. That was all the answer she needed as she let go of him and threw Jaken back down to the ground. She then walked to the door ready to go to her own room, as there were more important things to do.
"Sesshoumaru-sama, thank you for the talk but I'm very happy my mother told me all these things a long time ago. I appreciate that you tried. But...if you ever have kids, please let someone else explain it to them!" And with that she bolted through the door.
"What..." Sesshoumaru stood with a blank/perturbed face. He had gone through all that, for nothing? So much for Plan B... Still, the magical melody of furniture being disintegrated in the adjoining room could be heard by the content 12-year-old who stood on her balcony, silently watching the stars.
Rin opened her eyes but remained quiet and in thought. *He cares about me...but he doesn't love me. Even if he did, he would never bring himself to marry me. And to think, our children would be half-breeds. Eep! Somehow, things don't seem to be looking up for me. Those stupid girls...* She thought back to the two girls at the stream and the conversation they were having. *They can have their stupid marriages. Like I care...humph... Damn these things still itch...* She brought her hand to her neck and began scratching the wounds once again. One second later another hand was calmly placed over hers and removed it from the scratching position, laying it on her side. Sesshoumaru then took his hand away and lay still. He was wide awake but also deep in thought.
*I have claimed you Rin. It has been to my advantage that you do not remember the significance of the marks. It gives me time. You are now more bound to me than you will ever understand. But I will choose the time and place to tell you this. Perhaps when you are older, perhaps sooner than that. I do not know. For now, it will remain my secret. I must be sure of your feelings so that I may deal with you accordingly before I make it known to you that you have mate.*
" itches. Isn't there any way to heal them?" She said not turning around to face him.
"No. Do not touch them."
*I got the point Fluffy...sheesh* "Ok." Like I always say, some things are just better left unsaid. But then again, it's the thought that counts. Hmmm...
Yet what is a story without a little complication? That's right...what better time for our friend "The Voice" to enter than now?
*Rin. Miss me?
I'd love to
Sigh. I am so under-appreciated.
But let me tell you why-
Young lady, you will be eternally grateful to me once you have heard what I am about to say.
Surprise me.
I intend to.
That little dream you had a moment ago, isn't there a part of it you are forgetting?
No...I don't think so...why? Are you doubling as my memory now?
Sigh...Why do I even bother?...I believe it went a little something like this: "Sesshoumaru-sama, how will the female and others know if she has been claimed or not?"
"Youkai leave their marks by biting into the necks of their chosen mates. All other youkai can sense these marks. They are permanent."
"Oh. I understand. But this is what youkai do......"
Etc. etc...Do you remember now?
Yeeees...You're right. Now that you mention it, I -do- remember something like that. Heh, funny...I had almost forgot that random little piece of trivia.
Rin. You and I have a communication problem that must be dealt with. Quickly.
Think about what I said, it should process sooner or later. Goodbye- for now!
But perhaps that little piece of trivia was not so random after all. Rin paused for a moment and snapped out of her daze as her smile slowly melted into a tight line of fury and her eyes became beady little holes that looked rather menacing.
*I...have...been...claimed. Without... my... consent. I... have. not...been... told... that... I... am... claimed. Let's see, do I rip his hair out, pluck every last hair off of his tail until "Fluffy" is no longer an acceptable nickname, scratch his eyes out, bash his non-existent brain in or have Jaken chained to him for the rest of his youkai existence? Hmmm...All of the above...and not in this specific order.*
In her frenzy, all turned red as Rin contemplated what her next move would be. It was not so much anger as it was disappointment that she felt. We all know of her deep feelings for Sesshoumaru but what hurt was that he had taken it upon himself to claim her without her consent at a time when she knows nothing of his feelings. Not to mention the tiny fact that he had not told her what he had done. She felt violated and was getting ready to violate him...badly.
*Just pray that I don't go all vampire on you when I bite off -your- neck you- CENSORED- Perhaps it was time for Plan B*
She sprang off the bed and stood at the side, pointing a finger straight at, not that one... The way that she had jumped off was enough to disturb the lord out of his 'slumber.' She looked angry. Scratch that, she looked furious. It was going to be one of those days again. Not good.
The blank look on his face was enough to prove to her that he had no idea what she was ranting and raving about.
"THESE!" She yelled pointing that finger at the marks. He paled. His face remained solemn but it had definitely paled. Mornings bite, excuse the pun.
Her breathing got faster as she tried calming herself down. In the meantime, Sesshoumaru, now that his little secret was out in the open, tried to mask his hurt by covering it up with anger. How dare she insult him in this manner? He had made her his mate, she had every reason in the world to be happy...unless... Had he so drastically misunderstood her feelings for him? How could this be?
"Perhaps you are not worthy after all..." he said angrily. He was very hurt but there was no way he was going to let that on to the likes of her.
She was a little calmer now...but not much. "Listen Mister, you aren't on my good graces at the moment, so don't make it worse!" And on that final note, our main character started crying. Seeing her in tears was enough to break his heart all over again and he made a motion to get up but she was quicker.
Through the tears, she still managed to speak harshly: "Bad dog! Stay away from me!" Sesshoumaru stood dead in his tracks now angrier than ever whereas she had stormed halfway across the room when the main door suddenly flew open.
*WHAM* "Sesshoumaru-samaaaa! Your faithful Jaken is back at last!" he cried. But now was really not a good time.
There was something very different in the air that Jaken felt the moment he entered the room. almost felt as if... no, that was impossible. Innocently, Jaken hopped next to Sesshoumaru and tugged at his kimono.
Curiously, he asked: "Sesshoumaru-sama, did I miss something?"
A/N: Let us say a prayer for Toadman please. *silence* K that's good enough. This is humor people so this is as serious as this fic will ever get. Hey, you were all forewarned so don't nobody be complaining or I'll thwunk you

Sigh...poor Jaken...poor Sesshoumaru, he's gonna be in the dog- house now, excuse the pun...poor Rin... I think she's lost touch with reality... Oh well, can't be helped...Or can it? Dun dun dun... Stay Tuned!