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Chapter 2- Who Said You Were A Woman?
Rin could think of nothing else but the girls' conversation as she quietly lagged behind Jaken. Oooh she was in such a foul mood. Her ears heard nothing other then the sound of something deep inside which somehow found its way to the surface. The debate began.
What are you doing Rin? Wasting your life away following a demon and his toad...
Stupid, I wouldn't even have a life if it weren't for Sesshoumaru...
Psshha! Technicalities! It was the Tenseiga that saved you, not Sesshoumaru; he just kinda… ya know… helped it work.
But what would I do without him? Where would I go? I have no one else to turn to. Besides, I wouldn't leave matter how big a baka he acts like. Deep down inside, I know there's more to him than that cold exterior. I've seen it. Don’t ask me how.
What you saw was nothing more than the icy flow of hatred, especially for lowly humans like you. What do you hope to accomplish by staying at his side? You're not getting any younger. Do you honestly think that he would even consider marrying you- mating with you- whatever it is you kids are calling it these days.
Oh my god… I must finally be losing it. It’s finally happened Rin, my girl. You’ve snapped. I'm literally advising myself to **** off. There‘s something not right about this.
You know the answer to those questions but you avoid them. Fine, be that way but you'll end up just as that girl said: an old hag. Old, miserable and ALONE!
"AAAAh!" she cried as she hit herself repeatedly, out of frustration. It was quite the picture. The girl kept slapping at her head and wasn't paying the slightest attention at where she was going. Jaken turned around to see what all the commotion was about but no sooner had he turned that he caught the last few seconds of her one-woman stunt show and she crashed to the ground, tripping over a rock that had mysteriously chosen her as a victim.
Jaken stood there, his eyes twitching. "Girl, have you finally gone mad?" he shrieked. Sesshoumaru had not bothered to turn around but he was growing tired of all the racket. Heads were getting ready to roll.
The demon lord wanted to get back home as he was not interested in spending another night out in open. Besides, he had a lot on his mind. What dominated his thoughts you may ask? The correct question is WHO. And the answer is three little letters: R-I-N. He needed to be alone and the longer he stayed out in her company, the longer he felt his defenses weaken. He needed to cool it...and quick.
Let's snap back to the present please!
Jaken shrieked: "Girl, have you finally gone mad?" Seeing that she made no answer, he began taunting her. "Rin you better get that pathetic human body up off the ground before I lose control of my staff and it finds its way to your empty head."
But, amidst his laughing, he failed to notice the gleaming of Rin's eyes. A snarl and a jump later, he was squashed to the ground like a fly twitching between a window and a swatter as Rin tried to bash his brains out.
She started to rant and rave like a mad woman which made Sesshoumaru stop in his tracks. What the hell was going on back there?! He turned around to look at his followers and simply stood there expressionless (as always) watching the "friendly argument."
"Pathetic human body huh...I'll show you pathetic you amphibian wannabe!" she yelled as she bashed another one into him. But Jaken wasn't going down without a fight. He fought back with his staff and as many colorful phrases as he could muster on such short notice.
"Lose control? You-just-watch-me-lose-con-trol!" she said as she kerplunked those syllables into him (A/N: haha, just picture her bashing her fist on his nasty green head repeatedly
This had gone too far. They had completely forgotten the fact that they were supposed to be heading home and didn't even take notice of the figure that now loomed above them. Of course, that was before they finally saw that his eyes had gone red. Jaken and Rin froze, the scene being such that Rin held her hands around Jaken's neck and was trying to choke him (A/N: can we all say "duh") while Jaken was thwanking (think kerplunking) his staff on her head. The two let go of each other and Jaken edged out of sight to repair his staff that had definitely seen better days. Rin kept her eyes on the ground like a little kid and braced for impact.
"Rin," he said through clenched fangs in a very angry yet controlled voice, "Is it that time of the month?"
Her own angry eyes snapped up to meet his. Had she just heard right?
"Eh?" (cheeks blush anime style and sweatdrop appears) So what if it is? Why I oudda...
"I suggest you act your age from now on before I lose my patience with you."
But it really was no use and he knew it. There wasn't anything he could do, simply because he couldn't bring himself to harm her. And in the mood she was in, she was gonna milk this for aaaaall it was worth.
"You‘re just lucky I don‘t lose mine first! Hmph!" she said crossing her arms defiantly. She stuck her nose in the air and, knowing that this would really tick him off, she walked right past him, attitude full throttle, refusing to look his way. Of course, she was waiting for some sort of reaction from him, probably a violent outburst of sorts, some de- rooted trees, a few smoldering patches of land, mountains cloven in two, etc. and sure enough, she got it. But it was far from anything she had expected.
This time, Sesshoumaru was going to let his words fight the battle for him. He was determined to win. Perhaps she would then shut up and let him concentrate on getting them back home, for let us not forget that Sesshoumaru is, before anything else, a man (and what a man… ehem…) so naturally, finding the right direction is his strongest point.
"You have nothing to prove to me Rin. I already know that you shall be nothing more than a child. Keep Jaken entertained since that is all you are good for. As long as you stop hindering me then I do not care weather you follow or leave."
Rin walked up, no longer crossing her arms, and stood dead in front of him. So he wants a fight, huh? She felt as if her heart had been ripped out and was being torn apart by a million little demons (strangely resembling Jaken). By the seemingly emotionless look on his face, the only thing that she could think of was you really don't care, do you... That really hurt. It -really- did. In fact, it hurt so much, it was absolutely begging for retaliation.
"I may be human but since it hasn't drawn your attention, I am also a woman. Need I remind you that there is a line you do not cross with a woman, especially when it is that time of the month. But you already know all this, since you’re so knowledgeable in the ways of women.”
He didn't budge or break the blood-chilling eye contact. She had asked for it.
"You? A woman?" he said looking her up and down with disgust in his eyes, "I would sooner call myself a hanyou."
Ooooh that's it. I know you did NOT just insult my femininity! was the last thing she remembered thinking as she landed one mean mother-fucker of a right hook in his not-so-gorgeous-anymore face.
Sesshoumaru brought both his clawed hands before her neck, mere inches away. He felt like wringing that pretty little neck of hers until her head detached from her body. But he could bring his claws no closer than that. He could do no more than stand there with his hands in front of her, breathing heavily with rage, teeth/fangs/whatever clenched, eyes bulging and red as Rudolph's nose, a growl and snarl thrown in here and there but that was all.
Rin's POV:
Oops. I've really gone and done it this time. He is -never- gonna let me live this one down. Damn. Smooth Rin, real smooth. Why couldn't you have smacked him at least? You had to punch him didn't you. Oh...why don't I just go die now and spare him the trouble of killing me...crap.
I ca't look him in the eyes. I’m not afraid that he’s going to hurt me physically. Of course not. Sesshoumaru would never do such a thing to me. But that’s the whole point. He’s probably going to hurt me with his degrading phrases now and when it comes to verbal confrontation, he certainly has a way with words. Could I just crawl into a hole please? It's the first day of that week, I feel nauseas, my head hurts, now my hand hurts and I'm on a guilt trip like nobody's business. I feel like crying...I feel like scratching the word 'baka' on my forehead...I feel like inflicting pain on Jaken...hmm... tempting...
Back to normal viewing
With a sudden wave of emotion she flung herself onto Sesshoumaru (who had been burning a hole through her with his stare until now) and captured him in her embrace. To top it off, she wouldn't stop crying. Go figure. Well, everyone who experiences that time of the month knows what I'm talking about. Everything just goes haywire.
"I'm so sorry!" sniffle sniffle "You want to kill me" sniffle "and that's ok...just please don't hate meeee

She suddenly stopped her crying and looked up at his face. He had the most dumb-founded look she had ever seen. Of course, there was also a very curious looking question mark above his head. Other than a few tiny red spots above his cheek, there were no other visible signs of damage. She hesitantly touched those spots with her finger but he huffed away from her touch.
Ok. I guess I deserve that she thought. He was really gonna be an ass about this, wasn't he.
He brushed past her and refused to look back. He started to walk again. Rin was about to follow but he spoke once more.
"Next time, I'll kill you." was his calm, cool, collected and final response.
*******. At least he's back to normal...I guess... She sighed. The thought of going home just kept getting better and better.