Re: Phương pháp đọc SAT
It's true that Mr.Hieu's chance into MIT is no more than a very, very long shot ( which can be misleading since I dont have enough infos abt him ). There are tons of asian kids ( including Vietnamese immigrants ) whose profiles are full of perfect GPAs, perfect or near perfect SAT I & II or ACTs, top 5% of prestiguous prep schools, outstanding ECs ( some even do a helluvas of research with the likes of Harvard's professors, not to mention co-author books with them ), blah blah blah... Just not let those things intimidate you, you will be fine. ( personal note: this is what my buddy kept blasting into my ears for the last few days. Anyhow, I finally got it. )
to Hanh: I dont know you so well, but your posts in HAO are full of one liners and negative comments. Cycnism is not always appreciated . BTW, if you are not into taking chance, why bother come to the States?
It bugs me that people keep citing the application fee as a legit reason whether to apply for a school or not. May be it's just me, but things you receive as a college student by far outweigh that 60 bucks. And since almost every Vietnamese applicants also apply for financial aid, the disinclination to pay the fee to get into schools you really want is plain stupid. I would be perfectly content to pay whatever it takes( regarding application's fees, that is ) to be accepted to ( insert college's name here :lol: ). Yet, I qualified for fee waiver anyhow .nếu biết là ko được thì apply làm gì cho tốn $50 fee (MIT thì $60 thì phải, ko nhớ nữa). Đối với MIT, chuyện được nhận và chuyện có afford được tuition fee của nó hay ko là 2 chuyện hoàn toàn khác. Còn học bổng từ MIT thì ko phụ thuộc vào SAT mà phụ thuộc vào việc mình outstanding đến thế nào... Nói chung là nhắm vào MIT là hoàn toàn dũng cảm (mất $60 cũng tiếc lắm chứ
It's true that Mr.Hieu's chance into MIT is no more than a very, very long shot ( which can be misleading since I dont have enough infos abt him ). There are tons of asian kids ( including Vietnamese immigrants ) whose profiles are full of perfect GPAs, perfect or near perfect SAT I & II or ACTs, top 5% of prestiguous prep schools, outstanding ECs ( some even do a helluvas of research with the likes of Harvard's professors, not to mention co-author books with them ), blah blah blah... Just not let those things intimidate you, you will be fine. ( personal note: this is what my buddy kept blasting into my ears for the last few days. Anyhow, I finally got it. )
to Hanh: I dont know you so well, but your posts in HAO are full of one liners and negative comments. Cycnism is not always appreciated . BTW, if you are not into taking chance, why bother come to the States?