Oh yes, go find those who dislike and keep on talking shiet about me. Now people who don't even know who I am hate me more and more each day thanks to your made-up stories. Thank you so very much!
And once again, don't victimize yourself. Hello?? It is me who is the victim:|.
How selfish she is! How mean she is!
Yes, you deserve nothing. But why do you still have everything that an ordinary person could possibly dream of?? Should I blame God for being so iniquitous??
I do not usually curse people; but I curse you...a million times.
I also hate the fact that they do not care about my future because it's not theirs. Actually, I do not have the right to force them to help me. However, if they already agree to help, why don't they keep their promise??
Nói thì ngọt xơn xớt ý, ai chả nói được:|
Bực nhất là đã khó chịu rồi mà cứ phải ra vẻ tươi cười nhịn nhục.
Mà sao bây giờ lại có thể loại cứ viết một câu lại phải chèn 3 4 từ tiếng Anh vào nhỉ?