(¯`*from..to..*´¯)~Feel like writing down something u wanna say 2 someone?

To: a friend
Hey, ive thought about what you said yesterday. :) You're right. Quitting right now will affect many people, and myself, too. Besides, "ban quản lí" is having quite a lot of problems. So i dont want to bother them with my childish stuff. :"> And ive also settled things up with her. :)
Anyway, thank you for consulting me. :) I'll try my best this time, but i think im gonna need some help from everybody. :">
To everyone: Tại sao 1 ngày không có 48 giờ nhỉ :(
Tại sao một tuần không có 2 ngày cuối tuần?
Tại sao một năm không có 2 cái hè :((
hôm nào bảo đom đóm giải thik lại cho tao cái bullshit phức tạp của mày ;)
một ngày có 48 h thì con sẽ có nguy cơ phải học 2 ca thầy mạnh một ngày lắm, ko sung sướng hơn đâu =))


Giờ mới cong mông đi úp đết. H mới biết nhiều người nhắn nhủ mình ghê :">
To Ngàn: Cứ thế nhớ, sẽ ổn dần và đi vào quỹ đạo thôi mà
To NGàn và Chim : Mình chả bao h get mad vì mấy chuyện đấy đâu :)) . Chỉ đùa thôi :p
@Lý: Ừ k get mad thì tốt. :x Em lo quá. Tự nhiên thấy em Chi đi xin lỗi làm mình tưởng có gì phải đi xl theo. :">
hnay Ngàn iêu khen mình xinh ;)) iêu quá :* moahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :*:*:*
e vui nên mới xinh đấy :-" hí hí iêu lắm nhá >:-D<
@em D: Hí hí, xinh thì mình mới khen đấy, k phải nịnh đâu. ;)) Mai nhớ điểm hẹn em nhé. Với lại mình có chuyện muốn nói với em. ;)) ;)
Iêu iêu. :x :* >:-D<

@you: a day passes and i hear a lot more about you and your "unique" personality. 8-| strangely, i feel sorry for you, you are so pathetic. 8-| and somehow disappointed, 'cuz u're not the one i used to know. :-< where is the "you" that i used to talk with, have fun with, laugh with... ? maybe that person doesnt exist at all. no, not "maybe", of course that "you" doesnt exist, it's just a figment of my imagination. :)) all the things i know that belong to you are a pack of lies, lies, and lies, right? and you are even so coward that you didnt dare to admit that you were WRONG. :|

This is not for YOU. :| [-x
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
iêu Hạnh Ngàn chết đi mất thôi >:-D<
Ngàn ơi Ngàn ơi hay làm người iêu e đi ;;);;) thay anh Trư làm chồng e :">
@em Diệp: Em ơi mình phải... từ chối em thôi. :"> Mình... có nơi có chốn mất rồi. :"> ;)) Mình lỡ... yêu em Chim mất rồi. =))
Với lại, tôi làm chồng cô bây giờ đến lúc Trư về cô lại bỏ rơi tôi. :-w ;))
:x:x:x:x:x:x:x anh Trư làm chồng cả Ngàn làm chồng hai nhá ;;);;);;) e lại làm vợ hai của Ngàn sau em Chim :">:">:"> fận toàn làm vợ hai mà =))=))=))=)) e cũng chỉ là vợ hai của anh Trư thôi :-j

dạo này mình fởn lắm ý :x yêu đời vãi chưởng :x sau khi mình nhận ra giá trị thật của con ng mình :)):)):x:x:x:x:x:x
i swear, fun and memories are my priorities. you guys do know me, know the real me ...

btw, @ the previous post-er: độ bựa cao 8-} quá cao 8-|


úi, ý mình là cái người bạn mention chứ ko phải bạn đâu nhớ :D
To whoever it concerns:
There are things that should just be thought, and not said. Being straightforward's good, thinking before speaking's good, too. Owning a personality's awesome, so's cooperating. There are more than one good ideas out there.
Sounds like it's heavily directed at me, too :)).
To: #1
I totally agree with you, about both. :)) :x

Dont just focus on yourself like that. This is not for only you. :) Sometimes you just have to accept the truth, even though it's inconvenient. And this is for the whole group. I know that i dont have the right to tell you that, 'cuz really sometimes i feel im inferior to you... But i just didnt like the way you react, at all. Sorry if this words offend you. :)

I really dont know what has happened between you and them. But I believe in you. :) Sometimes arguing and fighting are inevitable, if you are friends, remember? ;)

Khắm quá, khắm quá đi mất thôi. :-& Ờ nhà uống cà phê khi người ta đi lội nước, xử lí công việc chậm chạp, ngồi lê đôi mách. >:p Nhìn cái mặt đã thấy cả một sự... :-& No wonder! :))

To:#5 (bao gồm một số người)
Iêu vãi chưởng. :x
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
In the end it goes back to what was suggested. Am I the only one aware that we wasted 3 free periods and in the end we revert to what we purposed? I hope not.

I value everyone's opinions but i'll fight for what I think is right... well because that's just the way i am. And this is idiotic since I dont understand how my reaction was supposed to be. Happy? That an idea that we thought of was binned? That's ridiculous. Maybe everyone's just not used to people expressing what they think and are accustomed to lies? I'm sure regardless of which idea chosen, there would be people not "happy". Both sides put in a lot of thought into their ideas and that was shown.

Plus he's not mad because our idea wasn't chosen. He's mad at the way it happened. Yes we had to improvise but if we told the other group to show us an example then it would've been the same. (Us practicing after can prove that).

*Edit: all in all what's done is done, no used dwelling on it. Not sure why it's been brought up to be honest. Everyone left this afternoon with the feeling that we're going in the right direction and presumably ok with it, why bring back gloomyville?
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
To...: Honestly, I can't make out what your " I don't have any friends. I won't try to make friends" thing is. So who is the one that u ask to go to the cinema? Who is the one u "ăn thạch?" with? Who are they? Give me an answer? Give me! You're such a big liar!!! I hate you. Hate youuu!!!
What is my position in your life? Or have I no position at all? Tell me! Tell me!
I am deeply disappointed with you.


To everyone: Can anyone tell me how to get rid of sbd? Break myself off the habit of having a look at sbd's blog waiting for something new, staring at my cellphone waiting for nothing? I am so dead!
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