(¯`*from..to..*´¯)~Feel like writing down something u wanna say 2 someone?

from: me
to: my girl
dont worry :-j just cant understand the boyz =)) me either :)) much more complicated than the girlz :))
From me
To monitor
those guyz find us sotisphicated too dear,haha:)):)):)):)) so funny :))
From me
To A1ers
chuẩn bị lên đường nào anh em ơi \:d/ :))
from me
to you
đến nhà thầy ĐỨT àh:))
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
to: bạn j` đấy *chỉ lên trên*
nếu tớ ko nhầm thì bạn nên edit lại bài của mình. It is ĐỨT not that ĐÚT u said...kinda feel offended seeing this :|
sr bạn nếu thực sự bạn ko nói đến thầy của bọn tớ hoặc type nhầm.
from me to that blogger
post gì kinh thế. mà sao giờ mình mới biết
From: me

To "vô-số-người" : Just shut up! : |

To YOU : You've hurt me. : )

To someone : Xin lỗi vì trót kéo nhau vào vòng xoáy này.Xin lỗi. : )
Tu zu

How was ur vacation ? Is it nice? where did u go? Contact me soon.
From: me
To: u
What the hell is going on ?!?!?!?
Why i am feeling so angry with myself??? It's just only my matter. I dont need anyone to interfere in my troubles. I'm sure that i can handle it myself though i know u r trying to cherish me. But to be frank. i dont need urs.

U can't understand wat im trying to overcome. 'Cuz i have my own problems and they're not the same as u. I know it. U dont have to encourage me or blame urself for doing sth wrong. U r right. Definitely right. Im the only person who is wrong here. I'm sorry for hurting u many times 'cuz of my stubborness. stupidity. not thinking deeply enough. But can u leave me alone? Im trying to find a better solution. And i know wat my problems are.....

I have had these feelings for such a long time since i did sth wrong or imperfectly. Now the IMPERFECTION happens to me so often that i dont want to face it any more. Everything i did seems to go wrong. If i had another chance. i would not do that. How stupid i am! I know i'm just an idiot. while others do all things [seems to be] successfully. i just stand there looking at them with my head turning up and the thought that i can do better than they do. But at the time i have to do the same work. I seem to lose myself. I cant even say/do anything. Everything i do is imperfect. even from the most trivial things......

At the time i failed. i always turned back to go through my problem again. I might find it. But i still commited errors in other ones. I dont understand! Im having the feeling of trying in vain. I definetly failed! Anytime i access anything new. i have inspiration. But after time getting accustomed to it. i cant find it captivating any more. I just try not to give up. I have to be responsible and i need to complete all things that i have decided. Im losing my inspiration in everything. The most alluring thing i want to do now is just stand still. Do nothing. Only by that way couldn't i find the imperfection.

I've been talking so much about the imperfection. U may find it unacceptable. We can't be perfect. I know. But i just set up my goals and im trying to reach part of it. At least. i have to be perfect in sth for just only 1 time. Just one time. One time only...... but i can't do it. And never could i do anything perfectly. I failed. I know.....

That failure will hopefully help me to overcome my inferiority.
I'm fine now. Do not blame urself anymore. And u dont have to apologize. Cuz u didn't do anything wrong. U just want me to be better. Dont try to guess cuz as i said above. it's not about u. It's my own problems.......

Leave me alone!
I can surely handle it.
I promise i will not be abnormal anymore.......

But im still having the feeling of a loser now.......
To Bunnie: Calm down >:-D< Everything's gonna be alright :p >:-D<
From Me To Daddy:
Thank you Daddy...personally for that 2-hr talk >:-D< and....in general....for everything :) >:-D<
From: ECE boyz
To: ex 9A boyz
Ko nói nhiều, trên sân sẽ biết nhau >:/>:/>:/
Tinh thần ngun ngút thế là tốt, đừng suy sụp sau khi thua là đc :))
@ Bạn Thái : Hic, tớ đâu có nói ấy T_T Nhầm rồi =.=

@ Ai đó : Không biết gì thì ngậm mồm vào đi ( : |.Nhạt không đỡ được.

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