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nghiemtuc203: dis mie cai thang na`y
nghiemtuc203: sang Duc that a`
marc_castern: sang the' de'o na`o dc
marc_castern: du`a cho zui thui
nghiemtuc203: ma`y gui lai di
nghiemtuc203: tao ko nhan dc
nghiemtuc203: may ngu wa'
marc_castern: sao
marc_castern: tao de'o hiu
marc_castern: gui lai cai gi`?
nghiemtuc203: dis mie
nghiemtuc203: deo nhan dc
nghiemtuc203: cho that
marc_castern: nhan cai gi`?
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nghiemtuc203: paste lai cai dong vua xong gui day
nghiemtuc203: dis
nghiemtuc203: chua dc ru`i
nghiemtuc203: mie no'
marc_castern: co' de'o gi dau
marc_castern: bay gio may nhan dc chua?
nghiemtuc203: kho wa'
nghiemtuc203: tao deo doc dc gi` dau
marc_castern: dis mie
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marc_castern: I'd like to call you, but you're using an older version of Yahoo! Messenger. You can get the latest version from here:
nghiemtuc203: dis mie
nghiemtuc203: de day
nghiemtuc203: paste lai len H-A-O de
nghiemtuc203: cau ba`i
nghiemtuc203: tao nhin luon
nghiemtuc203: ko thay gi` ca
nghiemtuc203: yahoo co van de
nghiemtuc203: a`
marc_castern: uh`
nghiemtuc203: ma`y di Duc that a`
nghiemtuc203: tra loi di ru`i pot len hao