It was late-night and quiet. The moon was full, pouring its velvety light all over the place. She sat there, silent. She looked up at the beautiful illuminating piece up there. The silvery moonlight touched her, covered her and in the next two seconds, it was all over her. She turned right and left: she was alone, absolutely alone. For one second she felt the moon was hers only, and for one second she smiled. It's nice feeling that something is completely yours. Ironic.
She used to feel that way more than once. And she was wrong more than once. She gave all her trust and commitment, and they were taken for granted. She entered the Kingdom of Romance, eager, hopeful, faithful and committed. And she was exiled from that Kingdom the next day, realizing it was thorny. She swore to herself not to let it happen anymore. She tried to stay away from any entanglement. She devoted herself to the vanity idealism. She was a free bird for more than a year.
Yet she was caught again. Everything just happened so fast. He came to her, aggressive and impulsive. She was grabbed before she realized what was going on? She didn't even have time to
think about it. And she gave in too much when she accepted that her indispensable questions remained unanswered. She offered all her trust once more, believing that this time it would not be for nothing. And once more, she was wrong

It was ungodly late at night. The moon had gone higher and the sky had got darker before she realized she was cold. She stood up, shivering. She felt something salty on the tip of her tongue. Tears had been trickling down her cheeks, making her face paler than ever. She turned around, striding away from where she was conquered by the moonlight, wiping her face into her sleeve.
She can't fight the moonlight...