Hoàng Long
Thành viên danh dự
Dearest Khanh,
'Tis what I think you are like. You try hard to be a pompous ass because - and here I beg to presume this as the reason since if misfortune has it that you have a different reason to pose as a pompous ass then you simply are just dumb, and I hate to regard you as dumb since you are at times amusing - you think it is cool to be such an ass.
Being an ass is not always a bad thing... for if you are an ass who makes good points then you are what people would normally would love to use as a punch bag but simultaneously you are entertaining. But it is when you are an ass without a point - or worse yet an ass who stinks with stupidity - that problems arise. You then seem naught but an idiotic and annoying piece of sh*t, deserving naught but pity.
Many times before I have found you being of the former category. but today, you are, most unfortunately, my friend, of the latter. You seem to have no idea of what you try to be obnoxious about. That piece written about "the nice guys" is by no means satirical. People as such do exist and deserve respect, not the type of crappy generalization that you made. Please do not tell me it is because of the people who surround you that you have come up with such notion of "niceness" for then it would be clear that you have led nothing but a sad life, hanging with a pathetic bunch. There are a great many people out there who are nice and selfless - no matter how your lame existence may cause you to believe otherwise.
'Tis what I think you are like. You try hard to be a pompous ass because - and here I beg to presume this as the reason since if misfortune has it that you have a different reason to pose as a pompous ass then you simply are just dumb, and I hate to regard you as dumb since you are at times amusing - you think it is cool to be such an ass.
Being an ass is not always a bad thing... for if you are an ass who makes good points then you are what people would normally would love to use as a punch bag but simultaneously you are entertaining. But it is when you are an ass without a point - or worse yet an ass who stinks with stupidity - that problems arise. You then seem naught but an idiotic and annoying piece of sh*t, deserving naught but pity.
Many times before I have found you being of the former category. but today, you are, most unfortunately, my friend, of the latter. You seem to have no idea of what you try to be obnoxious about. That piece written about "the nice guys" is by no means satirical. People as such do exist and deserve respect, not the type of crappy generalization that you made. Please do not tell me it is because of the people who surround you that you have come up with such notion of "niceness" for then it would be clear that you have led nothing but a sad life, hanging with a pathetic bunch. There are a great many people out there who are nice and selfless - no matter how your lame existence may cause you to believe otherwise.
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