For the guys: finding mates abroad--is it worth it?

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Thank you Hà Phương. Yeah my mind was a bit blue.

But screw the guys. fkin pervs. By "finding mates" I don't mean seeking for girls to screw. I mean finding a soulmate, someone you can share your life with, not saliva or juice. So stop introducing nicknames for genitals and just stay away.

I'm done with this topic. I was kind of hoping to hear someone's story similar to mine, but seems like I am alone. White girls? forget them, I'm not getting a green card, nor am I getting my heart broken.

Việt Ladies, I'm comin to u. in a few years, that is.

well, if you only want a soulmate, doesnt matter she is caucasian or not. The thing is, life is not all about juice (hehe, or it is for some bastards), but juice is surely (big) part of it --> follows that sharing life means sharing its components :))
viet ladies include vietnamese-american chicks, from whom u can get ur green card also :p
i just figured out who you are after ur second post. :)
Get out of the blue!!!!!!!!!

Roses are red !
- My

p/s: see ya soon - be prepared :p
"Nguyễn Hà Phương, it's hard for me to say this but, oh well, your English is kinda funny!"
whoever said that is really rude
support your comment with logical reasons, my good sir!
well, i think this is a pretty nice topic but no one shows up their names, which made it less interesting. I dont know who is talking to who. sometimes I've mistaken that one person is talkin to his/her self.

Abt finding mates abroad, for girls it might be more easy, u know, like western guys are muscular, taller, VNese girls can fit in. However, for Vnese guys, no matter how big they are compared to Vnese girls, they still somewhat to be small compared to western girls. And I gotta say, Height does matter (at least to me), and i believe some one has talked abt this before, right? :D

For me, having a western mate doesnt necessarily means that you're gonna marry him/her, so u know, why dont u just enjoy, get a date, a bf or bf, and have fun :D :D.
My: the fact that you said "see ya soon" convinces me completely that you have no idea who I am. But thanks for being sort of sympathetic though. I'm sure the Vietkieu ladies can be just as lovely, but no thanks I would not like to have a green card. Of course, having some one like miss My here would be one of the greatest priviledges one could ever have in his life. :p And I don't think you come with a green card. or maybe not yet?

Minh Hang: you are a silly, silly little girl. go buy Mr. Justin life size doll with extra buff bod and start your kiss-excercise on him.
The way you are talking about Hằng is not nice.
So what do you want? do you want people to speak up their ideas in your topic
and by the way I know who you are
I will write your name here if you don't mind
well, i hvnt found my post any silly. By which sentence u think i am silly?

i was just speaking up what I really think :))
chill out u people :D
sick posts from the author of this thread take away all the fun :lol: x-(
...which lead us to a conclusions: there must be a litte "something something" between them two!
Minh Hang:
"Abt finding mates abroad, for girls it might be more easy, u know, like western guys are muscular, taller, VNese girls CAN FIT IN. However, for Vnese guys, no matter how big they are compared to Vnese girls, they still somewhat to be SMALL compared to western girls."

Pardon me but what the hell those are supposed to mean?
BTW, I have tried to register a nick in here but it still doesn't work. What should I do?

For no confusion, this is my first post in this thread.
Seem like everyone's having fun chatting about this.

Honestly, I felt for a Canadian girl. Well, not for greencard, not for chick, not nothing. I'm anti-social, stressful, but I just feel so special looking at her. Yeah it sounds stupid, childish of me saying this, but it's just true. She hasn't noticed that I have eyes on her. I really want to be friend, but clueless of how to start. I'm so damn shy. Every mon, wed, fri, I waited to see her, then I wait to see her leaving the class (she has a class between mine), not even 10 seconds for a day. But luckily, I got her ID picture :D

Any idea of approaching the 'enemy'?
Try to talk to her might not like her any more after talking to her.....
it happened to me when I talked to a guy at school......he was cute but damn boring. More importantly, he is married already( he is just 22 or something like that).What do you like about that girl ? Just because she is easy on the eyes?
Minh Hang:
"Abt finding mates abroad, for girls it might be more easy, u know, like western guys are muscular, taller, VNese girls CAN FIT IN. However, for Vnese guys, no matter how big they are compared to Vnese girls, they still somewhat to be SMALL compared to western girls."

Pardon me but what the hell those are supposed to mean?
BTW, I have tried to register a nick in here but it still doesn't work. What should I do?

For no confusion, this is my first post in this thread.

Well, by that, I meant come on, some Asian guys actually look smaller than some western girls. By the way, if that doesnt matter to you, you can go for it or watever, i dont care. I just say that I care abt height, thats all.

to Vu: hehe, sounds interesting, if you're in USA, i think i would be easier to approach and talk to a girl more than in VN. U know, keep smiling and when she passes by, say "hi", or if u're in da same class with her, there're a bunch of ways to approach :D
Sorry for being nasty and all, but I wanted to hear the guys opinions, and she came along and posted all the things that the silliest girls would think of. Her opinion is the only one I've reacted to so far.

But hey if you have fun chatting than go ahead, forget what this topic is about.

Oh hey Vu, I know how it was for ya bud. The thing about falling for a foreign gal is that, again, you'll either marry her or break up with her. I don't want either options. Its difficult. I don't care about green card, but it's just the pain of having families on two sides of the world ya know.

I wish I could just do what some guys say: just go for one, have some experience, and I'm sure you won't last long. But I... eh i dn't noe... bleh
Hey MinhHang, I really think your size-comparation reason is b.s (not Bachelor of Science, but bulls...) :))

Looking for mate, we usually look for the ones in our size (yeah, girls suppose to be smaller, but same is ok, and sometimes boys are smaller). But rarely, a guy likes a girl who is bigger than him, as almost never, a girl looks for a guy smaller than her. That doesn't mean it's hard for VNese boys because of the height since we (almost) never like big girls, opposite to, girls not looking for small boys.

I think the main reason here, honestly, is: money, car, how good look you are, how cool (sometimes stupid to me) you are... :))

Well I'd say, all I have is: mind, heart, anything else but those stuff. That's sad huh. :(

@ Thao Uong: Don't ask me why do I like her, I think you've never been in love huh ;) jk
My 'angel' :D, is not extremely beautiful like some other chicks in school, but she's beautiful, for me at least :"> BTW, she is younger than me, a little shorter, skinny, sporty. Oh, just perfect :p
I don't really know what other people think but height does matter for guys and gals. You just have to go and ask a random guy if he wants a taller and stronger girl that he is or just ask a random girl the opposite thing. No guy want to dance with a girl that is a head over him. That's the truth. Of course there are exception but it's a small portion. Haha.
And the freaky main reason is not money and car, the look and the cool dude, at least for me. If you talk about the the girls and guys lying the ass in Miami beach then it might be true. But in college, I don't believe so.
Also you have the mind and the heart, but the thing is does the gal know it. You got those things, that's great, that's what you need, but you also got to make it in use though. Thát's why Vietnamese guys and girls find it hard to start a relationship. Just being damn shy. Go for your heart my man. I really encourage you. So you don't have to regret. haha
It's good for now,
Cool topic!

I don't really know what other people think but height does matter for guys and gals. You just have to go and ask a random guy if he wants a taller and stronger girl that he is or just ask a random girl the opposite thing. No guy want to dance with a girl that is a head over him. That's the truth. Of course there are exception but it's a small portion. Haha.

yo I haven't been to this club for a while and what a cool topic u guys came up with! Thanks to whoever the guest is, because he voiced up with exactly what has been my concern since i've been to America. Only it's in my unconsciousness that I could not really express what has tormented me (sounds kinda cheesy but oh well, who cares...).

American girls are wicked hot. How could a guy not look (without any desire) at a girl with a tank-top and a short skirt wandering around showing off in a "sexy" manner (especially in public high schools and in colleges). I mean come on, it's just "basic instinct". One of the very typical American culture is the very open interaction between guys and girls (even as friends). This really "bugged" me at first, but now "I'm loving it" (sorry McDonalds' slogan-creators!). Did any of u find it's difficult at first to assimilate into this particular culture?

Anyway, talking about the dance: I think u're right that no guy wants to dance with a girl who is a head over him. But what about vice versa? I dare say some girls would not care. As a matter of fact, at my school dance last time, some American girls even asked some Korean guys (who seem to be shorter than them) to dance, and wtf, in the end some guys got kissed for the first time. Only in America, lol !!!

But personally, i think size does matter! (at least for guys). Sometimes I wish so badly that i could be taller. It would make things work out much more easier in some cases (like first impression). Is there any hot chick who would like to talk to a short guy without knowing anything about him or his "hidden talents"?

By the way, is there any difference between white and caucasian? (please don't ridicule my ignorance)
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