Oh man, no one calls u a loser, just another bastard, thatz it . j/k. Sorry 4 being a little aggressive the 1st time, just take it easy, okie?
May be itz just me, but u really sounds way too cautious and conservative abt things like that, kind of a reverend-to-be. To be honest, U re still young enough ( correct me if u feel otherwise ) to lead a not-so-morally-perfect life, to kick a few asses and get kicked back some :lol:.
Oh my, is their maintenance fee really high? How high? Gimme sum detail, plz, Im dying to hear how to get those hot chicks. :mrgreen:
Dude, again, u said u wanna wait? Thatz ur choice. Patience is a virtue, sure, but not really the best solution in this kind of stuff. B-)
this is not to critisize your post, but to criticize your writing tone. you sound like a girl man. Stop saying stuff like "o my," it sounds faggy as hell. >
Hey thanks. I'm not taking it hard dude, just a lil self-conscious is all. I'm not too young any more. I've spent enough time watching other people have good times. I've suffered. But with that said, I'm still confident that I'm not totally doomed. I mean, you know, at least I got some brain. There's gotta be girls who view brains more favorably then butts right? Well, not that girls don't want both brain and butt, but they usually make exceptions right lol?
Ehhh you don't have to leave your name here... just let your load out man, say whatever the hell you want man.
C'mon I wanna see more posts from the guys!!! where you all at?