Hey Sis Ha', long time no see then. How ya doing in England!
@Hung: hey bro, i had applied for Cambridge last year, i think, in the application form i mean supplement one the one from UCas, they asked us to fill a small blank which we can write about 10 lines about why do we want to study in college that we have chosen. I have been applied to Jesus last year, but definitely, got rejection lor. No hope then.
@ All: if somebody said, ranking is rubbish. So let see what they choose in their ucas form are also rubbish. Seriously, universities that contain your course such as Art, Marketing, special Engineering or science are not too many. So you'd better off checking the website of these universities and ordering the prospertus, this is the best way to know well about them. Normally, each university has an open day university. And if really, you wanna skip class and enjoy some journeys, let register for it. I bet it will be more helpful than harmful
So, let take all the choices equally serious. Dun think, a lower ranking Uni will be easier to get in

Gud' luck then