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Dở hơi ah, sao câu bài lắm thế.
Thôi mai con trai đá cho tốt vào đấy, đừng "phụ lòng" mấy bạn nữ đi cổ vũ. :))
I grew up in Haiphong, the third largest city of Vietnam. Known as the City of Flower Lined Streets and the second most important port in Vietnam. Haiphong also has many French colonial houses. Visitors can very easily travel around the city to shop, stopping at some famous sites along the way. Cat Ba is composed of over 360 small islands situated between Ha Long Bay and Bai Tu Long Bay to form a spectacular island scenery. The biggest among them is the Cat Ba Island, 40 kilometres east of Hai Phong City. Covering 10 thousand hectares of forests and 4 thousand hectares of sea water, it is of great value for its interrelated diverse ecosystems of forest and sea; Cat Ba Island has now been made a National Park. There are many limestone hills over the island, the highest one being Cao Vong rising 322m above sea level, where a lot of marvellous grottoes are found. Du Hang Pagoda is one of the most ancient pagodas in this city. It was built three centuries ago. The decorations on the pagoda are exquisite. This pagoda houses a school for monks and stores many ancient furnishings.

I am the eldest of 2 children. My brother is 4 years older than I am. Even though my father worked in Russia for many years since I was a little kid, our family has a very good relationship and we share a lot. My mother has always been very supportive since my dad has been away most of his time overseas. She teaches us to find joy in every facet of life and the many surprises it brings. Life is a gift, there's nothing that we don't love about it, no challenges that we would turn down, and no obstacles that we feel we can't overcome. Always do our best no matter what challenges we might face in life.

Interview của Nguyễn Thị Huyền
I grew up in Haiphong, the third largest city of Vietnam. Known as the City of Flower Lined Streets and the second most important port in Vietnam. Haiphong also has many French colonial houses. Visitors can very easily travel around the city to shop, stopping at some famous sites along the way. Cat Ba is composed of over 360 small islands situated between Ha Long Bay and Bai Tu Long Bay to form a spectacular island scenery. The biggest among them is the Cat Ba Island, 40 kilometres east of Hai Phong City. Covering 10 thousand hectares of forests and 4 thousand hectares of sea water, it is of great value for its interrelated diverse ecosystems of forest and sea; Cat Ba Island has now been made a National Park. There are many limestone hills over the island, the highest one being Cao Vong rising 322m above sea level, where a lot of marvellous grottoes are found. Du Hang Pagoda is one of the most ancient pagodas in this city. It was built three centuries ago. The decorations on the pagoda are exquisite. This pagoda houses a school for monks and stores many ancient furnishings.

I am the eldest of 2 children. My brother is 4 years older than I am. Even though my father worked in Russia for many years since I was a little kid, our family has a very good relationship and we share a lot. My mother has always been very supportive since my dad has been away most of his time overseas. She teaches us to find joy in every facet of life and the many surprises it brings. Life is a gift, there's nothing that we don't love about it, no challenges that we would turn down, and no obstacles that we feel we can't overcome. Always do our best no matter what challenges we might face in life.
What Jobs have you done? What was the most interesting/bizarre?

When I was still in high school, I worked as a freelance journalist, writing articles for many magazines and newspapers. Since my mother had to raise 2 kids alone, I tried my best to support my family both emotionally and financially. To me working as a journalist was most interesting as you deal with people form all walks of life, you develop your skills as a negotiator, valuator and salesman. You also deal with contracts and all the legal facts.

What are your career ambitions, how do you plan to realise them?

I am studying journalism at the National University of Hanoi. I love journalism, because no two days are ever the same, being a journalist is never dull and that's one of the reasons I enjoy the job. I found that television made it possible to know a great many things but not necessarily to understand the world we live in. My ambition was therefore to create a program capable of making things understood rather than making things known, and which placed the facts back into time and space. I therefore proposed a geopolitical program based solely on maps. The program is fundamentally multi-disciplinary. It brings together history, geography, military hardware, the mechanisms of diplomacy, the history of religions, demographics, etc. The field of approach is getting broader with the appearance of new issues like the question of ecosystems, bioethics and networks. I am going to write a series of program on the theme of "peoples, a common heritage of mankind" in order to try to disseminate the idea that peoples are as fragile and precious, indeed more so, than historic buildings and monuments, which are protected by Unesco. On the other hand, I was interested in showing the audience the various options possible, faced with a given geopolitical situation, their respective advantages and disadvantages, in order to restore the complexity of political decision-making...

What is the proudest moment of your life? (Not including winning your National Title)

To me the proudest moment is most definitely the day I got in the University of Hanoi, major in journalism. It was very hard to get in.

What was the funniest/most embarrassing moment of your life?

One month before the Miss Vietnam contest started, my older brother called me in the morning while I was sleeping. He said that he has sent my application for the contest and I had been qualified for the first round. I thought he was joking because I never intended to participate but when I found my pictures on the magazine, I realized that it was true and I had to go all the way along.

How has your life changed since winning your National Title?

Miss Vietnam went live for the first time on television in my country in and I became a national symbol. To some extent I become a people's princess. It means definitely an obligation to live up to the expectation of our nation. Many opportunities have opened for me but at the same time there are a lot of pressures and hard work waiting ahead.

Tell us about an interesting event you have attended, or a person that you have met.

To me it was a great experience to meet the minority ethnic people of Vietnam right after winning the national contest. It was so amazing to meet thousands of people coming out of the villages and trying to touch my clothes, especially pregnant women because they believe it will bring luck to their new born children.

What would you like to do, if you became Miss World 2004?

I would like to write a series of program on the theme of "Vietnam people, a journey through time" for our nation and beautiful country. I want the world to know about our hospitality, history, people and our rich culture. I would do my best to live up to the title and use my ability to market and develop the noble charity concept of Miss World.

If you had a personal motto what would it be?

Beauty is not only your colour, shape or size, but it is the contents of your mind and soul.

Give details of any charitable work undertaken?

During my years in high school. We were supporting the "Operation smile" a leading international charity healthcare organization which helps improve the health and lives of children all over the world. Through this project we raised $12,500 conducted free surgeries for around 130 handicapped local children in the northern area in Vietnam. 2 days after I was crowned as Miss Vietnam I worked in association with the Minority Fund Project. We went to the poor villages and provided children with the basic ability to read, write and understand simple mathematics. With this knowledge, the children will eventually be able to learn different occupations so that they can both support themselves and help support their families. We provided hot lunches to children who attend the schools. Without these lunches, the children will only have one meal a day because that is all their parents can afford to feed them. The hot lunches consist of rice, tofu, beans, and other vegetables that satisfy the children's minimum nutritional requirements. As a long-term project, we plan to provide funding to build an orphanage in the village. Presently, the orphans live in local Buddhist temples, which does not have enough room for them.

Interview của Nguyễn Thị Huyền
Uồi bọn mày ơi con Mai Anh thức khuya lắm ý 11h30 tối rồi mà không đi ngủ chứng tỏ có cái gì xxx rồi(xxx la bí mật chứ ko phải như ai kia nhĩ đâu nhé)
Thôi cũng phải ngủ thôi thức đêm khuya quá mai không đá được mà ...ôi dời ơi Ngọc ơi con nó tè dầm hết rồi nè.......Khổ đời nó thế đấy nhưng mà thôi.PHÙ DU.
Đức Ninh:hattrick hero(giỏi quá giỏi quá)
Lê Bá Nam Linh:thẻ vàng
Nguyên Đưc Ninh đã viết:
Đức Ninh:hattrick hero(giỏi quá giỏi quá)
Lê Bá Nam Linh:thẻ vàng
mie,thằng này nói linh tinh gì thế,công lao của tao đổ hết xuống sông xuống bể ah b-)
để tao tường thuật trận này cho:
Hôm nay vào 1 ngày đẹp trời ,nhiều mây ko mưa gió lùa tràn về :D,đội bóng lớp A2 đá với lớp 9B mà ko có đứa nào đi cổ vũ.Nhưng phù du thôi,lâu lắm lớp mình mới đá được trận hay như thế.Ngay từ phút thứ 5 từ 1 pha dứt điểm của Hiếu tỉ số đã được mở 1-0 :> :)>- .Sau đó là hàng loạt pha hãm thành liên tiếp của A2 nhưng thằng Cu đá quá ngu trong trận này liên tục bỏ lỡ b-)
Sang hiệp 2 đã có thêm vaì cổ động vien đến nên lớp mình đá bốc hẳn lên,kết quả là thêm 2 bàn nữa của bốp(từ đường chuyền của Hiếu) và pha sút phạt của Hiếu( lại là anh :D)
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Nguyễn Việt Hiếu đã viết:
để tao tường thuật trận này cho:
Hôm nay vào 1 ngày đẹp trời ,nhiều mây ko mưa gió lùa tràn về :D,đội bóng lớp A2 đá với lớp 9B mà ko có đứa nào đi cổ vũ.Nhưng phù du thôi,lâu lắm lớp mình mới đá được trận hay như thế.Ngay từ phút thứ 5 từ 1 pha dứt điểm của Hiếu tỉ số đã được mở 1-0 :> :)>- .Sau đó là hàng loạt pha hãm thành liên tiếp của A2 nhưng thằng Cu đá quá ngu trong trận này liên tục bỏ lỡ b-)
Sang hiệp 2 đã có thêm vaì cổ động vien đến nên lớp mình đá bốc hẳn lên,kết quả là thêm 2 bàn nữa của bốp(từ đường chuyền của Hiếu) và pha sút phạt của Hiếu( lại là anh :D)
Trời thật bất công, tao không thể đến để tiếp thêm sức mạnh cho bọn mày được. Nếu mà có tao, đảm bảo 10-0 là còn ít. Chelsea hôm qua thắng 4-0 bọn mày ạ. AC của Hiếu không biết có làm cỏ được Chievo Verona không đây.
Lần sau đá với Toán 1, dù bọn mày có không cho tao đi, tao cũng đi. Yên tâm lớn đi, với những lời khuyên của tao, bọn mày sẽ thắng vang dội mà không cần tốn sức. :)) :))
Nguyên Đưc Ninh đã viết:
Thôi cũng phải ngủ thôi thức đêm khuya quá mai không đá được mà ...ôi dời ơi Ngọc ơi con nó tè dầm hết rồi nè.......Khổ đời nó thế đấy nhưng mà thôi.PHÙ DU.
Ngọc nào đấy? :-?
êu hôm nay lớp mình đá bóng à ,iem ko biết hix ,thế đá lúc mấy giờ thía , như thế nào rồi :-O
Cái gì cơ :eek: , đá với Toán 1 à :D , thế thì lần sao 100% sẽ đi :D
Hôm nay 10h mới dậy :-" , muốn đi lắm nhưng mà :"> , ở nhà ngủ sướng hơn :-j
Mọi người đừng tin lời thằng Hiếu nó phịa đấy,lớp mình có cổ động viên nào đâu toàn bọn 10A2 cổ vũ cho 9B đấy chứ.
Để tao tường thuật lại cho:
Hôm nay trời rét sun chêm ai nấy mỏi mệt cởi chiếc quần dài,áo khoác của mình ra thay vao la bộ quần áo đá bóng đầy băng giá.Anh2 lẹt bà lẹt bẹt chạy lên phần sân B bỗng chốc bóng bay vào lưới(đứng góc khuất không thấy được thông cảm nhé).Đội ngũ cổ động viên Anh2 và một số học sinh cũng ở trường Ams thấy Anh2 áp đảo liền reo hò cổ vũ nhưng mà cổ vũ là:"9B cố lên!9B cố lên".Hiệp một kết thúc tỉ số 1-0.Hiệp hai nhơg có sự cổ động của cổ động viên nhà dành cho 9B,Anh2 cú đá liền hai quả vào lưới đội bạn.Tỉ số cuối cùng:3-0.
Và xin có lời nhắc nhở tuần sau Anh2 gặp Toán1 đề nghị mọi người đi đầy đủ để còn cổ vũ cho Toán1 bốc lửa hơn.
Anh 2 đá hay vãi , có Thế duy mà lại - hum nay Việt Hiếu làm man of the match - vỗ tay nào !!!
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