03-06 chọn trường đi!!!

She must be :)) G'luck with ur plans! How was farming tech?

The big guy is Rich, he's cool and we all get dinner with him in Tet :))
I was looking forward to the Debate stuff, but it all didn't happen :(( What happened last year?
Nguyễn Vũ Hạnh Dung đã viết:
She must be :)) G'luck with ur plans! How was farming tech?
Oh, my school :x

Where am I now? When all are applying? :-s
A1 look down on A2. T1 look down on A1
R U kidding, Nga?
If you happened to take offence at my question this morning, pls accept my apology.
Actually, I heard a lot about you before : box Du hoc, my friends, but I have never seen you so it was a nice surprise to realize that IT WAS YOU :D. I just wanted to say sth to you.
So forget about it, pls? I had no intention of hurting you or looking down on any A2's members, :)
Btw, congratulations ! Next year, you'll be in Taft.......
I am not so hopeful after this interview. Maybe I'll quit this program.
@Dung: Last year I had a debate with Duc A1 03-06 (now MUWCI), he said that we should have got rid of Agricultural Tech, and I disagreed (how conservative :D).
Trang T1 03-06 (now Loomis) interviewed with Viet Anh but she agreed with him on some macro stuff :-? (big changes to your city or sth like that)


Quitting this program is a great choice, Ngoc :D
You have my total support :D
The US private hs thing is not an important factor, that's why they do not offer good fin aid :D

and that guy, he's pretty cool :D he said it was very nice of me argueing with him :))
Hey Nga, 1 question, if u go will u go straight to 12th or will u miss one year tôo?

Oh, my school

Where am I now? When all are applying?
can't understand what u're saying!
gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how....strange! there was some problem with my laptop that I didn't see all your posts before posting the above. now I have read them all. big surpise :D

firstly, the T-A1-A2 thing is a ... clinché, and it happens every year. maybe it doesnot apply to anyone, but it's ... kinda a law in our school, sadly. however, I still have some friends in Ts and A1. they ARE nice. but some others, aren't.

oooh oooh, so you guys went to have dinner with Rich the Big WITHOUT me? :((

@ Ngọc: well, first I wanna say sorry to you, as maybe you mistaken what I mean. I didn't even feel a little bit "hurt" or something that morning, except a bit ... "angry" to find out all those things were legally Mr Khoi's relationship, not the school's, and when the women told me to call my parents and so on... then things got great :x you guys were great, too. almost of you seriously want to go study in the US, you guys were humorous, friendly and everything. before Rich the Big told us we were the best group they ever had interviewed in Vietnam, I knew that. it must be that way! all of us are cool and many deserve the scholarship.

but, now, Ngọc, I'm confusing :-? what did you say? what did you say? I'm really confusing and curious :((

hey hey, who ever said that I'm going to Taft next year :)) even those guys do not know :)) we won't be able to know it in 3 weeks [-x the best thing I got from the interview was their help and advices. that's great :x

However, who were you, Ngọc? :-? were you the chubby girl (sweet :x) in the pink shirt, rather short hair, a little bit shy and smiled all the time?

uhm... guys, I'm going to repeat my junior year. I talked to Trung Anh, the one in Hotchkiss, and he made me feel so sure about this. I need more preparation and time to manage everything...

hey guys, do you know how they pick the 3-best (or more, hopefully) of us? any cricteria? I WANT to know if I deserve it... anyway I have my safety, the Cushing Academy thing, but, one more in Connecticutt, I don't mind :D however, Hotchkiss is still a better place...

uhm uhm ..... bro Vịt Lộn [-x don't discourage others [-x
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Such a long post 8-}
Taft and Loomis will choose 1 for each, the rest will apply to ASSIST :D
I did not discourage, just want to make sure that you guys always stick to your "goal"
Mình nghe mấy bạn nói chuyện phỏng vấn, thi SLEP, trường Taft có phải là đi exchange không?

Việt Long đã viết:
@QP: thật ra ko cần, nhưng cái chữ ký của counselor là để chứng minh giáo viên đó dạy ở Ams
Còn fee waiver chắc bạn miaoling lớp mày ko giải thích rõ nên bị đá đít
Mình tưởng là ở Việt Nam không có counselor nên mới phải nhờ GVCN làm counselor thế. Thế mấy bạn đang nói counselor là ai thế? Có phải là thầy cô tổ trưởng tổ học vụ không? Mình không hiểu gì cả. Mình tưởng ở VN, counselor chính là thầy cô chủ nhiệm của mình.
Mà ký fee waiver với viết school report form + evaluation phải cùng một người, thế mấy bạn để thầy cô học vụ gì đấy viết rec luôn hả?
VN không có counselor. Amsers hay nhờ thầy Tuấn Hiệu Phó trường tớ làm counselor. Tớ cũng xin school report của thầy Tuấn.

Mà ký fee waiver với viết school report form + evaluation phải cùng một người, thế mấy bạn để thầy cô học vụ gì đấy viết rec luôn hả?

Thông tin này mới đấy... Tớ xin fee waiver của thầy chủ nhiệm.
@Thái: Ở ngoài này ko có thầy cô học vụ gì đó, counselor ở đây là chỉ hiệu phó hoặc bất cứ người nào trong BGH
8-| KR được Lafay nhận chưa thế 8-|

anh Vịt Lộn: oh yes, stick to my goal :)

bạn LHP: [-x sao lại gọi đi private la exchange [-x đây là trường Taft và Loomis nhờ anh Khôi giới thiệu một vài qualified students để phỏng vấn thôi [-x tớ biết mà đi cũng chỉ là vì tớ apply Taft trên net.
Đã được admitted ED thì ko nghỉ hưu còn ngo ngoay gì nữa huh mày :D Định break ED chắc :D
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