(¯`*from..to..*´¯)~Feel like writing down something u wanna say 2 someone?

from: Tas
to: Peah, Tre n whoever else

u guys are so gayyyyyyyyyyyy. tell me rite now, i know curiosity kills but i'm dying 2 know
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
from me to me : phởn phởn phởn lên đi mày ơi :(:)(:)(( cứ thế này chik mất :(:)(:)((
From: C.Ronaldo_2
To : C.Ronaldo
Ko còn từ ngữ nào để mô tả Ron :(( Quá quá quá quá quá..........(quá) xuất sắc.Anh chơi bóng chưa bao giờ hay đến thế !!!
Mọi người khi nhìn Ron đã sẽ biết bóng đá là như thế nào !!! :x
Chúc mừng anh, với cú đúp rạng sáng hôm nay, anh đã đi vào lịch sử của Man :x :x :x
Đeo băng đội trưởng lần đầu, sướng nhé kưng !!! ;)
Tiếp tục nào C.Ronaldo !!! Go go go !!!
From me
To: A1ers
xin lỗi các bạn nhiều lắm. Đọc topic A1 để biết thêm chi tiết.
to Lanh: :-j ko sao mà :-j có lòng là tốt rồi :-j

to sb: can NOT stand u anymore ! get out of my life

to u: im still afraid ...

to my friend: i dont believe it ! come what may, i will totally figure it out !

to me: mày mà ko học là mày phải nhục đấy !
To my best friend's ex-love:
I don't think you're sooo bad now...but your pride is still so high :))...
yeah...You should learn how to control your anger...to behave...to forgive..:)
Hearing you swear...:)) was kinda...nothing to me...DUDE :p
I once considered you a bad boy....a really bad...one...yeah...especially when you said those dirty words...to me :-w What the hell did you think you were?? hehe...I didn't say anything...I didn't feel hurt too :)..I did think you were so bad, so crazy...but maybe it's not like that now...after spending more time talking about lots of stupid things with you...
But you will have to change, dude..if you want to become a good boy.
A good boy is not like you now :))
Hope time will teach you...along with the experience you've had and will have :)
Sure...I will remember...you're a friend of mine, too :)
Stay cool, dude :)
To myself
Noooooooooooooo, i dont wannaa gooooooooooo :(( what can i do :(( nooooooooo, i thought that evething was just being considered, but now, its almost done :((
At first, it was a realllyyy gooood oportunity to go ....... and i was so satisfied when they allowed me to go .....
By contrast, recently, all of my efforts were dashed into pieces, bad results, bad performances .....everything i did was always imperfect ...... how can i get the highest process ....... how dumb am i :((
Nooooooooooooo, i just wanna stay at home, at least with all of my friends, but its impossible now, my fate is decided :((
So depressed :((
To 10A1:
Having fun is one thing. But taking it taking to far is taking it too far, they want to be left alone for god's sake, ur seriously not helping and by contrast ur actually doing the exact opposite. They have their life, their problems and their own decisions to make.
Think about it. ;)

To Windows:
Make a better Yahoo messenger Vista. It sucks.
Dan you spoke my mind.
For God's sake leave them alone. Things're getting wrong, soo wrong...


Hell no, there're other ways, go another this is far too enough, it's like a curse...
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
to whoever it concerns
there are always 2 sides to a story, hearing just one doensn't give you the right to judge. well maybe it does, you can judge w/e you want, however you want, but all it ever will be, is a one sided judge.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
from : me
to: my friend
nó k đáng để bà care + buồn nhiều đến thế đâu
đời còn dài, và boys còn nhiều mà ;)) và nó chả đáng đâu >:-D< vui lên nào
from: Tas
to: ss Aya + ss Smash

thnx u guys for choosing me as a V*Translator n helping me to act as a global moderator after my progress
i won't let u down n appreciate my work
again, thnx :X >:D< l luv u n VCass 4ever
@peah: (OMG i actually acknowledged who i'm writing to! this must be a first for this thread)
Its called a thought - looking out for my friend. No one is trying to judge anybody, and no ones seems to be offended by it... well almost no one. And its how he feels about it which is important... and that is how he feels about it.

-There isnt such thing as a two sided judge, as much you know about something it will always be one sided - ur side of the story based on their take on it, other peoples' take on it and your take on it.

Anyway me & Hậu shouldn't have even posted anything sorry if my comment somewhat offended you.
w/e take it as it is.
To Dan:
_Good for you, that's a great thought. It's even greater that you're looking out for a friend. Who said anything about judging "anybody". I guess I'm "no one" then. I just think everyone's overworrying about something that doesn't even exist, or at least in my opinion. Anyway, that's what I think, even if it is of no significance to you.
_Sorry for being stupid (the judge thing). My brain never functions the way I want it to anyway.
_Don't apologize, you shouldn't have to. It's a free forum, free thread, free topic, w/e. After all, its called a thought.

To Dan's friend:
I am really sorry if I hurt your feelings or w/e. It was a joke. Nothing more. But honestly, stop being paranoid. But then again, that's just me.
To the ones who I consider my true friends:
Today...I feel annoyed by some people....
Today...I feel sad....and scared of leaving this lovely place...which has belonged to me for so long...
Today...I feel happy to make some people smile and happy....
Today...my feelings are mixed...
But I realize...how much I love you....my true friends...
to my friends: ~ dont try to live so wise ~ maybe u all should listen to this song ...

to a friend: haiz :| things r getting 2 complicated, but it's not ur fault

to another: i just want u to be here with me without thinking n considering. noway do i want u to make a choice, feel free to come plz

to u: haha, afraid ... still so so afraid ... what should i do not to think about it ?

to bà: tuyệt, tôi lost rồi ... maybe ... maybe not ...
From em to anh : Sống ngoan sống khoẻ sống có ích :-h Chờ em , từ Ngã Tư Sở đến Ngã Tư Vọng chỉ độ 10 phút thôi >:-D< . Từ em đến anh chỉ độ 3 năm nữa thôi :). Hết 1 năm rồi.

From Te to Tít : Cho dù thế nào đi nữa , tớ vẫn ở đây :).
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
From ME, who else?...
To you-know-who...

Trying to be perfect is nothing wrong, but you don't have to go so far as to force yourself like that. You're not alone, you know?
Well, whatever your decision is, I'll root for you... But do what YOU wish, not what others wish you to do. >:-D<
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