(¯`*from..to..*´¯)~Feel like writing down something u wanna say 2 someone?

To: my sister
Of course I'll pray for you, love!:x:*


To: sb
Why did you do that to her? You know that she didnt cheat, she is always faithful to you! It's your fault she's become like this. I hate you! I hate to say this, but... I dont want to be your ........ anymore!
to mbf: ok i'm sry :) really sry :) let's keep our plan on this thurs ;)
P/S: it's man not men :))
to: Sha

Sha mạnh mẽ. Mình đã nói: “Giá mình được mạnh mẽ bằng một phần của Sha.”
Sha tự tin. Mình cũng đã từng bảo: "Chỉ cần mình được tự tin bằng một phần mười Sha thôi cũng là đủ lắm rồi.”
Sha hài hước. Mình đã nghĩ: “Ở bên Sha, mình vui lắm.”
Sha tốt đẹp. Vì thế, mình đã nhờ Sha rất nhiều: “Sha giúp mình với nhé.”
Sha có nhiều thứ. Vậy mà mình kể với mọi người: “Mình ngưỡng mộ Sha lắm.”
First, screw you. Next time, if you wanna die, commit suicide silently and leave no good-bye message behind. Then no one is gonna know about that, and has to worry their butts off because of you. How's on earth I am going to live happily ever after reading your good-bye mess ^"^
Secondly, slap yourself. Who told me back there that I need to go on, need to live and be happy for that is my responsibility? Stop being like this. Get over it and gain back yourself. Sha, many of us need you.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
From me
To A1(có cả anh --): Hè rồi, tự dưng lại thấy chán quá. Nhớ mọi người lắm đây
To N': Hè rồi nhớ, hết phải gặp nhau rồi nhớ, shướng quá :))
To me : should I forget and change my heart, he's....already out of ....reach ... out of sight....out of my world. Empty me
Mom, I don't resent having have to take care of you. I know what my responsibilities are, I'd rather you didn't tell me. Just because I don't cry, doesn't mean I don't care.

A1, I'm really sorry :(.
Giá mà hôm đấy tao ra nói chuyện với mày. Để ko phải chờ đợi và nuối tiếc như ngày hôm nay.
to a good friend: like i told you, just stand up smoothly cuz you dont wanna be a failure, do you ? anw, i'm sry 4 sth ... hope that you would make a right choice and be happy with it.

to another good one: i should have added ur nick long long ago ^^! you shouldnt be there, i think so, and you should be here instead.

to u: *my sư phụ is right again again =((* i'm just right ... and u r so right n u surprised me ... and ... i
From: me
To: my friend :X
I think u need this song now :))

I close my eyes, only for a moment, and the moment's gone
All my dreams, pass before my eyes, a curiosity
Dust in the wind, all they are is dust in the wind.
Same old song, just a drop of water in an endless sea
All we do, crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see
Dust in the wind, all we are is dust in the wind
[Now] Don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky
It slips away, and all your money won't another minute buy.
Dust in the wind, all we are is dust in the wind
Dust in the wind, everything is dust in the wind.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
from me
to a1
I am, really, totally, crazily, eternally, in love with you :). We will be together till the end of time, right ;) :x. We belong together :x >:-D<

những thứ cần thấy, cuối cùng đã thấy :). có thứ chỉ thấy 1 lần là quá đủ :). có thứ vẫn muốn đc thấy thêm thật nh` lần :((
Gửi 1 vạn vạn vạn.......lời chúc mừng thân thương nhất đến Man Utd- CLB của đời tôi
Các anh đã chiến đấu đến giây phút cuối cùng, với tinh thần quả cảm, lòng tin vào chính mình.......các anh đã đc đền đáp xứng đáng !
Xin chúc mừng nhà tân Vương của châu Âu
Mùa 07-08 cả thế giới quỳ dưới chân họ !!!
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Mình ước gì bạn đừng phức tạp như thế. Cứ đơn giản có phải tốt hơn cho cả 2 không? Sao bạn không thể cư xử như mình đã từng làm? :-<
mấy hôm rồi mà chưa hết sướng :)) :x
cú đúp đấy !!! đứng trên đỉnh cao nhất của châu Âu.....:(( Phê quá phê quá :x
1 mùa giải ...của Ron ( ko thể tìm đc từ nào diễn tả :(( ) Chỉ biết là tất cả các danh hiệu lớn mùa 07-08 chỉ vào tay 1 người mà thôi :x :x :x Gần chục danh hiệu, còn ai làm đc như thế !?
from: me
to: A1

sếp xin lỗi...xin lỗi nhiều lắm lắm...vì đã ko thể có mặt trong cái ngày đặc biệt ấy....cái giây phút mà đáng lẽ ra sếp nên có mặt ..... i love you..all of you so much...>:-D<..:x ...:*

from: cháu
to: bác

cháu yêu bác..>:-D<...như yêu ba mẹ cháu vậy...bởi cháu hiểu và thông cảm cho tất cả những gì bác đã làm...bác khổ quá rồi....mà nhìn bác ngã gục xuống, mệt mỏi trong nước mắt thì cháu chẳng làm j dc..:-<...

chỉ đơn giản là đôi khi cháu cảm thấy cháu vô dụng vì chẳng thể làm j dc...có lẽ là cháu đã dc đùm bọc quá nhiều...dc nâng đỡ quá nhiều đến mức cảm thấy mìh là đứa vô dụng nhất nhà...tất cả những gì ba mẹ nhắc cháu là...đi ăn và ngủ đi con....cháu stupid quá fải ko bác...:((....cháu ghét bản thân mình thế này....ghét bản thân mình....:((
To: sb
I dont know why your name is not on the list. Just remember that i did write down your name on the paper given to him.
To: another sb
Im sorry if i've upset you. Really, i didnt mean to... Its just.... sometimes... I feel so stupid and I do some stupid things. Pleaseeeee... forgive me...
P/s: Sorry i didnt reply your sms. The truth is: I ran out of money.:">
Ko muốn viết gì đâu...
Nhưng just can't keep it inside...
It's so hard...
These days I don't speak much..'cause my voice...sounds so weak..not because I don't wanna talk..but I don't wanna make my family worried...
so I try to smile..but quite hard...I'm really tired...maybe because I'm sick...though New York is cool...I really wanna enjoy..but the more I try...the worse I feel...
I'm sorry..
But Minnesota and las vegas is really wonderful...yeah..the truth...although I was sick from the beginning...but I still love the journey :p..a lot..esp..when it was spent with my mom and bro..:p
But Dad...home alone...sick...instant noodles..no one, no helper....How are you dad...Today I went to the store...almost cried when seeing lots n lots of.. Father's Day cards...I miss you...really...take care, daddy...although you and me ...we're both sick...hehe :p...I love you..and will be home soon ..:p...

It's harder...so hard for me...to keep...thinking of you...
I tried to send you sms the minute before the plane took off...and I did...I typed...so long...and I sent...I did press the " send" button....and the screen showed me sth very cool "..no battery"...:)..yeah..maybe it should be like that...no mess should be sent....I smiled..:)..with tear?..don't know..maybe with hope that it had already been sent before outta battery.. :p..so when I arrived at Japan ( transit )..I opened the phone...but no mess was sent...yeah..the fact :p.. outta battery again...So I thought it was God's decision...thought I should forget you...really...after such a long time...everything...needs to be all forgotten...
But I arrived here...
Sick like I was some years ago...
Cold and hot weather..similar...
many things...
Not really...
I dreamt of your face when I was soo sick and felt asleep...
then I just can't stop imagining of your face...can't stop calling back the things we've been through together...
Why ...why ...why ..........WHY?..I don't wanna be like this...
I need somebody...to shout at me when I cough...so that I could stop coughing...i need somebody to hold my hands...hug me tight...look me in the eyes...so that i could feel warmer.....like you did...
I don't wanna miss you...
Isn't it enough?...
No more you and me...
I know..
but I just can't deny the fact...
The fact...that I miss you...
I wanna see you....wanna hold your hands...wanna look at you...wanna smile with you...wanna hug you...wanna be in your arms.....
But I just...can't...I know...:)
All I can do...
is...just lying here...sick like hell...
waiting for the day when you really go outta my mind...my heart..
I have already gone away from your heart, right?...do you feel good?...just wanna make sure you're fine...and I think you are...
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