Premarital Sex

[-( Hey Hey hey young man! Who told you the nick name? Y____Y It seems like I still have to bear that infamous reputation at home eh?

I am talking about "something I think and perceive of whether people should have sex before marriage or not at this time ( I mean thinking as a teenager )" --> That's why I'm saying it is so kawaiii of you ^-^ Jeezee.. only if I am a year younger :D Kk~~~ just kidding.

One problem about the media is that, it helps promoting, although incorrectly the image of a nation. Like mentioning Vietnam, ppl think of the word "third world", of "Vietnam war" and "poverty" and ppl would stop me and ask if we have toilets in Vietnam (Nah... I am exaggerating :D) well, the same problem falls on the States.

Although the US has a "reputation" for all that porno industry and such... it is not totally true. IMHO, teenagers all over the world bear great resemblance. Just look at me, how I look and how I talk, to my surprise, a lot of American kids are very conservative and... kinda.. over-moral :D I guess. They don't approve of the way I express myself and tend to think I have too many sexual innuedos ?! A lot of them tend to avoide me since I look like a total pervert! A lot of them are not exposed to sex at all to a certain age (compared to VN kids that WERE exposed to it comparatively earilier) and even blush when talking about this topic (comparing with me --> ::grinning::)

Premaritual sex is an issue all over the world, Khoa. Therefore, you... don't need to toss your morals into the toilet ^-^ no matter where you are.

And even though, the image of USA might be very corrupted, it is indeed not at all. Parents still try prevent kids from having sex in teenage. And sex is banned in a lot of schools, like mine ^^ Compared to ... for example my German friends, American kids are totally ignorance about sex! (it is all my opinion, even if it is wrong, please don't take it personally and seriously.)

P/S: Since this post is dedicated to Khoa ^-^ so ... it has just a little bit to do with the topic, most of it is mentioning about "teenage intercourse" please forgive my spamming and being off topic. What I am bull***ting is based on my knowledge as a high school kid- a teenage kid in particular. So... for college ppl out there, it might be a lot different. That world to me is alien, therefore I declaim it has nothing to do with my perspective. ^^

And Khoa, don't get me wrong, I find you reasoning very amusing, I am not trying to pick on you, K? ^^
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Bump, bump sis Đùi *thật tình cờ và thật bất ngờ* when this morning I came across an article in H2T 2 about this attention-getting issue. A lot of persuasive reasons are listed in this article explaining why it is somehow idiotic to get laid before marriage. But I hate H2T very much ( I can't stand the way this magazine publishes their articles :) ). So I am not gonna to cite them there. And I must say that this may be my last post in this topic as there are few people there ( kinship ), so I don't wanna get in trouble ( do you get my point ? ). So sorry ...
is this true that men can come to a party, kissing girls and having sex without any feeling? or if this girl didnt wanna give him sex, he would find another one to have sex with? is this true when guys dont care whom they have sex with?
Phó Mai Tâm Giao đã viết:
is this true that men can come to a party, kissing girls and having sex without any feeling? or if this girl didnt wanna give him sex, he would find another one to have sex with? is this true when guys dont care whom they have sex with?

Zao, you should learn MEN'S ENGLISH :D

1. I am hungry = I am hungry
2. I am sleepy = I am sleepy
3. I am tired = I am tired
4. Nice dress = Nice cleavage!
5. I love you = let's have sex now
6. I am bored = Do you want to have sex?
7. May I have this dance? = I'd like to have sex with you
8. Can I call you sometime? = I'd like to have sex with you
9. Do you want to go to a movie? = I'd like to have sex with you
10. Can I take you out to dinner? = I'd like to have sex with you
11. I don't think those shoes go with that outfit = I'm gay
is this true that men can come to a party, kissing girls and having sex without any feeling

Let's turn around and think about girls, who also come to party, get drunk and kiss some guys (probably she wouldn't go any further) without any feeling at

the answer's different in the wording, but the context's pretty similar.

or if this girl didnt wanna give him sex, he would find another one to have sex with?

if he really likes you...there're other ways in which he can satisfies his natural instincts, yet not betraying you. Please don't hold such myths about "all" men.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
In my opinion, sex has many aspects. It makes love grow up, but it also makes love die.... Sometime, i think that Vietnamese people are too careful, but, nơ i know that it's very important. That the ráion why someone don't wanna get maried with "girl". read test "SR, u r just a "girl"", n u will understand what i thought
my hostility towards premarital sex never changes .
In the new era of socio-economic reforms , numerous Occidental values have penetrated our community .They provide us with effective tools to fight for democracy and freedom , but that's not the end of the story . We have also experienced serious degradation in the social moral foundation . No one but the youngsters are most vulnerable to the bad sides of these miscancellous cultural elements .
And premarital sex is among those !
Imagine keeping your virginhood till the nuptial day and then , discovering the truth about your spouse : she had premarital sex !. In my opinion , on behalf of men , unless she was raped , it would be intolerable , as an obvious expression of shameless deception .

What's really essential now is self-education of traditional values , ethics taken from our thousands-of-year culture . Only in this way can we protect ourselves from perverse influence of Western , American life-style .
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Ôi bạn Bách :)) This reminds me of all our sex discussions from years ago. *laugh* What amuses me is that you are associating it with "Degradation in the social moral foundation" @__@

SO to your opinion, premarital sex is a bad doing? (I am not taking any sides, just asking *shrug*)

And about "Imagine keeping your virginity till the nuptial day and then discovering that your spouse ( who you addressed as a "she") is not a virgin anymore". --> Firstly *laugh* It would suck to be you. (sorry did not try to be mean ^^) Secondly, I pity the girl ^^ Now now, let's think about it, you men think it is embarassing to be the one less ... uhmm.... please excuse my selection of words, skillful, in the intercourse. So because of your ego, you' d say it's immoral to have premarital sex? *laugh* Because *smile* it is A GREAT sacrifice, to be the one more experienced in the doing, feeling TOTALLY disappointed, AND YET have to caress the guy's ego, taking all the blame for being a disgrace? What kind of logic is that???

"Only in this way can we protect ourselves from perverse influence of Western , American life-style ." --> Oh PU--LEASE. That tradition of yours *roll eyes* 4 thousand years ago on RIGHT that spot you are sitting now, people were having sex to keep the race going, they had no such values, traditions or ethics you are talking about!

If you want to protect yourself (as you said), it is totally okay, it is your choice, and that's... good *grin* just please don't force us women into following the same path to make you feel secure that you won't be humiliated by having sex w/ someone who's not a virgin anymore. Em xin hết ạ. ^^
now i know im a guy so this might sound REALLY weird... but has any1 noticed that 90% of the time (figuratively, of course) it s the boy that wants premarital sex... n then A LOT of GUYS hope that their gf/wives r virgin/// wut the hell???

wut i think is that, whether premarital sex s approved or not s depended on the personal background, opinion, belief n even religion of the person. But 1 things always true... cuz life s a chain of decisions n u hav to live wth the choice u made, u should only do smthin when u KNOW 4 SURE wut u r doin, wut s gunna happen n how to prevent unwanted consequences...
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