Premarital Sex

Definitely,sometimes sex makes people understand each other more, so they don't find out it's too late when they get married :D
I dont like it, but I'll approve when the matter is brought up. The reason is, time changes people change ~o)
to some people, saying "approve" is easy, but doing "disapprove"
to some others, saying "disapprove", but doing "approve" easily

it depends, honeys, depends. really depends on who we are, the circumstance, and the partner.

however, it's still a choice. we make choices. then, no regret...
Nguyễn Lý Hiền Nga đã viết:
we make choices. then, no regret...
:x I agree....

Honestly, i don't think premarital sex is bad at all..:) ... You don't have to wait until you get married to figure out how horrible your husband/wife in bed..:)) ...then you will regret forever and wish you had done it before marriage...;)
I think it's not about whether or not we practice premartial sex, since the answer's quite obvious^^...the pressing issue here is how to practice it...educationally or stupidly, in which i mean, safe sex.
--Listen, you're not ready, so let's have a condom in our pocket:D:D. Sorry, I'm just joking:p.
--Seriously, I think that if both sides are agree, then let them do it, no problem.
--The problem is: "what'll you do after making love?":-?
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
The problem is: "what'll you do after making love?"

Having condom and practice safe sex is "what will you do before and while you're making love"...since safe sex is all about thinking ahead. Premartial sex's okay as long as you, i repeat myself again, practice safe sex.

As for "what'll you do after making love", there're a few things, if pregnancy occurs, u'd either get aborted or raise the kid (which is something you absolutely don't want to), and if unfortunately you get STD (sexual transmitted disease), you'd have to deal with it.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
this thing you do before, during and after making love: to love :)


in addition, safe sex is not only condom [-x some people can't use it /:) there are other birth control methods. I wrote a paper about some contraceptions. are you guys interested?
^-^ Funny paradox, men usually don't approve of a virgin-ish ^__^ (yay! I just made up a word!) girlfriend; but husbands usually disapprove of *used* (please excuse my language) wives. *sigh* human's selfish-ness ^^

It is just so hypocritical to build up those virgin path or... those pure white gowns -___=

Anyways, I think it is a good point that nobody wants a bad partner in bed, especially the one you HAVE TO OFFICIALLY share the bed. So... it might be better to deflourish the one you wanna marry before marriage. ^^ You can still rain check if he/she is too bad at it. Of course then, the women is not in a very preferable situation, hence, serves her right for her recklessness ^-^v

Please excuse my ignorance.
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Nguyễn Minh Nguyệt đã viết:
^-^ Funny paradox, men usually don't approve of a virgin-ish ^__^ (yay! I just made up a word!) girlfriend; but husbands usually disapproves of *used* (please excuse my language) wives. *sigh* human's selfish-ness ^^
--That's alright, sis, your language has no problem :D
--The thing you says is belonged to our culture. Guys who're husband doesn't like betrayer (like Confucianism) but guys who're just boy friend wants love.
--In my opinion, prematerial sex is acceptable or not also depends on what do we Vietnamese want: a loyalist or a true love (may be she's a used one, np). A rebel like me will choose love. How about you, men ?:D:D:D:D
From my personal point of view, having sex before marriage is not a wise thing to do . Firstly, having sex before you get married definitely expresses your lack of respect and loyalty to your future life-long partner (however, if your sex partner is someone who will be bound to marry you in the future , I won't take issue). Back to my standpoint above, when you get laid with someone just to show him/her your love, it will be not fair for your future wife/husband ( whether you are a man or woman, get my point ? ). Even if you can deceive your partner , it is still an idiotic thing as you obviously can not conceal it during your whole life ( hey, I also give you a snippet of information that men are now very clever, in some countries and tribes before marriaging, a lot of men testify whether their wife is still a virgin ! Bump, what will happen if they know that she isn't ? You will yourself not only ruin your one of the happiest day in life , but also dent your reputation. Your future is negatively affected ). Using condom just helps prevent you from contracting with some dangerous diseases, but it can not save your reputation as I presume, we are discussing the moral aspect of premartial sex. And if your wife/husband knows you misdeed after living together for a long time, no one can predict the consequence. You know men often become terribly aggressive and violent if they detect their wife's infidelity ( the case applies for women as well )

Then we might as well as dwell ourselves in excessive masturbations, giving the opportunity for the sexual industries to flourish with masturbaing devices such as...maybe that's what one should explore on one's own.

And if your wife/husband knows you misdeed after living together for a long time, no one can predict the consequence. You know men often become terribly aggressive and violent if they detect their wife's infidelity ( the case applies for women as well )

Maybe we marry the wrong one?

Just an opinion.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
being a virgin or not has nothing to do with loyalty. it happenes BEFORE marriage, NOT DURING.

however, Khoa, you're wise to say "if your sex partner is someone who will be bound to marry you in the future , I won't take issue" b-)

Back to my standpoint above, when you get laid with someone just to show him/her your love, it will be not fair for your future wife/husband
sex is more than showing love, it's love. I prefer using the word "to make-love", as it is a part of love. very essential.

men are now very clever, in some countries and tribes before marriaging, a lot of men testify whether their wife is still a virgin ! Bump, what will happen if they know that she isn't ? You will yourself not only ruin your one of the happiest day in life , but also dent your reputation.
excuse me, those men don't love those women truly. they love themselves. f*ck 'em up. I mean, hang :D
it's too insular to treat your "love" that way. will you do it, Khoa? I hope not?

Using condom just helps prevent you from contracting with some dangerous diseases, but it can not save your reputation as I presume, we are discussing the moral aspect of premartial sex
what is that about reputation? is there anything bad with loving and doing love?
people like to nose around others, huh?

You know men often become terribly aggressive and violent if they detect their wife's infidelity ( the case applies for women as well )
yes, this is CORRECT ^^

-well, Phuoc, about ... masturbate ^^ :"> I ... don't approve it. it seems like one has to masturbate only when one's partner is not enough... well, I'm not sure the partner would feel like it ^^

A rebel like me will choose love
bạn An ^^ many people like you when they get married they are still annoyed to know..... :D
don't turn your back to what you say today :p
sex is more than showing love, it's love.

just an opinion though...probably sex's just "a part of" many complex and sophisticated elements - which i don't think I understand - that build up the phenomenon described by the terminology: "love".
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
I agree with you. It is NOT what we called "love" but "a part of it". Having sex does not mean withholding a healthy and loving relationship, however, a relationship without some kind of sexual "activities" is a ... er... kinda abnormal; since it is a part of human nature.

And masturbation, I don't think there is anything wrong with it. What if someone prefers their own hand over a partner? ^-^v

And Khoa, I used to think like you... er... 3 days ago. KKkkk~~~nahh... just kidding. ^-^v It's kinda hard to find cute young men still holding those traditional morals like you. Kawaiiiiii... :x

Anyways, when you get into a serious relationship, it is very hard to maintain the non-sexual zone. Sex plays a big part in human relations. I remember reading a funny statement " every human behavior is initially based on sexual purposes." ^^

So... I am very interested to hear from you again when you find your significant other :D

It is very hard to maintain a- non -sexual relationship. You think only men feels the need? :D Not really, firstly, women have needs, too and at some points, they even have more needs. Moreover, it's not only for animal-like needs, sometimes it is all about insecurity. Both women and men get insecure easily in a serious relationship; and somehow, sex is the easiest but... not the smartest way of assurance. People tend to think once they have sexual intercourse, they are bound together more tightly- which is totally absurd, by the way.

The last line, how long can you stand having your girlfriend bugging you for a quickie? Sounds pervy but.. it happens =P
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
I remember reading a funny statement " every human behavior is initially based on sexual purposes."

Probably from Sigmund Freud^^, the wording's different but the perspective is pretty similar

The last line, how long can you stand having your girlfriend bugging you for a quickie

=)), that's a good one Nguyệt...gonna say something, but maybe not^^
:p Kkk~~~ I am caught red-handed for incorrect quotation, bro Phước. It is indeed from Freud :))

Just say whatever you want, once I decided to babble about my stupidity, I had already beeb prepared for some scolding... T____T
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
To express my sincere apology ^-^ I'm quoting some of Freud's work, er... just for entertainment ^____^ Enjoy:

Life instincts and the death instinct

Freud saw all human behavior as motivated by the drives or instincts, which in turn are the neurological representations of physical needs. At first, he referred to them as the life instincts. These instincts perpetuate (a) the life of the individual, by motivating him or her to seek food and water, and (b) the life of the species, by motivating him or her to have sex. The motivational energy of these life instincts, the "oomph" that powers our psyches, he called libido, from the Latin word for "I desire."

Freud's clinical experience led him to view sex as much more important in the dynamics of the psyche than other needs. We are, after all, social creatures, and sex is the most social of needs. Plus, we have to remember that Freud included much more than intercourse in the term sex! Anyway, libido has come to mean, not any old drive, but the sex drive.

Later in his life, Freud began to believe that the life instincts didn't tell the whole story. Libido is a lively thing; the pleasure principle keeps us in perpetual motion. And yet the goal of all this motion is to be still, to be satisfied, to be at peace, to have no more needs. The goal of life, you might say, is death! Freud began to believe that "under" and "beside" the life instincts there was a death instinct. He began to believe that every person has an unconscious wish to die.

This seems like a strange idea at first, and it was rejected by many of his students, but I think it has some basis in experience: Life can be a painful and exhausting process. There is easily, for the great majority of people in the world, more pain than pleasure in life -- something we are extremely reluctant to admit! Death promises release from the struggle.

Freud referred to a nirvana principle. Nirvana is a Buddhist idea, often translated as heaven, but actually meaning "blowing out," as in the blowing out of a candle. It refers to non-existence, nothingness, the void, which is the goal of all life in Buddhist philosophy.

The day-to-day evidence of the death instinct and its nirvana principle is in our desire for peace, for escape from stimulation, our attraction to alcohol and narcotics, our penchant for escapist activity, such as losing ourselves in books or movies, our craving for rest and sleep. Sometimes it presents itself openly as suicide and suicidal wishes. And, Freud theorized, sometimes we direct it out away from ourselves, in the form of aggression, cruelty, murder, and destructiveness.


A more general criticism of Freud's theory is its emphasis on sexuality. Everything, both good and bad, seems to stem from the expression or repression of the sex drive. Many people question that, and wonder if there are any other forces at work. Freud himself later added the death instinct, but that proved to be another one of his less popular ideas.

Nguyễn Lý Hiền Nga đã viết:
bạn An ^^ many people like you when they get married they are still annoyed to know..... :D
don't turn your back to what you say today :p
--Thanks for your mock, Black Nga. However, I want only love, not troubles :p:p
--There's one thing that I don't understand (how stupid I am :D): wedding is just a ceremony to tell others that a couple is really in love at a point of time, why do we use it as a method to measure love? In my opinion, "premarital sex" means "sex before wedding".
--Ah, another question. If a man and a woman get divorced because of the man, the man can marry another woman. How about the woman? If 100% of us consider that she had prematerial sex (with the ex-husband) and accuse that she's not a good woman, it'll be difficult for her to find new husband. Well, I don't think it's fair. Luckily, not 100% :)):)):))
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