Our English poems

yep :D
moon so bright, night so fine
seize the day , life s a dream
race the moon , catch the wind
heroes rise, heroes fall
throught our joy, through our pain
save the day , save the night
save the love, come what may
nothing else to see me through
hum, is it not the song "I want to spend my lifetime loving you?" with a bit ò modification?????
Revised, Revisited

For one day, just one day
I could read your mind
So I did
Open thousands of windows into your thoughts
And I've not forgot
How mundane they were
Before you screamed and pushed me out
(or pulled me in?)
This is what I'd seen
An endless road of blood-red dirt
Stretching for your future
Twice that much for the you of present days
And still more
For the you who stayed
The path went on (to the core? The core?)
But I was bored
So I tried to fill those gaps
Engulfed your mind with thoughts of my own
You'll never know
How happy it made me
And how sad
I still think about it every now and then
Today, though, your head is yours to own
But I am not
And I so want to be inside again
'cause maybe, just maybe
You now have a road for me?
Trashy garbage on dusty carpet
Won't you take them out?
Rustling caprice of bitter-ee coffee
Won't you dance it out?
Mumbling soundbite from strangling kite
Won't you pull her down?
Trembling lips biting tongue tips
Licketee leap leaps
Don't you love me now?

Just a phony play, guys. Just a phony play.
Hi, I have something to say:

Since our poems have no rule
Would it be like a tent in rags?
Would it let the winds visit often?
Would it last for long in this immense galaxy?
Since the nature is natural and cruel...

I am not so sure of the free style poem
I am not so sure rule's columns can help
I am sure that winds can cross through our mind
Because even a stable house has window

Just please give your truth feeling in poem
The honesty in your writing
The honesty that you're touched by others' writing
The honesty--the last thing to hold because...

Winds can blow away our tent
if you let yoursefl be so free in winds
Open your breath and give the way for wind
To feel you and you feel the wind

Winds cannot come if your house's so enclosed
You will live by the fake sunshine
You will breath by the fake atmosphere
That paralyze your imagine

Then you ask me how should we build our shelter?
I look at your eyes
I point at your heart
That is your shelter
That place you store your mind
That place you take note of emotion
That place people find you
That place you are safe...

Love poem, then make poem
Nature is beautiful and various
Our hearts are the emgine of nature
Therefore, your poems are the paths
Be proud of your feeling,
Best wish,
Phuong Dau.
Wasting time is like picking leaves from a live tree.
Utilizing time is like catching leaves falling from a live tree.
Phuong Dau.

Which way are you more comfortable with?
(Get what i mean?).

I've got to go to sleep now. So tired at 3:08am. I am doing kind of picking leave from my tree. Well, after picking for a long time, your tree will have less and less and then danger of nothing left. Good luck with your time schedule.

One precise minute,
Holding breath!
Tik tak...tik tak...
Heart beats!
Tik tak...tik tak...
Fear drill deeply!
Tik tak...tik tak...

Wildly-openned eyes
Blink on agony!
Tik tak...tik tak...
Atmosphere condense!
Tik tak...tik tak...

Ignorant societies
(Frame themselves in)
Tik tak...tik tak...
Valance souls deep!
Tik tak...tik tak...

Why wonder?
Tik tak...tik tak...
Illusions of truthfulness
Tik tak...tik tak...
Tik tak...tik tak..
Deception sparks
Tik tak...tik tak...
Tik tak...tik tak...

Fifty eighth...
Tik tak...tik tak...
Fifty nineth...
Tik tak...tik tak...

Toan Nguyen
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Just a short poem made for my mom

How my life would be
Without you be next
The sky would be dark
The sea would be dry
The sun with no light
The tree with no leaves
As I am a kid
Need your love, mama
Hey Toàn, it seems like you are waiting for something with frustration. Good job at making the reader irritated too :))
I'm dying for love

It is such a tedious time that I am going through
Getting up late in the afternoon and see the sky so blue
Going round and round for food and other stupid chores
Oh, my life gloomy!

Tell me, what if you were with me dear
Would you take me somewhere beautiful and
Would it be a tranquil seaside where we will hear
Softly wave murmuring to the sand…
Another random poem :D

You scared people away with your thorns
Your hands are cold, no, they are freezing like ice, your heart like stone
You don’t let them get inside
You don’t let them find out
Who you really are.

You stand right there but still so far
You smile and laugh, you are trying so hard
You are covered
You are hidden
You feel like a loser, a black sheep in your family
But why?

You are a cactus
Filled up with tears deep down
You show your strength
I feel your fright, your fight with yourself, with everyone else
You don’t want help from anyone
Right, you don’t need pity
It’s not your fault
You have a heart
Why can’t you love?
What’s wrong with that?
People wonder what is in your brain
They stare, they whisper, they think you are insane
It doesn’t have to be that way
You have the rights to say, to pray, to get out of your shell
Let me reach you. Let me listen. Let me be your friend
To you, friends are sand.
From them, you grow.

September, 8th, 04.
Your name

I wrote your name in the sky,
but the wind blew it away.
I wrote your name in the sand,
but the waves washed it away.
I wrote your name in my heart,
and forever it will stay.
This piece is not mine but I helped editing it so...

I wish you just hear me out
But I don't know how
Everytime I try I just choke
Empty words fade into smoke

I feel the tension that stops the flow
The frustration I can never show
But no there's no mystery
There's no big history
Only this hollow memory

Listen to my rhyme
It's gonna break the spell of time
Release what I wanna hide
Let out what I wanna speak out
Put on display what I wanna say
As the smoke fades away

One More Blood Drop. Hits The Floor.
I Scream In The Darkness For Some More.
In So Much Pain.
I Am Insane.
I Close And Lock My Door.
Here I Am.
Lying On The Floor.
Body Shaking.
So Cold.
Please Don't Help Me.
No One Ever Tried Before.
I'm Use To Having No One.
Just Leave Me Here.
Let Me To Die.
My Own Self Inflicted.
Every Pill.
I Took.
Every Bottle I Downed.
Was Not a Waste.
For On My Lips.
Can Be Found.

I Can Still Taste.

Your Poison.

Short One

I Thought We Be Together
But Forever's Not That Long.
I knew There Be A Time. In My Life.
When You Would
Be Gone.​
Like Old times

I'll Never Be Alot Of Things

I'm Not A Knight In Shining Armor.
To Take You Away.
I'm Not Very Good With Words.
In Fact I Don't Know What To Say.
I'll Never Be A Prince.
But I'll Treat You Like A Queen.
So Then You Can Know,
How Much You Really Mean.
I'll Never Be Alot Of Things,
But What Can You Do.
The Only Thing I Want To Be.
Is The Guy For You.
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