Our English poems

Hi Hang, you know what, I do think you should go to a women's college to celebrate "Girl power" like what I am gonna do... :D
Ouch! Take it easy, girlfriend, some of us like Em's music and prefer to think that Red Riding Hood and the Wolf aren't the only characters in the play ;)
I can see that X-tina element in your poem though, very nice touch. But why a women's college, where 'girl power' is already at the height of the pecking order? Much more worthwhile if you can prove that feminine individuality can
even survive within the noxious atmosphere of the testosterone-filled walls of those male-dominating Ivy League universities :biggrin:

I tired of skulking, everyone here seems nice enough, so I decided to contribute a little something. Call this an ode to girls who have picked up the pieces of one too many bad relationships, yet obstinately refuse to abstain from love. Such infernal creatures, aren't we?

Bad Faith

When love died, the Earth froze over in artificial black
Pouring myself a cyanide vodka, I chose to watch it wane
As my brain numbed and went subtly insane

The more you show the less you know, and never should you vow
To make amend the mental abyss that indifference tends to create
For once I fall, God help us all, they'll wish your soul to take

But you, my former main man, ceased ever more to care
Apathy and silence threatened to pacify your heart
Like heroin or velveteen or a momentary seizure of love

You dissected me with a blunt blade, and fed upon my fears
Yet even then I could have sworn our tryst would turn to waste
And leaving you, bereft, alone, is where I rest my case

Perhaps one day, in a celluloid dream, at will my heart shall love
And heal the pique of centennial old, thus overthrowing despair
And ere the dawn, my faith reborn, will steal me away from there.

Now I neglected my nightly-reading (the Bible, of all things) to write this, so be nice, folks!
whoa, girls, girls, calm down!!! that's sth i gotta say in the first place.

To Hằng: watch wat u say abt M, cuz he ain't shallow, he ain't gotta watch his words, he's dissing everyone in the game, cuz he's got guts, n u ain't!! don't understand y u've gotta be comparing xtina n M, they r 2 very different ppl. btw, if u can't accept the fact that this world is dominated by "testoteronees" then get a life. u think u fighting, u think u rebellious, u not. u lost, don't know which way to go, to live, to act, u dying for sth, sb so that u can cling to them, cling to their words, (in this case lyrics) to find strength. and then when u feel u've found a little courage, u be dissing the one homie who understands, who lives the life of a lowlife, who knows what's its like to be mistreated, the one who tells the world how we feel!! unlike ur puny "princess", popping off here and there, getting dumped, getting wrecked, getting laid, ain't nuthing but a "ho", just another puss, who can't accept life!!!
Another letter
Another email
Another messenger
Another ecard
That is enough
You say I am too hard
Maybe true
I am tough and I am strong

Another gift
“sealed with a kiss”
Sorry but that’s not what I need
You say I am too arrogant
That may also be true
That’s why I am still single
I am still waiting
For one letter with the right words
You say it will take long
That is true
It may take my whole life
But I don’t care
Still waiting
For one letter …
let's go insane

Sometimes I associates poets with insane people, poems with crazy idea, here is one example:

I’m a cat

Since cat and man are both earthborn
I am a cat, proudly meow “cat”

A cat that do know how to use words,
yet not make poem
Meow, calculate for life,
yet not have any solution
that can hear man,
yet not understand him
I meow a cat
Forever seek for freedom
Always detached to be independent
Afraid of fraud meow resemblances of dog
I can meow to the whole word,

I rather be a cat and I am
I meow meow proudly

From now on, I’ll try to post nice poems because I believe that no ones like that so-called paranoid work.
Forgive me if I don’t have an account, it takes me 2 years to register for HAO and it will take another 2 :p
Thanks for posting new poems. However, it would be great if you could tell people your name and class since I will use people's poems for EHAO with your permission. ;)
Thanx :)
Hey, I have something funny for you ;;)

She, a girl
Sitting in a chair
Staring at her computer screen,
Asks why he is not online.

He, a boy
drinking coffee,
reading her status,
remains invi.

They, the kids,
playing around,
reading each other's posts,
smile and frown.

HAO, the bridge,
storing their posts,
watching them smile,
knows who is online.

And I, the mod,
know who is reading whose posts,
just like a spy.

I wrote this yesterday. It is based on a true story, actually. ;)
To Huong, "the mod, who knows who is readin those posts",
I am the one that meow the insane poem, dont worry about the whole copy right thing, I am sure that you're not meowing any of my poems, I am sorry but I cant reveal to you guys who I am, meow to meet all of you, and thanks to welcome me here, the only meow I can meow anonymously
Proud to be cat ^_^
Angels are ever all around us
And with love they do surround us.
When my heart is sore in need
The Angels come, my soul to feed.
They come to me from up above
and sing in whispers of Love.
When in my heart I feel a tug
I know that it's an Angel's hug
Have u ever be mistreated or discriminated against?
I have, i've been protested and demonstrated against
"Watch the hell in your mind, u suck u felt u live a lowlife
take it u damn, my tears i'm gonna cry for ur life
I'm rebelious, no i'm coase, i lost, no i just thought
let it grow make it more close to ur nose
to see wat kinda low is low, u're in the hole u sow..."

Well, i'm not presenting girl power here whatsover, Minh, ur deducing and remarking are impressive and quite admirable. I leaned to her lyrics? to her words? her feelings? i clung to her life, to her soul, to her everything, i stick my life to the one that does not and will not ever even know my existence, so wat's wrong there? wat warped? there? wat matter there? who bothers? who cares?

As u said she's a punny princess
Your face got a grin
Give me a pin
I punch it it ur face and i check and i iron and i take
I bring it to the board i make
I stick it there as long as i make me sick
and i hit, i grit, then i vomit, i split
It aint nothing to me
to the world we're in!
(some poems here are re-post)


In the darkest hour of life

The turning
I sit beside her bed
In deadly quietness
No more breaths...
Through her lips!

Imagine one day:
There will be singing,
There will be no smile,
There will be no shining,
And forever, stays the night!

It had been said:

"One ought to live,
One ought to die.
Oue ought to see,
One ought to fight!"

But if she had to die young
Why lived so happily?
If she had seen, but not yet fought,
Why, Death, took her away from me?

Pains, tears, darkness, good-bad had merged
For one angel has just left the earth!

Tormented in night
Waking up in the night...
All I see: the darkness ahead.
Unconsciously, unclearly,
Itching feeling in mind , sorrow and sadness.
All I hear: The beats of my heart
Fast and so intensive..

I raise my hands, desperately try to touch
The mysteriously velvet satin of night
So thin, and yet so thick...
After all the lights were shut..

The point of agony, here it is.
Cant see it, but I know it exists
Oh darkness, art that thy power and mist
Hath brought up the shame in me!

Dream - Part I
I've been lost in the realm of life.
Dark tunnel - no one beside!
Lo! Ahead, there's an open gate
Is it real or just a lie?

Dream - Part II

At least, I see you, my dear!
( In this silky dream, so sheer).
Oh gloriusness! Oh loveliness!
Has gone away, these painful tears.

Standing there, sun rest on your face.
I see you real, and yet, unreal.
Holy light pours upon your grace.
I smile, my wish's been fulfilled.

We stand still, but eyes to eyes.
Hapiness just cant be expressed.
But I know, all pain and madness
Had just been fought away.

I then raise my arms
(And this moment, countless is time).
I must keep you here forever,
Forever and ever...
With me!

A trail of fume - now I see.
She disappear into the darkness
Away from me, might she flee?
Into the land of joyfulness?

Ode to the winter

Not sophisticated like the spring and autumn,
Nor impatient like the hot summer!
Oh winter, here, I welcome thee!
My open-wide arms lust for thy hugs,
Eyes've been worn out waiting for thy breathes.
Rise again, the love for thou in me!
We will rule the world with madness.
For no flower will bloom, no smiles will be set
In those mortal faces!

Oh thou people, who hath not witness his power
And hath not praised for his fest?
The thou shalt receive his punishments:
His cold breaths will bring you to death!

The lord winter, let us hear thy music
Combining of quietness and thy wishpers
Then let this melody be delievered
By thy winds, those wicked witch,
For after that ,I shall let my will
Flow with thee wherever thy needs.

Human's depression

"I'm falling
Deep down in the hole of sadness.
I'm heading
For the eternity of nothingness..."
Human's stresses:
Creating trouble themselves and claming to be

In the last minutes

Evening breaks
Shady night awakes
The land is mournfully wrapped in silence
Sorrows still last
And remains here the painful past
And today is my ending day!

The moonlight dies,
Then the torches rise,
The crowd longing for ritual burning.
Holy signs,
As the church's bell chimes.
Still it's my ending day!

The Ending - Part I
And in the morning they saw
A dead man laying on the floor.
Close tightly did his eyes,
But hapiness were shown in his smile.

The Ending - Part II
In the darkest hours of life,
Let's look at the face of a child.
You will see,
How bright is the light
Of his smiles...!

That's the power,
That's the motivation,
That's essential
For you to (-Once again)
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
The Crust (Pt.2)

Forcing a joke, suppressing a laugh, epitomizing a lovely poised folk
Is she alive? …I ask as I sense around a languid moving corpse

Enviously tell me the girls in town:
“True love is enshrouding her and her everything is perfect
coz she has received all the fortunate
that God can give to a human being”

But still, I wonder…is she alive?

The poignant creature is tasting the largess from God in tears
For the fear in her will never languish
She’s still awaiting a reason…….for her to believe in the word “faith”
And then she’d be able to blithely cry for the wrench……

In that moonless night, her soul piercing a pungent hoot
seeking for a truce between her and the real her
Let her live or the real her live
….then will she be alive?

Seems like he’s not the one she’s been longing to meet
Not the one that can help lodge her out of this tenuous life
Shaving the opulent crust, allaying the bruised heart
So no one can give her the reason to dissolve
….in the real her…?

Not worry yet, she is strong

I’m conjuring the scenario of the day she goes away
Behind the tears on her face, I see her broad grin and her resolute glint
That’s the day she departs from the crust
Forgetting all the strangled yell, all night alone self-trample
All the tears, the fears, the lies and pains…..

It’s my turn now
Longing to see that blighted star recover and blossom again…​
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Wow, you guys are amazing! To Toan and Thai Hang: each of you even have your own style and theme for the poems.
I can feel the religious effect in Toan's and the "girl power" in Hang's.

I just don't really understand "the Turning" esp. the stanza "But if she had to die young..."
For Dream part 1, do you wanna make any changes?

Once I can set up my laptop in my room, I will post your poems to EHAO, ok? Thanks
Ichanged from "life" to "lie" in Dream Part I ( sorry, my bad :) ). Uhm, well, I couldn't do anything with "The turning" though, any suggestions, Huong?

P/S:for "The turning", the whole poems can be expressed in one sentence: "God is unfair!", I just kinda stretched out the man's thinkings. But again, suggestions are needed here!
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
yoh, Thanks so much, sis Huong.
I myself don't really like the way i write poems, i don't mean to obfuscate the stanzas, the words....i'd rather make it pliable and smooth and soothing like Toan Nguyen's, but maybe that just doesn't suit me. And for my feelings are mixed up all the time...writing is just a way that i resort to to provide me with relief. And u'r right, accidentally and unconsciouly, i always slant my words to present smt related to the so-called "girl-power". And i just talked to Toan Nguyen this morning, he commented that my poems are always delightful....in some way. Hope that my words are not too draining and ppl would feel the same way with him. Yah...something delightful...always there....
One of many things I like about Hằng's poems is that : I may not always fully absort her poems but I can see her image and her passions through the words!
A void

( This impromptu is for Beslan, for my kids in heaven,
for the children who still can speak, for the moms and dads alone in this abyss,
for myself who is powerless_ writing this piece for a strip of peace in mind….)

Life isn’t here
I don’t feel life’s around me
I don’t know why she doesn’t feel hurt, he doesn’t feel hurt…..
While blood is splitting over my child’s face and eyes
My child is screaming, he is puddling about a red-mass
My men are crying, gritting and grumbling the grief
My people are mourning for the loss would never be redeemed
“She’s a 6-year-old-angel on earth
She’s going to school for the first time in her life
Then she flied, forever to the sky”
I bet she’d be affable and great
She’d have friends, she’d be in peace
I bet she’d be fine
My people urged me to kill those maniacs, blood back for the children
I was about to seize the gun in the drawer
I was about to cut throat those devils
I was about to taste vodka with their blood
I was about to drain their filthy corpses
I was about to be a monster like them……
But I didn’t
My men, listen to me
Our kids are living well in a place we can’t reach
And those fiends will be all dead, God will never spare their lives
Each second they are alive, billions of daggers thrust into their hearts
Their bodies fall apart, each piece would be trampled by the obsession of the red-mass today

(Time slipping by swiftly, pains throbbing by harshly
One day every thing today would belong to the past
But remain a big scar…..in your hearts, and mine…)
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