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ok , just answer me this Hằng : How can u deal with terrorism by negotiation ???( the war in Iraq) And as I said earlier , I did not say whos wright , whos wrong in this discussion ( both the wars in Vietnam before and Iraq now) , I just wanted ppl to speak up for wut they believe in and respect to others ppl opinions even when that they different from their view of point <=== but when they stood up and finger pointing right at my face saying U WRONG , I RIGHT <=== they VIOLATING the boundary , cuz they CANT expect that EVERYONE gotta have the same perception , share the same belief ! and this is DISCUSSION so if U cant even try to RESPECT to others opinions then U cant DISCUSS , cuz what U doing is just die trying to prove U _ the ONLY one that WRIGHT _ so I gave up and chose not to have any discussion with ppl like that _ they cant let themself to be open to the way that others that think different from them _ they cant stand the thought that theres actually ppl that DONT think like they do about the same subject _ but they dont understand that they DONT have to AGREE with me to understand ME <=== its that simple ! 8-|
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