lol, công nhận thì em Pinky giọng hay hơn bạn (Nikki Doan) này là 1, chêm tiếng anh vào một số chỗ nghe hợp lý hơn =)). Tiếng anh ai hơn thì chịu :-??
part 1 cái đoạn ngực to ngực nhỏ nghe hài v =))
"1. She's a disgrace for our generation, our nation (for those who are proud of being Vietnamese, and/or Asians)
2. She has boobs.
3. She copies other peoples' stuff without giving them credits to their creativity, authenticity and personal intellectual property.
4. She thinks she's hot while she's not.
5. She wears sleeping dresses/clothes to work.
6. She does not value the color 'PINK' (for those whose favorite color is pink).
7. She makes our boyfriends, boy friends go crazy (like Quoc Tran, contact Phung Milkie Bui for links of proof).
8. She's so hot that her heat melted her dignity glue thus her dignity got slipped away in an instant when she created that Kenh16 (Channel 16).
9. She needs to take grammar classes online to improve her English grammar.
10. She can be pretty, but not beautiful, because beauty comes from the inside.
11. She makes herself famous by ruining her own reputation.
12. She loves haters while we don't love her, her 'love' makes us sick.
13. Her neurons in her brain seem to be transformed into fats in her boobs, thus she cannot 'THINK'. Because if she could think, she wouldn't have done all of those videos that gave/give/are going to give/ will give/ have been giving us nightmares.
14. She is ugly. Oh wait, i meant FUGLY.
15. She fails our American Dream.
16. She mistakes that she looks stupid without makeups on, however the truth is she does not look good either way, whether she has makeups on or not.
17. She strips on the wonderland of FACEBOOK.
18. She should have just stayed with discussing topics and not moving on to pre-pornography.
19. She admits that she's a player, we lovers hate players to the core.
20. Even players do not strip publicly.
21. Because 21 is the number for her.
22. (Credits to HANH NGUYEN) Her mouth makes us wanna throw up. "
lol số 2 và số 7....
nhưng mà nói thật là bạn này/em này/chị này có hơi... thừa hơi ? hơi mất thời gian mấy cái này làm giề nhỉ :-??