English Area - English Only - English Area- Only ... +++

Nguyễn Minh Trang

A box in English only !!! Here we can talk in English , which language we learn and hear everyday .
All your talk will not only let us know about the hottest news , but also let you express your language abilities .
Let's tell us about all crazy news , especially what 's going on at Ams , discuss and argue +++ You can put your advertisements and your intentions here . We will support you all +++
I hope to hear from you .
So , go guys +++
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
There will be 2 or more parties from now to the end of the year , all of us are too eager to see them .
We are going to have 3 days off next week (20th , 21 st , 22nd ) , bla bla blabbb , shall we go some where !!!
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Well , today ( Saturday) it seems that almost tenth-form classes have gymnastic lesson (PE) .
F.E .: Running through the bsb court , U could see L2 gathering near the cantin , they looked '''grandiose '''... Another one was in the middle of the court , with Mr . Long 'tall & handsum ' (have had a lesson with him ???).
Looking up , of course were 10A1 -talented & 10 Đ - naive ones ........
Right , I 'll continue later . See you guys !!!
Kkkkkkkk, sorry , 19th , 20th , 21st .Ok , 19th is the day before teachers' day . 21st is the day after 20th . I 'm sure 99 % .

Party , one for X-mas , one for New Year , one for... whatever we have !!! We have so many reasons for having parties , and Amsers all intent to do +++
Hope so...
Thinking about exams makes me feel dizzy!!!! :-&
Next week is also a busy week 4 me too :(
Taking another English class, large amount of new word 8-}
Interesting, huh? Thanking Trang for making us another place for fishing..... without being afraid of our moderators.

I think there will be only 2 days off. Why are there 3? Anyway, it is great too. I was thinking of our class going on a holiday, but since Zung told me that we wouldn't be able to do so, I'm now really sad (hic).

Besides, I care for the tests we will have to take more than how many days off it will be.
heheh, I must say that Minh Trang has just been the Queen of A1. That means she is really pretty and intelligent. Bravo! :D
Also, I have a question: wat d' ya like best in a party,or in a meeting?
Is there only A1'news ? Why don't u guys talk 'bout urselves ? Especially ur loves :D I think it'll be more interesting in E , rite ? ;;)
To MT : How ya doing ? It's been a long time we haven't talked with each other , rite ?
Myself? Okay
Quỳnh Anh
Nick: Què, 2G.
Love ( as My requested): nope,im finding one.

hey, and my question:
1. D' ya like any chance to speak English only?
2. D' ya like to talk about Crush ( Teen Love)?
If ya do ( I bet you do :D),come to AEC and check it out. The next AEC meeting is held 3 weeks later.
What are u talking about? Why don't you translate into Vietnamese so everyone can understand? Your talk makes me crazy 8-}
( Did i use the rite words ?) :-/
Man, do u know what aim of this topic is?
Is you don't understand, ask ur father to translate 4 u
Thank 4 ur contribution :)
QM 'toc do ' , I 'm sure that u know what we mean ! So don't try to be naive !!! Anyway , how r u doing in ur class ? We-A1 intended to go to Cuc Phg with 10 Tin but Mr Tuan didn't let us go :((
QA , r u advertise ur AEC ???
I mean that what she said is really really true , that u guys can have chance not only to speak E , but to express urselves !!! Moreover there will be so many 'xinh tuoi & gioi giang ' girls n 'nang dong & de men ' boyz for every one !!!
The next meeting will be dead interesting , I promise +++!!!
Mi nhon !!!
To me , I think I 'm flying without wings coz now I am eating an icecreams and a lollipop. Heehehe , but I miss you .!!!
To all : I am trying to updates news , but I don't know much about 0306 and 0205 . pnzzzzzzzzz, help me +++
I think u should do something more helpful and attractive in the next meeting.
To me only playing game and so on make me spend so much time which is not really helpful. It's not my expectation
It's only my individual thinking :)
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
does anyone here know what is gonna be in the next meeting in the AEC ????
....should be some more interesting things :D
OMG , there is gonna be some kinda "exhibition" on British study this wed and thurs so ... go there and enjoy ur feeling of....skipping classes :))
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