03-06 chọn trường đi!!!

CHị Ly post 2 bài cùng lúc -> ý định câu bài rõ rệt :-?
Chị ly sang Lafay tình hình thế nào rồi ạ :D
Năm trc' chị có bịa ko hả chị Ly ? Nếu có bịa thì chị nói mình đã có work-experience gì ạ ? :D
Nguyễn Anh Khoa đã viết:
Năm trc' chị có bịa ko hả chị Ly ? Nếu có bịa thì chị nói mình đã có work-experience gì ạ ? :D

Không sao khống sao, chị có thể truyền đạt kinh nghiệm :D Số là chị có bịa chị đi trông trẻ :mrgreen:, đi bưng bê trong restaurant :D , đi đưa báo :mrgreen:, còm gì nữa quên rồi :D

@Em Long: Chị Ly vẫn ổn em ạ :D :D
Sời sời chị Ly tốt bụng wa'...bật mý cho em cả cái đóa :D nhưng chắc em chẳng bịa trông trẻ đâu :D
Nguyễn Anh Khoa đã viết:
Sời sời chị Ly tốt bụng wa'...bật mý cho em cả cái đóa :D nhưng chắc em chẳng bịa trông trẻ đâu :D

Go ahead đi em Khoa, người ta thấy em đi trông trẻ thì rất có thể sẽ conlude như sau :D :" He is very patient, attentive and hard-woking and then :)>- " :D :D :D ;;)
Or "he must have sth wrong in his head for taking the job. Even I, the ultimate adcom, cannot bear it, even with my own little son" :D
Just kidding, no offense :)
À chị Ly ơi, em khai làm IT tutor cho mama nghe nó có vấn đề gì ko ạ :-?
(câu bài :D)
Hồ Lê Việt Long đã viết:
Or "he must have sth wrong in his head for taking the job. Even I, the ultimate adcom, cannot bear it, even with my own little son" :D
Just kidding, no offense :)

:D :D :D ... khà khà nhưng giả dụ nếu anh sang đó trông trẻ gần chục $/h thì chơi ko ? :))
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Hồ Lê Việt Long đã viết:
À chị Ly ơi, em khai làm IT tutor cho mama nghe nó có vấn đề gì ko ạ :-?
(câu bài :D)

Chị không biết :D ( câu bài too :D)
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
@Khoa: Cái đấy thì còn phải xem xét :D
@chị Ly: Chị có thể cung cấp 1 số ảnh ở Lafay được ko ạ, ảnh bình thường thôi ạ :D Em muốn viết thêm 1 supp essay Why Lafay
Sorry em Long chị không có máy ảnh. Nói chungg là cứ khen cảnh đẹp, khôngkhis trong làn dễ chịu thích hợp cho học hành :D Nhà toàn gạch ngói chứ có cái gì đâu :mrgreen:
Sao trên trang web của 1 số trường nó ghi là ko có aid cho international students nhưng vào usnews với CB lại có?
Uhm còn tùy xem trang web trường đấy có uptodate ko nữa :) Nếu cần thiết thì cứ viết thư hỏi admission officer là sẽ được trả lời chính xác :D
Và mày sẽ có câu trả lời sau 2 tuần - 1 tháng :D Vì thế chỉ nên hỏi những câu thật cần thiết :D
(No Offense)
request info thì bao giờ mới nhận được mấy cái form fiếc lủng củng : D
Có còn hơn ko :D
Oạch, hôm nay em vào CC forum gặp toàn thằng quái thú, 1 trong số đó có stats là
SAT I: 2400
- Biology M: 770
- Chemistry: 800
- Math IIC: 800
AP Exams: 5's in Calc AB, Macroecon, Microecon, Calc BC, US Hist, Chemistry; awaiting Psych score (delayed)
Planned AP Exams: Comp Sci AB, Statistics, English Literature, European Hist, Physics B, Latin Literature

GPA: 4.6071 W / 4 UW
Rank: HS doesn't officially rank, but guidance counselor said 1-3 out of 402

- 13th in nation TEAMS engineering competition (team competition so not that great)
- 4 gold medals National Latin Exam; perfect scores Level I and Level III/IV Poetry
- National Latin Honor Society
- AIME qualifier 2004, 2005
- 2nd place Rutgers Model UN 2004 Int'l Court of Justice
- 1st in region fall 2004 The Stock Market Game
- National Honor Society
- nominated by school for National Council of Teachers of English writing award (awaiting results in Oct.)

- president, stock market team
- president, math team
- vice president, Model UN
- captain, JETS engineering team

- 60 hours at school math homework help center
- 30 hours at local nursing home

- 2005: Governor's School in the Sciences
- 2004: discrete math program at Rutgers
Thằng này còn khủng hơn
Apply harvard, KO CẦN FIN AID
International Student:


Lived in Philipines(3 years)/Korea(6 years)/USA(3years)/Canada(2.5years)Brazil(3 years). Currently living in Brazil

Speak Fluently w/out Problem: Korean, English, Portuguese
Read and Write: Chinese, French

Rank: 1
Current GPA: (100 point system): GPA 102.9% Final for Junior Year
SAT I: 1300 (600 V 700 M) OLD SAT
SAT I: 2200 (720 V 750 M 730 W) NEW SAT
Will re-take SAT I NOVEMBER
SAT II: Will take MATH IIC, BIOLOGY M, LIT in the Fall (750+)

TOEFL: 295/300
Stellar Essays: Perfect on both SAT and Toefl

APs: World History 5, Euro History 4, Biology 5, English Lit.4
APs for Senior Year: Music Theory, Calculus BC, Psychology, English Lang., Chemistry, Physics, Economics (Some will be Ind. Study outside of regular courses)

FRESHMAN YEAR: Was accepted into Pre-IB through examination with full accelerated Sophomore Curriculum (Canada)
SOPHOMORE Year: Moved to Brazil --> Honors courses and AP

SPORTS: Rowing Team Captain for 2 years in Canada
National Lifeguard 2 Years Canada
Swim Team
Track Team-500m

CLUBS/ACTIVITIES: Founder and Director of school digital video production/TV Station club. Published professional DVDs (even a promotional video for Embassies of various countries including US and a documentary for the US State Department). - 4 years straight
Debate Club Captain
Knowledge Bowl
Student Council Treasurer
Student Council President (Gr. 11)
Class Representative (Grades 9 and 11)
University of Waterloo Math Contest 7th Place in Canada (Grade 9)
Jazz Band: Performance at the Brazilian National Theater of Arts and various Embassies and huge gala events. Participation in Sao Paulo Jazz Festivals and All South America Music Festival. Trumpet, Piano
Concert Band: 1st Trumpet Lead
Senior Orchestra: 1st Violin Maestro
Church Activities: Violin/Trumpet/Piano/Drums in Praise Group. Volunteered at huge Evangelistic events in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, etc.(300,000+people) and services(Every NIGHT!). Travelled with the praise group to various cities and planning to also play at an international evangelistic meeting to be broadcasted live via TV.
Tutor: Math/Science for 2 years
Music Teaching: Currently teaching theory, violin, and trumpet in church and private lessons at home.
Math,Science,English,Portuguese Student of the Year
Donaldson Award (GPA Award in Canada - 1 per school)
James Madison Award (GPA Award Brazil)
Currently working in Day summer camps, part-time secretary at city hospital, private tutor/music teaching.
Post cái này nữa cho các bác đỡ bảo em discourage
Đây cũng là 1 nhân apply Harvard
SATs: 510 math
590 verbal
470 writing

From the top 45% of a class of 200 in south-east Wyoming. Its a very small area and my family is not wealthy and my school doesnt have two many opportunities for AP (or are they EP?) classes or anything.

I'm entering my senior year so so far I have ECs:

3 years church choir
2 years job as local ranch-hand (tougher than it sounds!)
president of class
secretary of environment committee
school prefect
amateur fisherman since age 4
3rd place 2003 local hunting competition
2nd place 2004 regional choir championship

I am caucasion so idk does that help. I have seven brothers and sisters, and I've had to help raise many of them after my father lost his job and then our home soonafter burned down. Somebody in town had a cousin who went to harvard and he told me i have about a 75% chance of gettin admitted. It sounds like it can't be right, so can anybody tell me is this true? If its wrong, wht are my chances?
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