Your Campus: Ups, Downs, and Roundabouts

Hoàng Chi Mai

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Scenario 1: You're sitting in the lovely, air-conditioned reading room at the IIE Center, checking out some college catalogues. You come across a school that not only fulfills your every wish for academic and financial excellence, but also has a heavenlike campus to boot! Let's say that by chance or fortune, you get accepted into this dream school and must now embark upon your first ever journey away from home. You're not worried because, hey, the place you're going to is exactly what you've always wanted... But is it? /:) Are campuses (are they called campuses in the UK?) really what they're cracked up to be? :-?

All this crazy rambling is my way of asking our many Amsers who are or have studied abroad to share their experience concerning this very interesting subject: their life on campus... I'm hoping that some of you will start to drift in and write something about this. Be serious, or better yet, be sarcastic. Embrace reality as much as possible; you know that's where the real juice is ;)

For example, I can start by relating a very disturbing incident concerning my father and the women bathroom on Havard's campus... Then again, maybe that's not such a good idea @-)
Come on, come on, I'm curious :D And how about your mom? Did she have such unique experience like that? :)) :p
the second one who wants to hear the story is sitting here:mrgreen: comon girl;) and remember to be honest;;):mrgreen:
Yo yo !! :D What did your father probably do in a women bathroom :D ?? Looking for your mom :)) ??
Hey CM ,where are you now ?? Can you just leave us wondering like this ?? No good, girl !! :nono:
::sighs:: If you must know, this is actually a desperate ploy to pluck up something for E-HAO. Because no one has yet to fall for it, I suppose I must be guinea pig... again.

Some 8 years ago, my father and I went to Cambridge, Mass. to visit my mother at Havard Law. So it was like this: we were living illegally in her dorm room, obviously in an all-female house. Nobody really cared about this except the university security officers. The thing is, the bathroom was all-female too, right? And unlike the bedrooms, the women actually minded having a man in there 8-| I can name 10 things about that bathroom that will make you wonder why any guy would even want to go in there, but anyway...

Every morning, my father would have to walk like 10 miles (alright, more like 10 yards) to use the bathroom in the male dorm. Of course he had to pretend he was a student, because men are weird and lame like that 8-} If you want to know, the trick is to act like you belong there and glare at everybody else like they don't. But one day, my father woke up and -whether due to lack of sleep, food or sex I do not know- went straight to the bathroom that was right outside our door. Yea, the women one. It was dead early, yet unfortunately for him, some other early bird beat him to the shower. I think you all know where this is going. What you don't know is that the woman in the shower that day happened to be my mom's friend ...... who weighed 170 pounds at the time (she was nice though, she gave me Cheerio :x). Man did she have powerful lungs. That day, the entire floor was jolted from sleep by the sound of her screaming... And my father actually ran from the dorm house still dressed in boxer shorts :)) And the rest is history (meaning we had to move out).

Ok, now that I've told my incredibly idiotic tale, I hope you abroaders could spare a little time to save my crusade or my seat as editor will go straight to hell. Por favor??
How interesting ^_^ !! Maybe I should find out more about this >:) HEHEHE :))

BTW, G' Luck on your TOEFL next week !! :D
:)), first what i thought was that ur dad got in to the wrong all- female bath room . Then: It was dead early, yet unfortunately for him, some other early bird beat him to the shower. Facing angry women in a female dominated place like that , ur dad was totally defenceless, got so perplexed :)) ONly ur mom tried to help ur dad to get out ànd , probably, the rest is history .:D Hey, Is that love at first sight?
oh, no one wanna share the good , the bad of ur campus life with us ?
sorry Chi Mai ,my campus , unfortunately , will be my aunt's home . (just 'll be) But who knows ! Hope i can tell my story then .
Wish i'll never exprience that!
DAd, tell "her" to post something! At least we'll know how she's going on!
to Chi Mai: I got your PM.. I promise I will write something about Smith College's campus once I get there. There should be somethin' unique about a women's college, rite? ;)
hey, CM, you never told me about that story....interesting :D...and Vũ, are you sure you would not want to experience that???
Isn't there anyone having some campus -related interesting stuffs to tell us? Bros and sis?
kekee.. I just wrote a short piece about first nite at Smith, gonna post here as soon as I get my laptop hooked up. So.. you will see what it means to be a girl at Smith :)) :)) can't be wilder :D
Thankx Hương, I'm going to die happy now...

Screw campus, why don't we change this to: "Write about your interesting experiences as an international student concerning living arrangement". Dương, ha phuong, do enlighten?
First night at Smith - After 1 night, I sum up some Smith rules:

Rule number one: There is nothing called embarrassment or shyness at Smith. Speak up and be yourself. Be as wild as you can, or actually, as you have always wished to. For the first night, we, the whole group of 20 international girls, went downtown to explore Northampton (if you have never heard of it, you’d better check it out.) We sang, danced along Main street, on the pavement, across the roads and in the park. Other people just cheered us all the time.(What else can they do anyway?) This is something you are supposed to see in Northampton. Some other guys turned the music in their cars out loud. Some other applauded. Others started dancing. Don’t be surprised. Northampton is famous for its people, who are all full of life and energy. You may see some hippy or manly girls here but that’s alright. Here, you can be whatever you want. No one minds if your clothes or hair is one of a kind. You know what, I bet Smith ranks number one in terms of people having tattoos or rings all over their bodies. There are tons of places to get pierced or a tattoo in Northampton. I don’t care since I already have those. b-)

Rule number two: Smith girls do appreciate art and especially music, partly because most of us are talented in art and partly due to our philosophy of respecting other people. We walked across a restaurant where there was a guy playing guitar and singing. We all stopped, sat down on the grass and listened to him. We cheered and applauded wildly. Suddenly, a girl having dinner inside the restaurant stood up, went to the micro and sang for us. No surprise. She is a Smith grad. “Best wishes to you, class of 2008. At Smith, girls go wild! Yahoo!!” ;;)

Rule number three: Don’t be hasty in judging people. You don’t know what it means to be a girl. A sexy and stylist girl walking outside with low-cut crop pants and a tube top, who keeps asking where to buy eyebrush may sit at your table talking continuously about Nai Paul’s dark novels or get several scholarships from both the English and Athletic departments. Last night when a girl started a small gymnastic performance, tons of other girls could do the same thing. They jumped high, rolled over, walked with their hands and so on. You will be shocked if you know those skinny girls have been so quiet during the day.

Finally, it is extremely hard to stand out at Smith. You think you are pretty, there are hundreds of hot, sexy, charming and gorgeous girls around you. You think you are smart, every single girl can name numbers of Shakespeare’s sonnets. You are fashionable, trust me, you will learn a lot about fashion just by looking around. Your style is sporty, oh, great, there are lots of people asking you to join their teams, or challenge you or just welcome you to join some fun games which require extensive amount of running. So you don’t have to stand out. But still, people will notice you simply because at Smith, we care about everyone. As sisters in a family, we learn to trust, share, and accept. Yeah, Smithies rock! :x
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
hah! that's suitable for our dear Minh Bon! it's his "dream school" :-&
Glad to hear you're having fun, Hương. You've got to admit no one would have imagined that such wildness would be connected to a women's college if they hadn't known =) And I know just the girl who would fit in there *so* well...
DH, your 3 rules are inspired from "The Transporter"?, aren't they?
here are just some short notes from my journal:
.../.... Falling down from the bed twice in a day. Oh my butt.
.../.... I went out of Farber Hall to come to Farinon Center to have dinner. Lan had told me to turn left. I turned left and walked all the way. After 25 minutes, I was there, in front of Farber Hall. I did make a round trip around Farber. Oh my Lan, she has a problem with left and right :))
.../... After drinking a lot of juice & milk (fat free, definitely) I went downstairs Farinon to go to the restroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, damn, I got sunburn during the Convocation last week now I looked like an African lady. Suddenly I realized I had left my purse outside. I went out and took it. And guess what? when I came back, the restroom from which I came out is named "Men".
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