Tuesday, 20 January 2004 09:33:49
MILAN - Outside his residence in Milan last night, Massimo Moratti made his first declarations after resigning from the Inter board of directors. He said: "It's not a drama, it's a decision that allows me to take a step back, which allows me to see things better, and nothing else."
Was the reason yesterday's [Sunday's] protest at the stadium?
"I saw one of the banners and it wasn't terrible."
But how did you arrive at this decision?
"It's something that on my behalf will give responsibility to who will take my place. I think Facchetti is the right person; it's an important role for me and it will allow me to be calmer."
But did everything stem from yesterday's [Sunday's] match?
"Yesterday's match certainly wasn't the best, from every point of view."
The majority of the fans can't imagine Inter without Moratti...
"The ownership doesn't change; this is something that also happens in other clubs."
You have given a strong sign which will make people reflect...
"If it has this effect, it's better."