Pack 4 - Eng

A man walks into a bar and sees a man sitting beside a 12 inch pianist. He walks up to the man and says, "That's amazing how did you get that." The man pulls out a bottle and tells him to rub it and make a wish. So he rubs the bottle and a puff of smoke pops out and grants him one wish. So the man thinks and says, "I wish I had a million bucks." The genie says, "OK, go outside and your wish will be granted."

So the man goes outside and all he finds is ducks filling the sky and roads. He goes back in and tells the man what happend and the man says, "I know, do you really think I wanted a 12 inch pianist."
When the train conductor saw the young couple screwing away in a compartment he used his radio to notify the police who boarded at the next station.

The girl was let off with a warning, but the bloke was charged with mounting and dismounting while the train was in motion and for having a first class ride while holding a second class ticket.
híc, em đã bẻo anh roài, post kiểu này chẳng ai thích đọc cả :(
Lần trước vẫn có nhiều người khen đấy thôi :D
Hé hé, ai khen vậy :)) Nhớ không nhầm thì là em :))
hay phết anh ạ :D nhưng em chỉ đọc được 5 bài đầu thôi.. :| :| (anh đừng post nhiều quá một lúc nhé :) )
Đấy, chị Hà nói đúng rồi, em cũng đã nói ngay từ đầu rồi, đọc xong đủ sức ngủ hết ngày
Đọc được trang đầu chịu thua không đọc nữa,từng lần một thôi,mệt lắm rồi.
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