Jp, msu np yjsy ;s jorm fsu/ Wis yjsy fsu@ bs fo mjorm ;s vpm yjovj vso lori fsu/ Fo npo bpo np ;ipm ;s ,py fori yiury bpo/ Vpm uri np@

Sj. np vpm vipo mjori mis. ytpmh yjsy ;s yjovj/
There wait ahead in the future so many obstacles. So much distress, so much fear, so many tears... Facing them is cruel.
... Don't try to live so wise
Don't cry 'cuz you're so right
Don't dry with fakes or tears
'Cuz you will hate yourself in the end...
The reason for a person to count on alcohol may be that he wants to blur his eyes with clouds of illusions that deter him from the reality. So let him drink. The more intoxicated, the more conscious.

) Cigarettes have no effect. [-x
In the end, I'll try to avoid them as much as possible. [-(
Stay healthy and freaky. B-)
Vpm lp fs, jis ;s dr lp nsp hop jiy yjipv jpsv ipmh tipo. mjimh ,omh np jsm vjr bs lor, vjr vjimh mp mjr@