Is there a right thing to torture women????

Trịnh Thường Trường An

Active Member
--Hi guys:D:D, I have a hot thing for you today. I'd like to introduce: sexual bonage, one of the biggest bussiness in the sex industry nowadays. Of course I don't support this idea :D (I forgot to write this sentence the last time and others misunderstand that I support, lol)

--You guys will think that I'm crazy, but let's be open minded, my comrades. Because Viet Nam wants to study the US market economy, so we'll also discuss about this bussiness.

--I don't think that guys who support the free bussiness have any reason to reject this idea. The consumers just demand for some hot pornographic materials and the the bussiness just satisfy them. The consumers have what they want, the bussiness have big money and also pay tax. So what's wrong with it???:D:D

--I don't think that guys who support the labour law can find any reason to reject this idea. The sexual industry workers volunteer to take their clothes off and they agree to be bonaged to gain money from their scenes. No one can say that they're forced to do these works. They have job, money, pleasure, orgasm. So what's wrong with it????:D:D

--I haven't found any US law that ban the women torture if these women want. So what's wrong with it???

--So do you guys think that we can also apply this bussiness to the Vietnamese market economy? (it also solve the unemployment problem of our country) :)):)):))

--But I know you guys are still afraid of sexual bonage and don't want to hear any thing about it :)):)) WHY?? Just because we're Vietnamese and this kind of bussiness is not (or not yet)belong to our culture. Suppose that you see your sisters, your daughters, or even your girlfriends are screaming (because of orgasm) to have money...uh...oh>:)>:)

--Mods, I'm sure you'll want to delete this topic because it "violates the Vietnamese culture". But I also know that a lot of you guys are studying abroad and you guys always propagandize about free speech, open mind... blah...blah. This topic is free speech, open mind,let's discuss.

--I don't care if my account is deleted. I'm tired of listening people propagandizing things such as free speech and open mind. I just want to practice them right now.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
hahhaha, please tell me you're joking!
Worst case scenario, you're actually being serious to a certain extent, then let us hang you up and cut you in half. :D (now i'm joking!)
Anyway, following your argument, we will surely be able to use more of less the same technique to demand an open drug market. And yeah, that'd bring a hell of tax as well. However, I truly hope you see the reason we can't have any thing as such.
We are Vietnamese, or Asian in general. We have our own cultural values that mentioned industries will do them a great harm when come to "existence" (by "existence", I meant popular recognition). The "sexual bondage (?)", for example, will introduce an official but easy way for women to get rich. In an online source, it says "Sexism in the job market that means that even middle- and upper-class women can earn more in sex work than in most other jobs available". As a result, under educated females, who are sadly still a majority in our society, will no longer feel the pressure to raise herself up. Additionally, it will definitely promote countless number of sexual transmitted diseases (STDs), among which many remain extensively deadly; but cureless. For the sake of simplicity, I won't even get into the indirect (nonetheless severe) consequences, such as family tradition and values, our children's future and so on.
For now, since you brought up the idea of an open economy with a classical U.S. example, I'm going to set aside all the intangible effects and solely focus on economical and political reasoning of the real world.
It's true that "Viet Nam wants to study the US market economy"; and IMHO, you are absolutely correct when using the word "study". The word means we learn what works, at the same time avoid what doesn't. For the last decades, the sex industry in the U.S. has been growing rapidly, generated billions of dollars for people involved. In the eyes of premature, it is therefore an appealing piece of cake that awaits to be raped alive. However, if you take a closer look at responsible people, such as those from the last generation and/or those who actually started all this, you will surely find their desperate concern regarding the matter. According to them, the sex industry is, on the one hand, not producing anything (except for unwanted births), and on the other hand, nurturing children, woman and even man predators. The kind of service the industry provides can be described precisely as "commercial sexual exploitation of children, man and woman". Hence, in spite of their promising revenue, political leaders have been trying to circumscribe their activities, in hoping that one day the industry will become relatively inactive. Lucky for Viet Nam, we have not had to face the problem yet, and it's good to avoid it as long as we can.
For further information, please refer to the following links:


So again, please tell me you're only joking! :d
--Don't worry, comrade, I don't support the idea of sex industryb-) . However, I'm not joking, I'm really serious because some guys ask me about the bad things of the "too free market economy" and I just give them an example/:) .

--I only know 2 types of sexual bonage:

1. a man forces a woman to make love with him (or a woman make a man to make love with her)
2. ... and those're what the crazy guys want to see in these movies.

--They're just movies, so don't worry, they have condom:D. But the dangerous thing is how it affects our people. Today, there're a lot of teenagers in Viet Nam use drugs and who is sure that those guys will not try sexual bonage if we have it.

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--Luckily, we haven't had those nightmares. (and I hope we'll never have them)

--About two months ago, there was a news that some casino companies invested in South East Asia and, in Viet Nam, people asked that should we allow Vietnamese to play casino legally to make more money and develope our economy, and "it satisfies the demand of citizen" (historian Dương Trung Quốc)

--It maked me think about the situation that one day, some companies in the sex industry will ask permission to invest in Viet Nam and those guys will say that it's acceptable because we can have money to develope our coutry.

--1000 years later, things may change. 1000 year later, we may sell our culture for that money, but now we don't.

--So brothers and sisters, wake up and stop thinking that "it's not my problem". It's our problem and we'll solve it together.

--Thanks for reading.

Pls remember that there are persons under 18 in the forum. I dont think you need those extreme examples to demonstrate your opinions :)
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối bởi người điều hành:
--It maked me think about the situation that one day, some companies in the sex industry will ask permission to invest in Viet Nam and those guys will say that it's acceptable because we can have money to develope our coutry.
--1000 years later, things may change. 1000 year later, we may sell our culture for that money, but now we don't.

Well, what you think might happen is not the same thing as what might happen or will happen. Your reasoning is not too bad, but it is just being paranoid. Such a collective culture like us doesn't allow selling cultural values. Why? I won't tell you, it is for you to figure out.

--So brothers and sisters, wake up and stop thinking that "it's not my problem". It's our problem and we'll solve it together.

No, it isn't a problem, there is nothing to solve except your hypothetical stuff, it doesn't even exist, and it has too little chance to come to existence for me or anyone, including YOU, to worry about.
--Hi, brother, long time no see. Thanks for your reply:D:D. I don't think that this problem doesn't exist for me because when I was about 5, living in HCM City and my neighbors are ... although they follow Catholic. 10 years later, I pick up a newspaper and this problem hasn't disappeared.
--I hope that all of us here can practice a little bit about open-mind:D. I feel that we're still afraid of talking about sex. In my opinion, if we can discuss seriously, it's easier to prevent some "sex accidents" such as having baby without purpose or STDs.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối bởi người điều hành:
First of all, clear answers and constructive discussions for this thread aredifficult for the fact that you are inconsistent with your positions, or perhaps you have none to propose. In order to engage myself in a discussion, first necessary information is required, hence please be generous of your time and effort to consider a few things of which would greatly benefit me and probably the thread as a whole:

In the opening thread, you hintedly implied an inclination toward the legality of sexual bondage based on the "free economy" argument.

However, on your second post, which is thread #3, you flip-floped around and based yourself on the moral and cultural ground, employed with emotional examples to gather support against the proposal you supported at first.

Moreover, you further complicated and confused the thread with the sentimental and earnestly plea to others: "So brothers and sisters, wake up and stop thinking that "it's not my problem". It's our problem and we'll solve it together". May I ask what is the problem to be solved here?

I hope that all of us here can practice a little bit about open-mind. I feel that we're still afraid of talking about sex. In my opinion, if we can discuss seriously, it's easier to prevent some "sex accidents" such as having baby without purpose or STDs.

Actually, what commerce of sexual satisfaction has anything to do with the prevention of "sex accidents", which is something entirely unrelated with the discussion you originally brought up?

In brief, it would be a stimulus and encouragement for more participations from others if the thread is more clear and consistent on what problem to be discussed, do you agree?

p/s: what did you do, you had a 30% of warning?
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
--Oops, I'm so sorry if you don't understand my English (just some rubbish stuffs)

--My idea is making a discussion about whether we can allow sex industry like in the USA or not.

--I thought that most of us are still afraid of talking directly about sex. So in order to make a discussion, I introduce some arguments of the supporters of sex industry. My bad is I didn't say that I don't support it in post #1. That's why you get confused with my opinion in post #3.

--"the problems" is the underground sex industry in Viet Nam. It contain not only the whorehouse but also the call girl and free street girl. The sad thing is many of these girls aren't poor, they just want to go shopping. Oh, if you support the sex industry, it's not the problem.

--You asked that what commerce of sexual satisfaction has anything to do with the prevention of "sex accidents". Ask yourself (or other men) that what do you want to do after watching it. May be you're the wisest guy I've ever met and you can dominate your demand of making love although you watch porn movies regularly. Unfortunately, many other men (even I) want to do it after watching it. And this's the reason of STD (if making love with whores) or having baby without purpose (if making love with girlfriend). Of course, it only happend if we don't use condom.

--About my 30% warn: because a rag names Hoa Học Trò (HTT) wrote something wrong about Ams school, I wrote an extreme stuff to oppose it. Ha ha:)) it makes me different from other and also remind me to be wiser.

--Once again, I'm sorry if it's difficult for you to understand.
Kkk~~~ This is just super duper cute ^-^

But somehow I don't find it very related to the name of your topic? @_@ Please excuse my ignorance #2 ^^''

My first impression reading your "free speech" is... wow wow wow.....WOW! (it's neither a good "wow" nor a bad one ^^)

No offense but... I'd rather argue with you about this issue ^^. I myself think "torture" is a BIG word in this case. Anyways, I used to think, who cares if one stupid woman gets banged IF SHE CHOSE TO. Stupid ppl, stupid choices are supposed to get served! (you know, :p that kinda snobby way of thinking you are more superior and you are more educated)

Now, my thinking has changed a lot, ^^ and I openly admit my ignorance, both now and then. If you are interested in economics; I presume you understand the most basic motto" Where there is demand, there shall be supply." I bet the one that first started the porno industry (yeah yeah yeah... the one that you men thank for so much pleasure ^^) is by no means a pervy women, but instead a fat bold guy that foresaw the great benefit from women's nature, and men's pleasure. (sorry, I exaggerated :p)

It was YOU, by you I mean you, you, you and... you ^-^ (Jeeze... who am I pointing at :p) that started it with the demand.

People tend to blame things only on surface, they blame the media for poisoning kids, the toys industry for causing violent behaviors, and even... the MTV for their kids' stupidity. Why don't they realize that... all of them started with a small tiny demand!

Okay, enough of bull***ting, :p my point is that. You are saying "they get money, fame and pleasure" right? ^^ Good point. But... is that really what they are looking for, or only because they don't have anything else to look for? Or is that, there is demand, there should be someone doing the dirty job that no-one else (such snobs that I am, thinking I am more superior to even look at it) wanna do? They are doing the dirty job for other women because there are such kind of beings called men that need that like cereal everyday! (just kidding) Meanwhile, those wives and younger women accuse them of being shameless and lascivious! That's a lil bit unappreciative aren't we? ^^


*Sigh* I really feel old... T___T need to back off already.

I apologize to those who find my crappy babbling offensive and... er ...have a great day! ::grinning stupidly::
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối bởi người điều hành:
Aww, little girl, don't be sorry. It's quite apparent that you don't know what you're talking about, so we won't judge you over that.
In any case, please take my following (totally unrelated) words as a brother's advise to his sister: change your signature!
I've read your posts (and therefore your "rule of thumb") on several occasions but never had a chance to actually tell you how disturbing it was. You might not give a damn about what others think; and it's perfectly understandable for a young lady, such as yourself, to have a strikingly ridiculous philosophy of life. However, I kindly suggest that you will do everything you can to (re)establish your public image as socially acceptable as possible. It is not only for others to have a right idea about you, but more importantly, to maintain your self-respect. If you ever lose that, you won't have any from anywhere else!
All the best,
--Thanks sis Đùi, you're really nice when you point out
sis Đùi đã viết:
It was YOU, by you I mean you, you, you and... you ^-^ (Jeeze... who am I pointing at ) that started it with the demand.
and now, let's discuss somethings to lessen these kind of men. :D:D:D
--Ah, you ask that
sis Đùi đã viết:
But... is that really what they are looking for, or only because they don't have anything else to look for?
--The bad thing is many girls need money to play, to go shopping and they satisfy this bad demand :(
aight dawg i have 1 thing to say be4 anythin else... U ROCKS!!! this s so far the most interestin topic in this place...
but aint ur title a bit off the case???
anyway, if ur wonderin if u can just walk into a store, produce a im-over-18 ID n then throw urself into a sea of unlimited porno wthout wrry bout the cop then srry, i dont think that s gunna happened soon... i mean THEY R STILL SAYIN THAT SEX-ED S IMPROPER...
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