mo? da`u 1 nga`y moi o topic na`y =))
I turn my head to the east, I don't see anybody by my side.
I turn my head to the west, still nobody in sight.
So I turn my head to the north, swallow that pill that they call pride.
That old's dead and gone but the new me will be alright.
-Dead and Gone-
Dựa vai nhau cho nhau yên vui ấm áp cuộc đời
Tìm môi nhau, cho nhau rã nát, rã nát tim đau
Only you
|___H2 - 2H___|
1 year
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find
Cuộc đời là cục........
ca^u cho^t" cua? THAI rat" y" nghia~ =))
doi` hoi` nguoi doc phai suy nghi~ sem tu` tiep" theo la` j`=))