Re: Hội Warcraft III HAO
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(Icons taken from )
Uses Terran Marine model.
Ryan - The Terran Marine
(icon link: )
Edit: If you don't want to use the name that appeared in other map, I have some other: Edmund Duke, Arcturus Mengsk
Affiliation: Sentinel
Range: 550 | |
Move Speed: 290 |
Primary: AGI
Str: 16 + 2.1 | Agi: 21 + 2.4 | Int: 12 + 1.6
Damage: 36 - 42 |
HP: 454 |
Mana: 156
HP Regen: 0.93 |
Mana Regen: 0.49
Attack Speed: 1.34 (+ 21% IAS) | Armor: 2
(icon link: )
Like Starcraft Terran's Ghost, he can fire a small missile to the enemy, when
the missile exlodes, it creates an electric sphere surrounding the target, makes him unable to
move or attack, but can still cast spells. If the target casts spell when locked down, he/she
will also be damaged by his/her spell.
Level 1: 75 mana, 2 second lock, 650 cast range, 15% damage of the spell that the target casts
Level 2: 100 mana, 3 seconds lock, 800 cast range, 25% damage of the spell that the target casts
Level 3: 125 mana, 4 seconds lock, 900 cast range, 40% damage of the spell that the target casts
Level 4: 150 mana, 5 seconds lock, 1000 cast range, 50% damage of the spell that the target casts
14 seconds cooldown for all levels
[G]renade Launcher:
(icon link: )
Ryan launches a grenade to the target location, dealing damage to units in
an area.
Level 1: 100 mana, 100 damage, 200 radius, 800 range
Level 2: 125 mana, 150 damage, 300 radius, 800 range
Level 3: 150 mana, 225 damage, 400 radius, 800 range, smoke effect (simply makes the player harder to see units), duration 2 secs
Level 3: 175 mana, 300 damage, 500 radius, 800 range, flare effect (slightly decreases targets sight range), duration 3 secs
20 seconds cooldown
(icon link: )
When use this, Raynor will attack and move faster, but will take damage to
himself. He can not use this ability if his current HP is less than 10% of his base HP.
Level 1: 25 mana, +5% movement, +10% attack speed, -5% current HP
Level 2: 50 mana, +10% movement, +15% attack speed, -10% current HP
Level 3: 75 mana, +20% movement, +25% attack speed, -15% current HP
Level 4: 100 mana, +30% movement, +50% attack speed, -20% current HP
Lasts 20 seconds
Flame Thro[w]er:
(icon link: )
Raynor changes from machine gun to flame thrower gun to deal damage to multi
units simultaneously and his attack will have the burning effect. The target units will
be burned and take damage overtime. In the last 3 seconds of the burning duration,
the target can not cast spells.
Level 1: Change to flame thrower for 10 seconds, burn the target 10
damage/sec for 10 seconds. 100 mana.
Level 2: Change to flame thrower for 15 seconds, burn the target 15
damage/sec for 15 seconds. 150 mana.
Level 3: Change to flame thrower for 20 seconds, burn the target 20
damage/sec for 20 seconds. 200 mana.
120 seconds cooldown
Note: Can be used with Stimpack. The target will only be burned once. Flame
thrower damages and burns all units around the target (like chaos type, but
does not deal chaos damage)
- Decrease strength bonus points per level
- Added some effects to 1st ability and ulti
- Why the strength grows fast per level? --> This is a combat hero, he doesn't have assassinate skill like Sniper, and he's ranged, then he must be stronger to fight. In return, I decreased his intelligence for balancing