...::::: Come on, let's TALK ^^ :::::...

Nguyễn Trang Thư

New Member
;;) ;) We're not allowed to chit chat that topic :( but we can talk here, makin' friends, smiles & everythin' we want :p.
:> E-Club welcome all.
For startin' ....
:* Don't refuse if we touch u
=D> this is just what I needed, making new friends, especially the ones at home, its been too long I'm away :( nice to meet u again sis Thư :) u r from Hóa 2 just like me :)>- if thầy Phức happens to be ur homeroom teacher, please send him my respect :x

I'd like to say hi to mod Diệu Hương too, we just met in New York and DC didnt we ;)

to bro HA, where r u for the summer man? When does school start? What do u say we plan a Midwest get-together this Thanksgiving or something, the idea just hit me :beerchug:
he he, :x love chatting ^_^

@ Lâm : where r u in the US now :D
hi there Hoa, right now I'm in Boston in the east coast, but I'm going back to school in 3 weeks and school is in Chicago the heart of midwest America :D
@ Lâm : Uncle Tuấn is now in Boston to ^_^ If you meet him, say hello for me ^_^

so when will u be back VN ?
Welcome sis Hoa ;) I'm a newbie too, so U & I R the same :p
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Đinh Ngọc Lâm đã viết:
=D> this is just what I needed, making new friends, especially the ones at home, its been too long I'm away :( nice to meet u again sis Thư :) u r from Hóa 2 just like me :)>- if thầy Phức happens to be ur homeroom teacher, please send him my respect :x

I'm ur sis :p ok? :D

My homeroom teacher is Mrs Mỹ .... u know?
One minute for commercial :D

Have you ever expressed your thoughts and shared your feelings in words? If you love English and writing, here is something that might attract your attention :)
@ Hoa: uncle Tuấn :-/ i dont think i know him, there's a big number of students and scholars in Boston u know, what does he do here?

I'm trying everything i can to make it home this coming XMas for our school's big day :x but i have to say it will be very difficult for me as a last-year student :( :(( You're a last-year too right :D what's your plan after Ams? Abroad or home?

Thư: u'r my sis, great! :D
I know Mrs My, I just never had her before :-B

Just checking for possible neighbors :p where do u guys live? I'm very close to school, 1 minute walking from Triển lãm Giảng Võ :)>-
Đinh Ngọc Lâm đã viết:
@ Hoa: I'm trying everything i can to make it home this coming XMas for our school's big day :x but i have to say it will be very difficult for me as a last-year student :( :(( You're a last-year too right :D what's your plan after Ams? Abroad or home?

Oh dear , hope to meet you soon. He he, I'm a last-year so i have lost of confused things to do 8-} bla, bla, bla, studying makes me mad :|

After Ams, UK coming :D
If I can come home this December it'll be great to see you and everybody back at school :x oh man I'll just pray for Heaven's mercy to grant me a trip home [-o< :((
Enjoy the last year at Ams Hoa, it's my the best year of my life so far :x But hey, why the UK! The UK is nice, the US sucks, but that's why we need more over here to make it rock! :D

sis Thư, "20 năm công lực", of course it's mine :p it's 20 for a couple more days and then it'll be 21 :>
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
:(, I want to be home this X-MAS 2 :((, but my gfriend can't go back then :(, so probably we will go back in the summer :(. Man, I want to be at home in Dec so bad :((
That's so cute, Lâm, u r look like my bro ;) :D kind, handsome & really ... friendly (oh, I hope that's the truth :> )

HA bro: :p MP ss'll come 2 u soon, so dont sad like that. I think u'll have fun ;)

I'm still in VN this & next X-Mas, I'll tell u everythin' here^^ :D << a good volunteer ;;) :> Bravo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
thanks for the compliment Thư! but whether it is true or not :D it's not for me to say, so why not chat some more and then we'll both know :D I'm adding u in my YM >:-D<

and if I can't get home this December either :( u tell me everything too ok :p not just HA [-(
:D :D you don't have to be jealous like that bro Lâm [-x, you should go and try to return home this DEC and see it for yourself :D no IF if around here [-x :D
dude, i'm just trying to consider every possibilities alright :D and why no IF? what do u think we're doing here in America ;)
I am in AMERICA to play as much sports as I can, while meeting people from different countries to enrich my knowledge and get a few degrees :-s , now where is the world IF :-? [-x b-) :p
what if u get injured while playing sport, what if the people u meet are a**holes, and dont even get me start on the "get a few degrees" part :D Anyway, lets not argue about this, I think its not appropriate for sis Thư's lets-talk topic :p
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
[-x, I don't want to hear no if from you [-x, too much bad if :D, why can't you think of any good one :(( :D
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