Who is the winner?

Nguyễn Đăng Linh

Điều hành viên
Every day a nine-year-old boy walks home from school past a nine-year-old girl's house. One day he is carrying a football and stops to taunt the little girl. He holds up the football and says, "See this football? Football is a boy's game and girls can't have one!" The little girl runs in the house crying and tells her mother about the encounter. Her mother promptly goes out and buys her daughter a football. The next day the boy is riding home on his bike and the girl shows him the football, yelling, "Nah-na-nah-na-nah." The little boy gets mad and points to his bike. "See this bike? This is a boy's bike and girls can't have them!" The next day, the boy comes by and the little girl is riding a new boy's bike. Now he is really mad. So he drops his pants, points at his private parts and says, "You see this? Only boys have these and your mother can't go buy you one!" The next day as he passes the house he asks the little girl, "Well, what do you have to say now?" So she pulls up her dress and says, "My mother told me that as long as I have one of these, I can have as many of THOSE as I want!"
Bà mẹ này... :-? :-? :-?
Có phải là em N ko nhỉ :p :)) :)) :))
Thông minh vãi lúa :mrgreen:
cả 2 đứa này đều bị mắc bệnh khoe hàng à:mrgreen:
Thằng nhóc thì chỉ thắng được con nhóc, còn mẹ nó thì.......đợi 20 năm nữa :)):))
Khi 25 tuổi, cậu nhóc lại tán tỉnh cô bé......nhưng lại thua bà mẹ 50 tuổi của cô gái .....mãi típ thế cho đến ngày......có một người ra đi...mãi mãi :D:D:)):))
và lúc đấy that của cô bé đã có this của cậu bé
đúng như bà mẹ đã tiên tri
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