Voodoo Dildo

Nguyễn Quỳnh Anh

New Member
A man and his wife were addicted to sex. The man had to go abroad on a business trip, and knowing his wife would need a shag, told her to buy a dildo. She agreed.

The next day, the woman went to a sex shop and asked for a dildo that would satisfy a sex addict. She was told that there was a Voodoo dildo which could do anything you tell it to. e.g if you said "voodoo pussy", it would ram itself up your pussy and **** you.

The woman decided to buy the dildo, but she couldn't wait to get home to use it. So, in the car, she said "Voodoo mouth" and the dildo went in her mouth and covered her face. And she crashed into a police car.

When the cop came to ask her what had happened, she explained that she had a "voodoo" dildo that could do anything you asked it to.

He replied sarcastically, "voodoo my arse!!"
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