Trần Việt Thụy
New Member

It is only in recent years that Vietnam began to recover from war and poverty. Only these few years back, the economy began to develop; life expectancy has been improved. People do not have to worry much about their food for survival so they had more time for entertainment. Moreover, football, the world’s famous sport, began to conquer Vietnamese past time. Although the investment in football is not high, players are not rich, football has caught the attention of the whole country. People watch football with great enthusiasm, they yelled, they cheered and they celebrated whenever the national team wins a match. Football players are considered heroes for they represent the whole country when Vietnam played with other countries. In a match, only 11 players have to fight for victory. However, outside the football fields millions of fans are watching them with excitement and anxiety. The whole country seems to be those people’s fellows. So how is football in Vietnam?
Actually, football did not come to Vietnam until the colonialism of the French. Only after independence did football gain its popularity. At that time, there were only a few teams with poor teaching equipment, stadiums, and money investment. Then with the consideration of the government, there were big changes just within a few years. Many football clubs are founded; generations of young and talented players are born. Vietnam’s football began to bloom. So the national team started to win a few places in some regional tournaments such as the Tiger cup, SEA games etc…Under the instruction of coach Weigang, Colin Murphy and Alfred Riedl, The national team has made more and more success each day. The many football clubs are known all over the country. Names of excellent players like Hùynh Đức, Hồng Sơn, Sĩ Hùng, Đỗ Khải are praised every where. The latest success made was the silver medal in SEA games 22. Without the unlucky defeat 1-2 by Thailand's golden goal. Vietnam would have won the championship that the whole country was wishing for. However, it was good enough because Vietnam’s football and proudly announce that it is one of the four best teams in South East Asia.
The road to real success is still hard to roll on. Vietnamese football players and the whole country are doing their best catching up with other countries in the world. It is still a difficult time for Vietnamese football. Let's hope that some day, our football team can catch up with the world and gain much more success.

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