Ur Objective !!!!!!!!!!!

Mọi người ơi có thể chuyển đề tài sang một hướng khác ko?
Hey Thục Anh. U say to me or Mr Nguyên Chương ???

Life is so short so we have to try our best to live. Time never wait for us !
hihi , em noi cho tat ca moi nguoi ma .

Love can't be touched , it must be felt by ur heart :)
:) Yep...it's true,rite?The love that is spoken out and shared to many of us may not be so much precious as the love that is only felt inside our hearts!
My love for YOU (and someone else...like....)will never change!!!!!
Though i may go with some other ones ..i will always give hope a chance!And keep the deepest place in my heart for ......
Time goes too fast. I'll say goodbye to you someday. What can I do without you? You're a very important part of my life. Please treasure the time we have together, my dearest.
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