SVUK Cup III-Birmingham

Trần Việt Thụy

New Member
SVUK Cup - The history

Back to this time 2 years ago when a friendly match between Vietnamese students in Birmingham and Leeds was held in Leeds . The result of the match wasn't so important but what happened after has affected all Vietnamese students in the UK up until now. Soon after the match finished, our football lovers sat down besides the pints. An innocent idea of a football tournament between Vietnamese students all over the UK was inspirited. This idea was quickly passed around the UK and Nottingham Viet-soc decided to host the first Tournament in Easter 2003. There were 12 best teams from North to South, East to West of the UK , e.g. London , Cambridge , Leeds, York … with more than 300 players, supporters and spectators. After 2 days, the home team Nottingham 1 won the first Champion; London 3 became the runner up.

With the successfulness of this SVUK cup, most of students agreed that the event should become an annual event for Vietnamese student community in the UK . And in the year 2004, city of Cambridge with young Cambridge Vietnamese Society made the SVUK Cup II the biggest activities ever for students. 20 teams participated in 3 days Tournament at The Leys Sport Centre, city of Cambridge . Especially, there was a Guest came from the other side of the English Channel, a team of Vietnamese student in France . Nearly 500 people experienced not only the atmosphere of a Champion Cup, but also spent the great time together. Supporters and players did have the most enjoyable time with excited special games of Cambridge : The Punting. Moreover, along with Football Tournament is a Snooker cup also organized by Cambridge . Finally, London 3, the ex-runner raised the Cup after a terrifying match with team from France . The winning only came to Londoner after the heartbreak Penalty shot out. London 1 and Nottingham 1 share the 3 rd place. This is actually a really successful event for both the Organizer and Participants

One-year time has gone so quick, now, this is time for us to think about the 3 rd Tournament. Birmingham , the 2 nd biggest city in the UK has been chosen by majority of Vietnamese student all over the UK to host of SVUK cup III.



Bristol - London1: 1-2
Oxford - Soton: 2-2
London1 - Oxford: 4-0
Soton - Bristol: 3-0
Bristol - Oxford: 0-8
Soton - London: 0-3


YorkScar - London3: 0-0
Northampton - Manchester: 2-1
London3 - Northampton: 2-0
Manchester - YorkScar: 1-0
London3 - Manchester: 3-0
YorkScar - Northampton: 0-1


Leeds - Birmingham: 0-0
Leicester - North London: 1-0
Birmingham - North London: 2-0
Leeds - Leicester: 1-0
Leeds - North London: 2-2
Birmingham - Leicester: 3-1


Nottingham1 - Norwich: 2-2
Newcastle - London2: 2-1
Nottingham1 - Newcastle: 1-2
Norwich - London2: 0-1
Newcastle - Norwich: 1-2
Nottingham - London2: 2-0


London3 - Oxford 3-0
London1 - Northampton 2-1
Newcastle - Leeds 1-1 (penalty: 1-0)
Birmingham - Nottingham 3-0


London3 - Newcastle: 2-1
London1 - Birmingham: 1-0


London3 - London1: 3-1

Stunningly but not suprisingly, LONDON3 successfully defended their title!
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Unfortunately,the link of the pixs is die so i cant see them :( Anyway SVUK III was really interesting and attracted lots of students. London 3 was very strong and they beat their competitors quite easily (score 14 goals in 6 matches)..Very proud to be one of the fans of LD 3 :>

Nicely done
Đáng lẽ chú cũng có thể phân tích thêm chút nữa về LD 3. VD như ghi 14 bàn trong 6 trận thì ko phải là nhiều (có 2.3 bàn 1 trận) [tùy vào tg đấu bao nhiêu, sân to thế nào, bao nhiêu người mỗi đội], nhưng hàng thủ thì rất chắc chắn, chỉ để thugn 2 bàn ở trận BK và CK... Nói qua một chút về thủ môn của giải, vua phá lưới, MVP.... được ko?
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