TO Linh Ngân
Story of Linh Ngân, a happy goddess.
In a faraway land, where there are many stars living with the sun and the moon

(interesting?), lives a beautiful goddess, named Silver (well?). Her mind is full of music, she sings all days and nights making all living beings sleepless

(well?). The head-god HAHAHAH becomes afraid of what she is causing

and decides to send her to the Musicland. It is one of the most wonderful land in HAO kingdoom (no, I do not misspell

), where people talk about what they call music, all kinds. It is impossible for anyone to bear the clattering sounds throughout this land, particularly when they come to Rock. She is a patron of this land, and the work is hard for this soft and fragile girl.
The Musicland is her office by day, at night she returns to 11th cloud

to rest. The residents here love her so much that they beg her to become the goddess of this cloud. At first, Silver denies, but conflicts bust out all over the 11th cloud resulted in many casualties. She is deeply moved by how miserable the life around her is. And Money decides to appeal to HAHAHAH ( still remember who he is?) to give her more power so that she can work at night in cloud number 11. Believing in her ability, HAHAHAH agrees and appoints Pine, a strong but inexperienced angel to help her. Everything goes on like a dream until...
One day, a messenger from HAHAHAH ascends from heaven to the 11th cloud and he witness the careless act of Pine, who is too enthusiastic with his new job. Pine has put a finger in the land where the peasants of cloud number 11 are ploughing (j/k) with neither good nor bad intention (well?)

. However, Silver is very sad, she accuses Pine of abusing his power and runs to HAHAHAH. Her tears fall down like rain. She begs the head-god to take away Pine’s magic. As an ordinary god, he tells her to be calm and give Pine another chance to make up for his mistakes. Silver recalls every sad moment of a goddess’ life and decides to returns forever to the Musicland.
Well, the story may end here but it is for children After several days of deeply thinking, Pine and Silver realize how foolish they are. They have been too selfish. The two decide to leave behind all disputes and sacrifice themselves for Cloud number 11 where the people cannot live without them. Even now, they are still enjoy a happy life that make everyone jealous

. When you travel to the Musicland, you can hear Silver’s sweet voice accompanied with the harmonious mumble of the Pine forest
