Pack 5 - Eng típ ^^

Võ Thanh Trọng Nhân

New Member
Two blondes are waiting on a bus stop, when a bus pulls up and opens the door. One of the blondes leans inside and asks the driver: "Will this bus take me to 5th Avenue?"
The bus driver shakes his head and says, "No, I'm Sorry."
At this the other blonde leans inside, smiles and twitters: "Will it take ME?"
Then there was a man who said, "I never knew what real happiness was until I got married; then it was too late."
The country doctor was just returning from a delivery at an outlying ranch, when he crossed paths with the town gossip.
"Doctor Wilson, How is the Smith baby?"
The Doctor was in a good mood so he thought he might have a little fun, so he replied.
"Well, the child was born without a penis."
"Oh my goodness!"
"But she'll have a damn nice place to put one in 18 years."
Male: If I saw you naked, I'd die happy.
Female: If I saw you naked, I'd die laughing.
So the doctor tells the patient he's got only six months to live. But the patient doesn't pay his bill on time, so the doctor gives him another six months.
Short skirts have a tendency to make men polite.
Have you ever seen a man get on a bus ahead of one?
When you walk into the classroom and say good morning...
When they say good morning back, it's Freshmen.
When they put their newspapers down and open their books, it's Sophomores.
When they look up so they can see the instructor over the tops of the newspapers, it's juniors.
When they put their feet up on the desks and keep reading, it's seniors.
When they write it down, it's graduate students.
An exhausted hunter out in the wilds stumbled into a camp. "Am I glad to see you." he said. "I've been lost for three days."
"Don't get too excited friend." the other hunter replied. "I've been lost for three weeks."
"Take a bunch of flowers home for your wife, sir," urged the street vendor.
"I haven't got a wife," replied the young man.
"Then buy a bunch for your sweetheart."
"I don't have a sweetheart, either."
"Well then, buy a couple of bunches to celebrate your luck."
Anh đã giảm số lượng xuống đáng kể rồi đấy em ạ. Sao em khó tính thế? /:)
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