Old storree, buh would still make you laugh

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New Member
One day a guy walked into a bar and saw at the back of the bar a horse with a sign around his neck that read make me laugh and drink all night for free. So the guy sat down to think and have a couple of beers. Finally he said I got it. He took the horse in the back and brought him in laughing his head off.
The bartender, in amazement of course let him drink all night for free. The next night the guy walked into that same bar and saw a horse in the back of the bar with a sign that read make me cry and drink all night for free. Well, again the guy sat down and had a few beers while he thought. Finally he said i got it. He took the horse in the back and brought him in bawling his eyes out. The bartender, in amazment let him have a few beers then asked, "How did you do it, not single person could do it." "Well," he said, "..."
What did he say then?:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I kno this storee's quite old...mabe you have read it somewhere...but thats okay...tell those who havent what he said...will you?:mrgreen:
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