Nhật ký 2

I can do nothing if I can't do something my way
I must be crazy following every word you say

Call the police
'Cause I've lost control and I really want to see you bleed
Kể ra thì mình cũng ghét dọn nhà :( vì mỗi lần dọn nhà :( lại phải vứt đi bao nhiêu thứ :( mà vứt đi thì buồn :( năm nay mình vứt đi hơi bị nhiều :(( sốc nhỉ :-s
too many weird things happened ...

I'm feeling strange ... sth must be wrong ...


I passed by.... it was so close, I felt like I couldn't breathe at all....

You are near, but I've never felt this far...
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
He cannot die by a bitch, but by the beach when the sun comes down, sad and low. Because he's gay. And he has a brain cancer, or so it seems. On the verge of his life, he abandoned, and then made up with his beloved. He has left his life to a couple, the husband of which is sterile. 3 months. He cries or smile (I'm not sure) when he dies.

Time to Leave. It makes me sad for the whole day long and the whole nightmare long.
sao mình còn ko tìm đc cái câu này của mình ở đâu cơ í :"> :mad:)

24-11-2008, 11:39 PM, HAO của mình 100 posts/page đó mà

You asked me if i was sad, I said nah.. shit's just the same.. No reason to be sad, really. Well I guess I lied.

'Cos I was. and I still am. I really wished it could've been different, for all of us.

Then I asked if you could support me, you said nope, of course not. So simple and straightforward, yet.. disheartening*sigh* . I was childish enough to believe that you would agree with whatever crazy thing I plan on doing, after all you're my very best friend. Hey don't feel bad, I'm not blaming you. I guess it wouldn't be possible to do otherwise in your place... but I know I would never have chosen to be in that place if i were you..

If only we were wise enough, to foresee the consequences...

But hey, someone said, we can see but not affect what is past, and we can only affect the future, but not see it. Who knows, if i try, maybe, maybe, one day... maybe you'll say yes..

or i just won't ever need you to
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Đêm say xỉn đã khiến ng viết bài trên gõ xai trính tã ;)) dễ thương vãi...
and I always know how sad you are

and the only reason I said no is I wanted to be ready to catch you, if you fall

still, I wish you would never fall, one more reason for my answer..
uầy! Tự nhiên ấn thế nào ra mấy cái post từ tháng 8 năm 2007 của mng. Thế nào mà những vđề được đem ra bàn luận lại trùng lặp với bây giờ thế không biết :O
Hayya, đúng như cô Oanh dạy Sử nói roài, "Lịch sử là hình xoáy chôn ốc, nó lặp lại nhau và bổ sung thêm sự phát triển" thoai. blahblahblah

Mình đang thích bài "Ta yêu nhau từ Buôn Mê Thuật, HỰ HẠ HỰ HẠ HỰ!"
Tú anh sao học giỏi thế nhờ :| mình chả nhớ được các thầy cô đã dậy những gì :">


I'm so hungry, so tired, so miss you, so fed up of what I'm doing, and I desperately want to be there right now, right now, and I just can't stop myself from feeling this way....... just don't wanna be a fool again ..................
:)) rất hợp với những gì chúng ta đã nói hôm nay :">
Một tỉ năm rồi mình mới trở lại đây :">
Send someone to love me
I need to rest in arms
Keep me safe from harm
In pouring rain

Give me endless summer
Lord I fear the cold
Feel I'm getting old
Before my time

As my soul heals the shame
I will grow through this pain
Lord I'm doing all I can
To be a better man
Sometimes I feel as I cannot move on. Nothing is wrong. If I were an empty iron tank, there must have been a big bang exploding inside.
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